host must win

Chapter 167

Chapter 167
The news that Yin Jun helped Manchester United reach the Champions League final was sent back to China, and the fans were all excited.

This is the first time that a Chinese player has entered the final of a major European competition, and it is also the final of the most important UEFA Champions League!
In the past, Chinese fans could only envy players from South Korea and Japan who made it to the major European competitions, but now they can feel proud, because the Chinese have also entered the finals of major European competitions, and they put a David satellite at one time, directly entering the competition. The Champions League final!

The most important thing is that in the process of Manchester United reaching the Champions League final, Yin Jun is not a soy sauce role, but the absolute core of the midfield, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one hero.

In all 18 UEFA Champions League matches (including 2 qualifying matches) that Manchester United has played this season, Yin Jun has played 12 games, and the proportion of appearances does not seem to be high.But if you look closely at his appearances, you will find that of the 6 games he did not play, 2 were qualifying matches, and 3 were insignificant group matches after Manchester United had secured the qualification for promotion. Because of his participation in the national team competition.

It can be said that Yin Jun participated in all the key battles of Manchester United in the Champions League this season.Especially after entering the quarterfinals, Yin Jun did not miss any games.

In the two quarter-finals against Real Madrid, Yin Jun contributed 3 shots and 1 pass, and directly participated in 8 of Manchester United's 4 goals. He was an absolute contributor to Manchester United's elimination of the Galaxy Battleship.

In the UEFA Champions League semi-final against Juventus, Yin Jun once again sent 2 goals and 1 assist, accounting for 5% of all 60.00 goals scored by Manchester United!
Especially in the game that just ended, Yin Jun's goal at the last minute of regular time directly killed Juventus!

Moreover, Manchester United's first goal in this game should actually be counted in Yin Jun's name, but it was officially recorded as Buffon's own goal.

And browsing the two lists with the most weight in the Champions League, you will find that Yin Jun ranks second in the scorer list with 11 goals, second only to teammate Ruud van Nistelrooy; and in the assist list, he is even more Topped the list with 8 assists!

With such an outstanding performance, Yin Jun has not only attracted huge attention in China, but also a hot new superstar in the whole of Europe.

Even, his influence, with Manchester United winning the Premier League and reaching the Champions League final, has gradually broken away from the category of rookies and has become a phenomenal star.

In the entire European football world, the last player who was so dazzling in his rookie season was named Ronaldo!
In August 1994, Ronaldo, who was not yet 8 years old, joined the Eredivisie team Eindhoven from far away Brazil for a price of 18 million US dollars.

In his first season, he scored 33 goals in 30 games of the Eredivisie League and 35 goals in 35 games in the whole season. He became the best shooter in the history of the Eredivisie League. team attention.

Eight years later, in the summer, Yin Jun came from the east of the world, bringing the silver boots of the World Cup and being selected to the best team of the World Cup, and came to the Premier League giants Manchester United at a "sky-high price" of 8 million pounds.


Unlike Ronaldo, who did not get any team results but enjoyed personal honors, although Yin Jun did not gain too many personal honors, he helped Manchester United win the Premier League and the League Cup, and reached the Champions League final.

Many European media have already compared Yin Jun with Ronaldo. Although the two seem to have too many differences, the most obvious point is: Ronaldo is a striker, while Yin Jun is a midfield commander.

But they also have one thing in common, and that is extraordinary talent!


After the second round with Juventus, Manchester United took a chartered flight that night and returned to Manchester from Turin.

The Premier League is over, and Manchester United has only the last Champions League final left in this season, so Manchester United can focus on preparing for this game in the next two weeks.

Because of sufficient time, after the Manchester United team returned to Manchester, Ferguson gave the team a two-day holiday, and resumed training on May 5, which is Sunday morning.

However, during the two days of rest, Manchester United players are very busy.Because of reaching the Champions League final, Manchester United has become the hottest team in Europe at present, and the players have also become the targets of big and small media.In the past two days, Manchester United players have accepted some media interviews, even exclusive interviews.

Among the Manchester United players, Yin Jun may not be the player with the highest attention, but he is also one of the players with the highest attention.With his outstanding performance, Yin Jun has not only gathered a large number of fans in China, but also has a large number of fans in Europe and other parts of the world.Not only domestic media rushed to Manchester, hoping to interview Yin Jun, but even several major sports media in the UK and Europe contacted Yin Jun, hoping to interview Yin Jun.

Yin Jun chose two of them to be interviewed, one is CCTV [-] in China and the other is Sky Sports in the UK.

The CCTV reporter who came to interview Yin Jun was Yin Jun's acquaintance Mr. Bai.After the World Cup last summer, Teacher Bai interviewed Yin Jun.So this time the two sides met again, and with a certain understanding of each other, the conversation was very good, and the interview went smoothly.

And one day later, Sky Sports sent to interview him was also his acquaintance, that Christy Gallacher who is known as the most beautiful fan in Britain.

This is already the third time that this beautiful reporter from Sky TV has interviewed Yin Jun, and Yin Jun doesn't quite understand why Sky TV frequently sends this hard-core fan of Liverpool, Manchester United's arch-enemy, to interview him. She regarded her as the "queen" reporter who interviewed her.

But no matter what, Yin Jun is also happy to cooperate with her again when the first two interviews went well.On the one hand, it was because the previous two cooperations were quite pleasant, and there were not too many tricky angles. On the other hand, it was purely sensory factors. After all, everyone likes beauty.

Of course, it is precisely because of the first two interviews that the other party did not ask too tricky questions that made him difficult, which made Yin Jun feel good, otherwise Yin Jun would have rejected the other party's interview a long time ago, even in the UK where he chose to be interviewed this time. The media will not be Sky Sports.

(End of this chapter)

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