host must win

Chapter 184 Holiday Life

Chapter 184 Holiday Life
"It's so noisy!" There was the sound of chirping birds in his ears, and Yin Jun, who wanted to sleep a little longer, covered his head with the quilt in pain and rolled over on the bed.

It is now the middle of June, and it has been two weeks since Yin Jun returned to China.

In these two weeks, Yin Jun has been busy with various things: accepting interviews with domestic media, shooting commercials for endorsed products, signing new endorsements, and other activities...

In the past two weeks, Yin Jun felt more tired than when he was going to play during the season.

Fortunately, after two weeks of continuous work, he finally finished his work, and Yin Jun returned to his hometown, a remote mountain village in Danjiang District.

Although the small mountain village of Yin Jun's hometown is a bit remote, the environment is very good and it is very suitable for vacation and recuperation.Compared with the big cities that he passed by while running around, Yin Jun felt that the air in his hometown was much fresher.

But it was also because the environment was so good that Yin Jun was troubled at the moment.There are bird's nests everywhere in the yard, Yin Jun alone saw seven or eight of them, plus the bird's nests in front of and behind the house, the whole old house of the Yin family has become a paradise for little birds.

Mother Yan Peixiu couldn't be happier about this, and even feeds these wild birds with some crushed corn every morning, treating them as if they were domesticated.

In Yin Jun's hometown, it is generally believed that birds nesting at home means that the family is prosperous and has good Fengshui, which has a very beautiful meaning.The Yin family's old house became a place where birds like to stay, which greatly satisfied Yan Peixiu's psychological suggestion, why would he be stingy with this little corn?

Although Yan Peixiu is only 48 years old, the eldest daughter's child is over six years old and will start primary school in autumn.And at the beginning of this year, she added a second grandson, which made her very happy.

Coupled with her husband's smooth work, although the second daughter's second college entrance examination results did not come out, judging from the results of the past year, it should not be bad.

The most important thing is that his son has a successful career and has become a world-renowned football star. When he returns to his hometown, all the officials from the city and district will visit him.

Now her only thought is the safety of her family, so she attaches great importance to anything with symbolic significance.The number of nesting birds at home has increased, which makes her happy from ear to ear, and there is an extra job of feeding birds every day.

Yin Jun lay on the bed for a while, and found that the quilt still couldn't stop the bombardment of bird calls. He picked up the mobile phone next to the bed and checked the time. It was almost eight o'clock, so he got up with dim eyes and went to the yard Wash up and get ready for breakfast.


"Xiao Jun, don't play computer games for too long at night!" Seeing Yin Jun squatting by the sink brushing his teeth in a daze, his father Yin Mingshan said with a straight face.

Yin Mingshan is quite satisfied with his son's performance, especially the one-year performance after going to England to play football.

Although Yin Jun arbitrarily chose to play football at the beginning, he was very angry, but he proved through his own efforts that his choice was right and he did a very good job.

When Yin Jun just returned to his hometown a few days ago, even the leaders of the city came to visit, and the leaders of the districts and villages came here again and again. This made Yin Mingshan, who had been in the system all his life, feel Very face-saving.

If it weren't for my limited education and the fact that I was 52 years old, my career would definitely take a turn for the better.

In fact, the leaders of the township and district have talked to me several times, hoping that I can go to a more important position and contribute more to the development of my hometown.

Yin Mingshan naturally understood the meaning, but after consulting Yin Jun, he refused, saying that he was old and had limited energy, so he would not seize the positions and opportunities that belonged to young people.

Besides, Yin Jun's great success not only established his family's prestige in the family, but also changed the atmosphere of the family to a great extent.The younger generation is working very hard, and the grades of children in school have improved a lot. Even the children with poor grades are also working hard to develop other hobbies. Many idlers either go out to work or give birth at home; those who are about to retire like him, even older ones, are doing what they can, and the atmosphere of the village has changed greatly.

The only thing that displeased Yin Mingshan was that Yin Jun seemed to relax a little after returning home, and was not as strict with himself as when he was in the team.

Yin Mingshan also knows that people cannot always be tense, and a life with tension and relaxation is better and more sustainable.But he still wants to remind his son that even if he goes home, he can't always relax like this.


"I see!" Yin Jun replied weakly.

Yin Mingshan thought that Yin Jun was surfing the Internet and playing computer games every night, but Yin Jun was actually dealing with his own affairs these days.

Although the season is over and he is on vacation now, he still has a lot to do.I have been running around for a while, and I have dealt with domestic affairs almost, but there are still many things abroad.

With the rapid rise of his fame, Yin Jun has clearly felt that it is already difficult for his aunt to handle his affairs alone.Aunt Tang Lu Qi is indeed very capable and hard-working, but she is a woman after all, and it is not so convenient to deal with many things, so Yin Jun has to help with some things.

However, because of the time difference between the UK, Europe and the United States and China, people work at night in China, so Yin Jun has to stay up late.

Yin Jun is already considering hiring more professional staff and forming a team dedicated to him.

Of course, this is not to kick Aunt Tang Lu Qi away, Yin Jun is not an ungrateful person, the relationship between the two families is very good, and Aunt Tang's work makes him very satisfied.Yin Jun just wanted to free Aunt Tang from those ordinary affairs and focus on coordinating and leading.

After all, as his fame grew and he was involved in more and more affairs, it was impossible for Lu Qi to handle all his affairs well.

Even a super robot can't do it, let alone Lu Qi is a middle-aged woman who is almost 40 years old, and she doesn't have enough energy at all.

After washing up, Yin Jun stood on the dam to exercise his body, and looked at the sun rising slowly from the mountains in the east. The feeling of fatigue finally disappeared slowly.

Although Yin Jun has seen the beautiful scenery of the rising sun countless times, Yin Jun still doesn't feel tired. On the contrary, Yin Jun likes this quiet and beautiful small mountain village even more.

(End of this chapter)

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