host must win

Chapter 199 The Attacking Yin Jun

Chapter 199 The Attacking Yin Jun

Yin Jun was very good last season and did not encounter the so-called "rookie wall", but it is not necessarily the case in the new season.

In foreign countries, after encountering the "rookie wall" and a big decline in performance, many players are often overly blamed by fans and the media, which leads to psychological imbalance of the players, worse performance, and finally falls into a vicious circle and fails to recover.

They also hope that Chinese fans understand this and realize that this is an objective law and has nothing to do with Yin Jun's subjective wishes.Don't just scold Yin Jun on the Internet when Yin Jun encounters a trough, or put too much pressure on Yin Jun because he cares too much.

Whether it is the peak or the trough, it is a player's state, and it is not determined by the player himself.Media people like them, as well as fans, are bystanders. If they can't help Yin Jun, they can't help and add to the chaos.

He Wei and Huang Jianqiang have instilled a concept in everyone since the beginning of the new season - normality.

For Yin Jun, they hope that this super football genius who has gone out of China will not be arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat.

For the fans, they also hope that everyone will love Yin Junsheng as much as he loses, and will always support him unswervingly.

This is Yin Jun's second season at Manchester United. Please give him some patience. There are not many people in Chinese football who have gone abroad, and even fewer have succeeded. At present, Yin Jun is the only seedling, and he needs all the Chinese fans to take good care of him. .

People are struggling outside, struggling to survive, so let's not dig out their roots behind.


He Wei and Huang Jianqiang were talking about the game, and the game on the field was also developing rapidly.Bolton had won two games in a row at Old Trafford before, and Allardyce hoped to perform a "hat-trick". The last team to achieve three consecutive victories here was Manchester City 3 years ago.

Driven by the new captain Okocha, Bolton and Manchester United launched a confrontation. Manchester United's midfielder Yin Jun and the arrow figure Ruud van Nistelrooy were both firmly watched.This allowed Manchester United to not really threaten Bolton's goal in the first 30 minutes.

In this game, Manchester United played a 4231 formation, with Yin Jun as the team's midfielder in the middle.As for the two wings, Ryan Giggs is unsurprisingly on the left, but Solskjaer occupies the right.

Although Ferguson likes Ronaldo very much, he didn't let him start the game. Instead, he planned to let him watch for a while from the sidelines to really feel the rhythm and intensity of the Premier League.

As Manchester United's offensive engine, when Yin Jun is seen dead by the opponent, it is difficult for Manchester United's offense to play out.

Yin Jun knew that he had to choose to change and take the initiative to break this deadlock.Otherwise, it would be difficult for Manchester United to do anything in the first half.

Yin Jun chose to pull the side. He and Solskjaer switched positions and appeared on the right side which he is better at.


In the 34th minute of the game, Bolton played a wave of offensive.

When Bolton was attacking, Yin Jun did not stay in the frontcourt, but ran back to the backcourt and actively participated in the defense.This is the head coach's request, and a deep retreat will also facilitate him to take advantage of his speed.

Soon, Bolton's attack was stopped by Manchester United at the front of the penalty area.

Scholes received Keane's pass with his back turned to the attack and did not look up.Bolton's defenders were already posted, and he didn't have time to take his time watching.

As if knowing where Yin Jun was, Scholes made a long diagonal pass and diverted the football to the right.

Eun-joon stops the football with his chest almost on the touchline.

At the same time, Bolton's left-back Ricardo Gardner rushed forward, wanting to take advantage of Yin Jun's unstable foothold and directly steal it.Even if you can't steal successfully, you can force the opponent to regain possession of the ball.In this way, it will be difficult for Manchester United to play a fast break.

But when Gardner rushed forward, he saw Yin Jun suddenly used the outer instep of his right foot to gently bump the falling football up before the football hit the ground... The football jumped from the ground The top of Gardner's head went over!

At the same time, Yin Jun supported on one leg on the sideline, turned around 360 degrees, and avoided Correa, as if dancing a ballerina in Swan Lake.

There was a burst of exclamation from the stands of Old Trafford. It has been a long time since the Red Devils fans have seen such a fast-moving Yin Jun.


After turning around, Yin Jun pushed the football in the air forward with his head, keeping the distance between the football and himself, so that he could display his speed.

Then, like a modified racing car with the nitrogen valve turned on, he kicked the ground with a bang and accelerated to rush out!
When Gardner turned around and chased back, the opponent had already run several meters away.

"Yin Jun--! Oh beautiful!!" Lineker screamed, "Nice turn! Beautiful pick! Great! Gardner is like a stupid scarecrow in front of him! Now this scarecrow He is desperately chasing back, but he can't catch up, because Yin Jun's speed is really fast!"

Yin Jun's speed is indeed very fast, especially when he is galloping in front of him.He caught up with the football, and pushed the football forward again, and the ball rolled ten meters away. He took a step and continued to chase, almost without slowing down during the whole process.Like a flash of red lightning, it swept across the sidewalk of Old Trafford. Grass and dirt were plowed out by the spikes, and then turned up again, some of which were even thrown into the face of Gardner who was chasing him...

In a blink of an eye, he dribbled the ball to Bolton's 30 meters area, and at this time, most of Bolton's players hadn't returned to their defense yet...

Yin Jun did not continue to play on the side, but used the outside instep of his right foot to push the football in, and directly dribbled the ball to the middle!


Bolton's centre-back Florent Ravel dared not go up, because now in Bolton's penalty area, apart from the goalkeeper Jascolainen, he and another centre-back, Ivan Campo, are the only two.

Campo wants to defend Ruud van Nistelrooy, he wants to defend Solskjaer, who dares to go up?What should I do if there is nothing left after I go up?
He would rather let this kid take a long shot than leave his defense zone.

Seeing this, Yin Jun didn't shoot outside the penalty area, but continued to drive the ball towards the penalty area!
The moment he entered the penalty area, Bolton's captain, Nigerian midfielder Jeje Okocha rushed over and stretched out his hand to Yin Jun.

Even if it is a foul, Captain Bolton will keep Yin Jun out of the penalty area.Once Yin Jun is allowed to break into the penalty area, Bolton's goal will be in danger.

Yin Jun was pulled down outside the penalty area by Okocha. After paying a yellow card, he finally prevented Manchester United's quick counterattack this time.

Okocha didn't care too much about the early yellow card.He is an offensive player, and under normal circumstances, he will not commit any fouls, and even fewer get cards.

Manchester United also got a free kick in a very good position, the position outside the penalty area on the right side of the front field, only 23 meters away from the goal.

(End of this chapter)

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