host must win

Chapter 200 Ronaldo's debut

Chapter 200 Ronaldo's debut
Manchester United got a free kick in a very good position, not far from the penalty area line, about 23 meters away from the goal.

Even after Beckham left the team, Manchester United still has many free kick masters.Giggs, Yin Jun, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Scholes all had a good free kick.

Because this morning Yin Jun issued his ambition to score more than 30 league goals in the season, and this free kick was also created by Yin Jun, so Giggs and the others looked at Yin Jun and asked him if he would do it yourself.

Yin Jun shook his head. Although he can also hit the goal in this position, it is not his best position. Yin Jun, who has obtained Carlos' great free kick stunt, is good at mid-range and long-range free kicks.

Yin Jun signaled Giggs to take the free kick.Giggs has a good curve ball, plus he is left-footed, very suitable for this position.

Seeing that Yin Jun didn't want to take this free kick, Giggs no longer gave in, and walked to the penalty spot with the ball in his arms, and placed the football where the opponent fouled.

With such a good position, Giggs naturally chose a free kick to directly attack the goal.He curved the ball with his left foot over the wall, the football hit the inside of the right post and bounced into the net on the other side, giving Manchester United a 1-0 lead.

Giggs, who scored the goal, was very happy. When he rushed to the corner flag area to celebrate, he also motioned Yin Jun to celebrate together.

Old Trafford was caught in the first carnival of the game, with more than 60,000 fans wildly celebrating the team's first league goal of the season.


This was the only goal scored by both sides in the first half of the game. In the next 10 minutes of the game, both sides failed to make any achievements. Manchester United entered the intermission with a score of 1:0.

After the start of the second half, Bolton began to counterattack. Nolan, who humiliated Butters here last season, missed the goal.

Seeing that Manchester United was at a disadvantage, Ferguson waved the flag. In the 61st minute, Cristiano Ronaldo, who had just joined the team for three days, ushered in his Premier League debut. He replaced the underperforming Solskjaer.

Moreover, Ferguson also adjusted Manchester United's formation. According to the instructions brought by Ronaldo, both Yin Jun and Ronaldo who had just appeared on the stage were put on the front line. right.

Obviously, Ferguson is not satisfied with the team's one-goal lead, let alone allow the Red Devils to lose to Bolton for the third time at home, no matter how good his personal relationship with Allardyce is!
It is said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Ronaldo, who was on the Premier League for the first time, seemed very active, actively looking for teammates for the ball.When facing opponents, he is also full of confidence and dares to make moves.

When he got the ball for the first time on the wing and faced the Bolton midfielder Nicky Hunt who was defending him, he went straight to a rainbow dribble-clamping the ball with both feet and picking it up , and then the heel knocked the football in the air over the heads of the two people, and the football seemed to draw a rainbow in the air.

This move shocked everyone, and there was a huge cheer at Old Trafford. Obviously, this move by the Portuguese teenager made the fans happy.

Ronaldo's rainbow dribble failed to get past Hunter. Although he had already bypassed Hunter, the young Bolton midfielder rushed forward quickly and shoveled Ronaldo down with a flying shovel from the side. on the ground.

Nicky Hunter's doing this also meant to give Ronaldo a blow, hoping to deter Ronaldo and let him leave a shadow in his heart when facing him later.

However, this is the Old Trafford Stadium, and Nicky Hunter's approach was naturally booed by more than 60,000 fans of the home team.


Amidst the boos, the referee blew his whistle and awarded Hunter a foul.

But Hunter, who made the foul, seemed still unconvinced. He said to the referee: "He is humiliating me!"

Nicky Hunter's reaction was normal.

This kind of action often appears in street football, training and playing, and is rarely used in official football games.On the one hand, it is because this action is flashy, the ornamental value is far greater than the practicality, and the difficulty of success is too high.On the other hand, because a player uses a rainbow to surpass others, the insult to the defensive player is much higher than being pierced through the crotch.

The end result of doing this is to be crazily retaliated by the opponent. For example, Ronaldo, after passing Hunter, was immediately caught up by the opponent, and a flying shovel from the side and rear was brought down to the ground.

After complaining to the referee, Hunter turned around and threatened Ronaldo who was still lying on the ground: "Boy, be careful! Next time I will let you lie down!"

Yin Jun, who had just walked over to pull C Luo up, immediately protested loudly to the referee: "Referee, he is threatening!"

"Go away, what's your business?!" Hunter turned his head and yelled at Yin Jun.

Yin Jun was naturally not afraid of him, and immediately turned back: "Why is it nothing to do with me? He is my teammate, you threatened my teammate, do you think I have something to do with you?"

"You..." Seeing this, Hunter really wanted to push Yin Jun down, but he also knew that Yin Jun was not a newcomer and would not be afraid of his threats, and the referee was beside him, forcing him to calm down When he came down, he could only stare at Yin Jun fiercely, but he didn't dare to say any more cruel words.

At this time, other Manchester United players rushed up to support Ronaldo and Yin Jun, while Bolton's players stood on Hunter's side, and the players from both sides stood up like this.

"Oh oh oh! This is the atmosphere of a game between rival teams!" BBC's John Mortensen said loudly, looking like watching the excitement is not a big deal.


When Ronaldo got up from the ground, he was already separated from the crowd and far away from the conflict point... There were even teammates who came up to drag him further and protect him.

This made Ronaldo a little moved. Although talented, he grew up on the road of professional football since he was a child. Naturally, he knew that his teammates were protecting him.

But this skirmish did not spread in the end, and it ended soon.

Hunter, who fouled, got a yellow card because his mouth was not clean-that is to say, if he didn't have those bullshit after the foul, he might not even have a yellow card. This shows the scale of the Premier League referee's penalty game.

In the leagues of some countries, if there is a slight physical contact, the referee will decisively blow the whistle to suspend the game.Like Hunter's flying shovel from the side and rear just now, the key point of the sentence may even get a red card.But in the Premier League, if the penalty standard is the same, the game will be cut into pieces and it will be impossible to watch at all. Therefore, in the Premier League, many physical contacts are not considered fouls.

(End of this chapter)

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