host must win

Chapter 168 Kirsty

Chapter 168 Kirsty

"What's wrong with you?" A faint mist of coffee lingered between the two of them.

"It's nothing, it's all about the team." Yin Jun shook his head and gently stirred the silver spoon in the coffee cup.

Sky Sports' exclusive interview with Yin Jun this time was conducted at Yin Jun's home. The overall appearance was very relaxed and the interview went smoothly.

After accepting the exclusive interview with Sky Sports, Kirsty invited Yin Jun again to come out for a sit-down.Because there was no one at home, my aunt Lu Qi had already returned to China with the CCTV interview team the day before, and arranged for Yin Jun’s relatives and friends to come to Old Trafford to watch the Champions League final. Yin Jun, who was a little lonely at home, hesitated He agreed immediately.

Kirsty was very sensitive to the man's mind-wandering in front of her. His gaze was so focused that even when his mind was wandering, he could feel that the man was thinking seriously, rather than dreaming aimlessly.

Yin Jun also realized the inquiring gaze of the woman opposite, smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "I'm sorry, I was a little distracted, and I thought of other things."

"Oh, what made you think so preoccupied?" Kirsty asked with a smile, there seemed to be no other pressure with this little man from the East, unlike some men who stared at themselves like awls , making people uncomfortable and frightened.

"Well... keep it secret, we can't say it yet." Yin Jun didn't want to lie to deceive the other party, so he simply told the truth.

Kirsty was also a little surprised, she didn't expect the other party to answer herself in such a way, and immediately asked: "I can't say it for the time being, that means I might be able to say it in the future? It's not about football, right?"

"Well, it has nothing to do with football, some of my personal affairs." Yin Jun laughed, "Why, are you also very interested in my personal affairs, just like I am to you?"

The previous question made Kirsty a little embarrassed, but the following sentence immediately resolved her embarrassment.

The other party didn't seem to hide his interest in him at all, and the aggressive gaze stayed on him all the time, but it was not the greedy and full gaze that he usually felt, but a kind of straightforwardness and appreciation with confidence, Of course, there is also such a faint but looming possessive desire.


She glanced at Yin Jun coquettishly. Kirsty didn't answer the question, but just picked up the coffee cup and took a small sip. She turned her eyes out of the window again, but her mind stayed on the little man.

Yin Jun is undoubtedly an excellent man, but he does not belong to him.There is not only a huge age gap between myself and him, but also many other barriers.

Kirsty knew that there were already many scandals about herself and Yin Jun in England, and it all started with her first exclusive interview with him.I thought that the behavior of asking the other party to this coffee gallery was already secret enough, but unexpectedly, it was discovered by the all-pervasive paparazzi and published in the "Sun".

Kirsty originally wanted to clarify these scandals, but to her surprise, Yin Jun, who she thought should be more anxious, didn't seem to care about these scandals at all.

Many men are salivating at her. It's not clear that Kirsty, even some colleagues and leaders, until the scandal between herself and this man came out, these people seemed to be unwilling to restrain themselves.

This made Kirsty feel both sad and ridiculous. She actually needed an unfounded scandal to protect herself, and at that time it seemed that she had only met this man once.

Gossip can kill people, but I didn't expect that it can also help people.

This man does not seem to be afraid of this kind of scandal that may have a great impact on his future at Manchester United, because such things can be learned from the past. For example, Beckham, who had a relationship with Ferguson this season, is not because of Beckham Victoria behind Ham?

Is it because the guy doesn't plan on staying at United long-term so he doesn't care, or does he find a sneaky approach like this both secretive and irritating and makes him happy?


Kirsty didn't even know how she would invite her again, and came to this coffee lounge where there were rumors about the two of them going on a secret date.

Perhaps it was this kind of cheating-like behavior that gave her an inexplicable excitement. She longed for a little fresh change in the boring and closed life that had lasted for several years, and longed for a breath of fresh and moist breath to penetrate into her dry life. The long-awaited heart, nourishing the withered flower of the soul?
The melodious saxophone echoed in the coffee corridor, as if a mixture of angels and ghosts hidden in the darkness were constantly wandering in the gaps in the air. Kirsty felt the change in the brightness of the other party's eyes, and put her hands on the coffee table a little uneasy. On the stage, in order to block the other party's all-pervasive gaze, she realized that something might happen today, but before she sent an invitation to him, didn't she also have this premonition?But I still took the initiative to invite the other party.

What should I do?

Yin Jun's scorching eyes seemed to penetrate the opponent's consciousness of resistance, and he wanted to force the opponent to submit with energy. The shyness and restlessness of the opponent made him even more inexplicably excited. To be precise, he was like a man in love. Bulls stare at their prey with red eyes.

Realizing that this situation is not good for her, Kirsty cleverly avoided the other party's provocative gaze, and shifted the topic to Yin Jun's previous football career.

Although Yin Jun is already a well-known star in England and even in European football, Europeans' understanding of Yin Jun is still very limited.On the one hand, Yin Jun's football career is too short. He only started playing campus football at the age of 13, and it has only been five years since he started.And his professional football career is only four years.

For those European players who have been exposed to professional football training from the age of five or even earlier, Yin Jun's football experience is really short.

But it was such a brief experience that made many people curious, and Kirsty was no exception.

Yin Jun, who was distracted, could only helplessly accept this reality. This woman's cautious and vigilant mentality is really not ordinary, and she jumped away like a frightened deer when she crossed the line a little bit.

From the beginning of junior high school contact with football at school, to choosing a football school, and then giving up the correct path in the eyes of most Chinese people - going to school, choosing a football school, and then quickly becoming a professional football player, to the back Yin Jun briefly mentioned his World Cup trip and the ins and outs of choosing to join Manchester United.

(End of this chapter)

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