host must win

Chapter 194 Yin Jun's Goal Odds

Chapter 194 Yin Jun's Goal Odds

On the afternoon of August 8th, the Manchester United team stayed at the Laurie Hotel as usual.

This is their first Premier League game of the new season. Before the game, the coaching staff is very strict, requiring all players to go back to the room to sleep after ten o'clock in the evening, and the range of activities cannot leave the hotel. If you want to go out of the hotel It is absolutely impossible to play.

In Manchester United, Ferguson has always been strict with the management of the team. Even if it is a home game, the team must stay in a hotel the day before the game. No one has special treatment.Because even Ferguson himself, as well as the coaching staff, have the same requirements.

Because he found that the newly joined Portuguese boy liked to follow Yin Jun's butt very much, and the two were of the same age, Ferguson specially assigned Yin Jun and Ronaldo to a room.On the one hand, both of them are the core figures of Ferguson to create a new generation of Manchester United. On the other hand, out of trust in Yin Jun, he hopes that Yin Jun's words and deeds can influence Ronaldo, so that this kid can get on the right track as soon as possible.

Now they have all showered and lay in bed, chatting casually with the lights off.


Suddenly, Ronaldo talked about his prospects for the new season. He asked Yin Jun: "Yin, how many goals do you want to score in the new season?"

Yin Jun shook his head and said: "I never thought about it, just play seriously, it doesn't matter how many goals you score."

Ronaldo said: "But, I heard from Jorge that in your new contract, there is a golden boot clause. How can you not want to score many goals? Then how do you get the golden boot?"

Yin Jun gave Ronaldo a white look, and said angrily: "What does writing in the contract have to do with getting it? Is it possible to get it after writing it? Why do you think about good things all day long, Chris?"

Ronaldo said with a smile: "Yin, look at what you said, I don't want good things, do I want bad things? For example, we lose at home to Bolton tomorrow?"

Yin Jun glared at Ronaldo, shook his head and said, "It's a good thing I'm your roommate, Chris, if it were Roy (Keane), you'd already be beaten by him now."

The reason why Yin Jun is so sensitive to Ronaldo's words is because Manchester United's record against Allardyce's team was really worrying.Last season, their performance against Bolton in the Premier League was 1 draw and 1 loss.

Of course, these two games have nothing to do with Yin Jun, because he didn't play.In the first round, Manchester United lost 0:1 at home. At that time, Yin Jun was still sitting on the bench and did not get a chance to play. team's game and thus missed that game.

At Old Trafford, Manchester United have lost two games against Bolton.


Ronaldo thought about it, and felt that what Yin Jun said was right. Captain Roy Keane is a very serious and responsible person, always full of desire for victory.If he knew that he said the team lost the night before the game, he might really beat himself up.

Ronaldo said again: "Yin, even if you don't pursue the Golden Boot, you still have a psychological expectation for the number of goals you score, right? You scored [-] goals last season. I think there are already fans on the Internet. Guess how many goals you can score this season. And the bookmaker is opening up the number of goals you have scored this season..."

Yin Jun was taken aback, and asked, "Oh? How did it work?"

In the UK and even Europe, professional football has been deeply infiltrated by the gambling industry. Every Premier League team has a dedicated gambling sponsor, and the main sponsors of some teams’ jerseys are even gaming companies.The well-developed gambling industry covers all aspects of professional football, and anything in the Premier League can make gambling companies open a bet.

Some bets seem particularly weird, such as whether a certain player will transfer to a certain team, will a certain player start a game, the possibility of a certain player getting injured during the season, will a certain player Pie at the game...

In comparison, guessing the champion and runner-up, the game wins and losses, the number of goals, and the number of corner kicks can all be regarded as traditional items in football betting.

In British life outside of football, almost everything can be bet on by bookmakers.For example, who can be elected as the president of the United States, who can win the prime minister of the United Kingdom, whether it will be sunny or rainy or snowy on Christmas Eve this year, what color hat will Her Majesty the Queen wear at the horse racing meeting...etc. As a gambling country, the British really like to gamble, even professional players.


The phenomenon of gambling in the UK is very rampant. Every year, 20 billion pounds are wagered through mobile phones, laptops and tablets, and it is not uncommon for players to participate in gambling. This directly affects the fairness of the league and the reputation of the Premier League.

Yin Jun remembers that in the future, the English Football Association will issue a ban on gambling. First, players are prohibited from betting on their own team’s games. Later, they found that this left an opportunity for gamblers to take advantage of. Practitioners such as coaches and club staff, as well as family members of players, are not allowed to participate in any form of gambling in any place.

However, in 2003 now, the FA has not issued such a regulation.So the players are also very crazy to gamble. Star players such as Irving and Beckham are big gamblers.

Ronaldo scratched his head and thought for a while, then said: "Let me think about it... If you predict that you will score less than five goals in the Premier League this season, you will lose [-] per one. To be honest, I also think it is difficult for you to score in one season." Such a small number of goals... six goals to nine goals is fifty to one, ten to fifteen goals is ten to one, and sixteen to nineteen goals is two to one...Obviously, They all think that you should be able to score in double figures again, and the most likely is about [-] goals as last season."

The odds of the gambling company are basically based on the performance of the players, and then calculated by the actuaries.It is also necessary to adjust at any time according to the recent state of the players.

The odds of [-] to [-] mean that the gambling company believes that Yin Jun has a very high chance of scoring [-] to [-] goals in the new season.Setting out such odds is almost equivalent to telling the majority of lottery players: If you bet on this, there is a high probability that you will not lose money, but even if you win, you will not make much money.

The reason why the gambling company will offer such odds has a lot to do with Yin Jun's performance last season.Last season, Yin Jun didn't get a chance to play in the first few rounds of the season, and he quickly became the main force of Manchester United. He rarely missed games. It can be regarded as a relatively complete season for Manchester United. His performance is very representative significance.

(End of this chapter)

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