host must win

Chapter 183

Chapter 183
Yin Jun didn't know how much influence he and Manchester United won the Champions League had on the world, especially in China.At this moment, he and his teammates are parading on the streets of Manchester with the Champions League trophy in an open bus.

This is already the third time Manchester United have celebrated winning the title this year, and it is also the largest.On the one hand, it is because the influence of the League Cup and the Premier League is not as great as that of the Champions League. On the other hand, it is because, whether it is the League Cup or the Premier League, they are still in the middle of the season when they win the championship. It's all a little taste.

Now, with the end of the Champions League final and all of Manchester United's game tasks this season coming to an end, everyone can finally celebrate unscrupulously.

Last night, after Manchester United won the championship, they celebrated with a grand awards ceremony at Old Trafford, and then Manchester United also held a celebration dinner for all players.

After a night's rest, at nine o'clock in the morning on the 29th local time in Manchester, a larger-scale celebration began. All Manchester United's first-line players boarded the double-decker open-top bus prepared by the club, and set off from Old Trafford along the One street after another, a parade was held to celebrate.

Numerous Manchester United fans from all over the world flocked to the streets of Manchester, appearing on the parade route scheduled by the Manchester United club bus, and participated in the celebration.

Every time United's open-top bus arrived on a street, the fans erupted in cheers, chanting the names of every United player.Among them, whenever Yin Jun's name is called, the voice is undoubtedly the loudest!

The Manchester United players are holding high the trophy, not just the Champions League trophy just won last night, but also the League Cup trophy and the Premier League trophy won this season.

The three trophies attracted the unrestrained cheers and crazy shouts of Manchester United fans.

On this day, almost the whole of Manchester is red!
Only occasionally, from some corners or houses on the street, I saw some envious eyes, those were Manchester City fans.


The final destination of the parade celebration is still Manchester Town Hall.Manchester Mayor Tom O'Garahan still has a banquet for Manchester United at the Town Hall.

At this banquet, there was also a group of guests who surprised Yin Jun, that is, the consul of the Chinese Consulate General in Manchester, the ambassador to Britain and others.They chatted with Yin Jun for a while, expressed their congratulations to Yin Jun, and encouraged him to move forward and achieve greater achievements in the future.

After all, Yin Jun was also a person who had been in the system before time travel, and after traveling to this time and space, he has also seen many big scenes, and he handled it decently.

With the end of this celebration banquet, it also means that Manchester United's various activities this season have come to an end.Because even Manchester United's season recognition activities have ended before the Champions League final.

At that event, Yin Jun was selected as the team's player of the season by all the first-line players in the team.

Although the season has ended, Yin Jun did not return home immediately.Because his parents and relatives also came to Manchester, he hasn't been able to accompany them around the city yet.Now that I have time, I will naturally take everyone to take a good look at the city.

According to the plan, Yin Jun will fly back to China with his family on an international flight on the morning of June 6, starting a one-month vacation.


On the eve of Yin Jun and his family's return to China, Yin Jun received a reminder from the Xianyu system: Because the season is over, the system needs to be upgraded, and it will be temporarily closed during Yin Jun's vacation.

Yin Jun was a little surprised by the special prompt from the "host" system.Because in his impression, the existence of this system is not high, and it feels very salty to him.

So, he said casually: "You can level up as long as you level up. There's no need to greet me specifically. Anyway, you've always been so salty. It doesn't matter if you are there or not!"

Who knows, what Yin Jun said casually caused great dissatisfaction in the "host" system.

Yin Jun smiled and said: "You are not happy when you say you? Didn't you see that the readers said that you have no sense of presence? It is the most considerate system in history and provides the best service for the host. Look at you, in addition to giving I have a set of novice equipment, and let me exchange my prestige points for a consonance card, what sense of existence does it have? I think you are the most salty system in history!"

The guy said with resentment: "Yin Jun, you are heartless. Readers just say that I am a salted fish. How can you say such a thing? If you don't have me, can you come to this game world? You can Have you achieved what you are now? Don’t you really think that all of this is due to your own football talent?”

What the "host" system said made Yin Jun dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, the salted fish system, which usually can't say a fart for a long time, would say so much in one breath at this moment.

However, Yin Jun also had to admit that what the salted fish system said made sense.If there is no system, he should be in another time and space, living a stable life as a grassroots worker from [-] to [-]. How can he have the world-renowned scenery today?

However, Yin Jun is also a guy with a dead mouth and a hard shell. Naturally, he will not admit his mistake easily, and argued: "You do have some meaning, but there is still a big gap with the most intimate system in history that you boasted about? You I haven’t seen the protagonist’s system, which releases tasks, solves technical problems, props and equipment, and so on. They appear one after another, and there are even grandparents and sisters with them. They are full of presence. How about you? , what have you done?"

The "host" system immediately said: "The situation you mentioned does exist, but those systems issue tasks, help the protagonist solve technical problems, and provide props one after another. Isn't the purpose of improving the protagonist's personal ability? And many of those systems still need more information. The protagonist pays the price, and there will even be mandatory tasks that will be obliterated if they fail to complete the task, is that what you want?"

"Uh..." Yin Jun remained silent, he naturally didn't want to be wiped out by the system if he couldn't complete the task.

The "host" system snorted a little arrogantly, and said again: "Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently, and provide service like spring breeze and rain, isn't it the highest level of service? I didn't ask for anything in return, I did it for you silently." All these things, but I didn’t expect you to say that I’m a salted fish, it’s like a dog biting Lu Dongbin for not knowing a good heart! I’m ignoring you, I’m going to upgrade!”

After speaking, the system shuts down directly.

(End of this chapter)

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