host must win

Chapter 193 Manchester United's No. 7 and No. 8

Chapter 193 Manchester United's No. 7 and No. 8

In this summer's transfer market, instead of spending too much, Manchester United made a fortune.Sold Beckham and Veron for £3500 million and £1500 million successively, and before the start of the first round of the Premier League, another member of the 92 class, the team midfielder Nicky Butt also submitted a transfer Application.

Last season, due to his own injuries and the rise of Yin Jun, the playing time of the former Manchester United main midfielder Nicky Butt was greatly reduced and he has faded out of the main lineup.

In the new season, Bart's performance during the warm-up match is still not very good, which makes him very worried about his future at Old Trafford.After a period of repeated thinking, Nicky Butt decided to transfer and leave to find opportunities in new places.

Although Ferguson also likes Nicky Bart very much, he also knows Bart's current situation.In the talented Manchester United, Butt really has no future.

In Manchester United's midfield, Bart and the pragmatic Scholes, or Roy Keane, are completely at a disadvantage.On the midfield side, it is also difficult for him to compete with the talented Yin Jun and the old and strong Giggs.

In addition to these four who will definitely occupy the main midfield position of Manchester United in the new season, Bart has to work with the newly joined Cristiano Ronaldo, Kleberson, Djemba, as well as Fletcher, Phil Neville, Richardson, Pugh, Eagles, Tierney, David Jones and others competed for the position of the substitute rotation.

Therefore, after some hesitation, Ferguson decided to let Bart go.

As Manchester United's former main midfielder, and won three championships in the League Cup, Premier League and Champions League last season, Butt has no shortage of places to go.Soon he negotiated personal treatment with the Magpies Newcastle, and Manchester United did not set too high a threshold for Bart's departure. They accepted a transfer fee of 500 million pounds from Newcastle and let him leave.


On August 8th, the day before the first round of the new Premier League season, in the afternoon, the whole Manchester United team took a photo of the new season at the Carrington training base, which can be regarded as the jersey number of each player in the new season Given down.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Yin Jun did not wear the legendary No. 7 jersey at Manchester United that was vacant after Beckham left, but chose the No. 8 jersey that was vacated after Bart's transfer.

The No. 7 jersey was handed over by Ferguson to the rookie who joined the team three days ago, the Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo.

In fact, even Cristiano Ronaldo himself looked like he had seen a ghost when assistant coach Mike Phelan read his jersey number 7.

Whether it is Ronaldo or other Manchester United players, they all believe that after Beckham leaves the team, this No. 7 jersey, which is representative of the Manchester United club, will definitely fall on Yin Jun.On the one hand, Yin Jun's position in the new season is almost definitely a right midfielder, so it is only natural to wear the No. 7 jersey.On the other hand, Yin Jun is also the new core of the team that the club plans to promote, even the number one star.

However, it turned out that Yin Jun chose the No. 8 player and voluntarily gave up the No. 7 jersey.


In the more than 7 years of Manchester United's team history, the No. [-] jersey is full of legends. His owners include George Best, one of the three saints of Manchester United, legendary captain Brian Robson, King Cantona, and David Beckham Such a superstar.

Compared with No. 7, No. 8 is relatively ordinary in Manchester United. No famous star in history has worn this number.

Therefore, everyone was very surprised that Yin Jun would choose No. 8 instead of No. 7.

As for Cristiano Ronaldo, it was pie in the sky, and he accidentally got Manchester United's legendary No. 7 jersey.Originally, he wanted to take over the No. 28 jersey that Yin Jun wore last season, because he wore the No. 28 jersey when he was in Sporting Lisbon.

In the Portuguese's mind, Yin Jun will definitely take over the legendary No. 7 jersey left by Beckham in the new season, so he will wear the No. 28 jersey logically.

And the No. 28 jersey was also the number he reported on the first day when the Manchester United coaching staff solicited players' opinions on the jersey number they wore in the new season.

For Yin Jun, Cristiano Ronaldo is convinced from the bottom of his heart.This Chinese, who is 2 days younger than him, completely shocked him with his performance at Manchester United last season.

It was hard for him to believe that in a world-class giant like Manchester United, a person of his age would play such a superb performance, even squeezing Beckham to the bench.

As a young man full of talent, Cristiano Ronaldo is very confident, even very proud.However, even in a Portuguese team like Sporting Lisbon, his data is still far from Yin Jundu.


For two people, if their abilities and talents are about the same, if one succeeds, the other will be jealous. , then it will be difficult for him to have negative thoughts such as jealousy towards another person, but to be convinced from the bottom of his heart.

And Cristiano Ronaldo's attitude towards Yin Jun is like this. Based on his understanding of professional football, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to achieve what Yin Jun achieved in Manchester United last season throughout his life.

At the end of the Champions League final, Yin Jun's reports filled the European media and newspapers. Cristiano Ronaldo sighed more than once, that is not something a person on earth can achieve.People call the Brazilian with the same name an alien, but according to Cristiano Ronaldo, Yin Jun is the real alien.

After the Champions League final, Cristiano Ronaldo made up his mind that he would go to the Premier League to play, preferably to Manchester United.He wanted to take a closer look at how the guy who was only two days away from him managed to reach that level.

Therefore, he very simply rejected the three La Liga teams and the Serie A giants Inter Milan's solicitation; even when Wenger personally rushed to Portugal to persuade him to join, he did not immediately agree.And when Mendes told him that Manchester United wanted him, he agreed without any hesitation, and then rejected Wenger and Arsenal.

In the two days since arriving at Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo has become Yin Jun's little fan, imitating Yin Jun's words and deeds everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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