host must win

Chapter 356 Something New

Chapter 356 Something New
Yin Jun completed the contract renewal with Manchester United immediately after the end of the season, which caused a great shock in Europe and disrupted the plans of giants such as Real Madrid to poach from Manchester United.

Of course, they will not give up their plan to introduce Yin Jun, at least the media in these countries will not give up hyping their plan to introduce Yin Jun.

However, just as the news of the contract renewal between Yin Jun and Manchester United spread in Europe, Yin Jun and his family boarded a flight from Frankfurt International Airport to the domestic capital on the afternoon of May 5, Central European Time.

At this moment, Christy is no longer with Yin Jun's family.She will fly to the United States for a business inspection in the near future.

After the plane entered a stable flight state, Yin Jun's family began to chat.

The first-class cabin of this flight was basically booked by Yin Junyi and his family: except for the nephew who was still an infant in the elder sister’s family who did not come to Germany to watch the football, their family accounted for 7 people, and the whole There are only 777 seats in the first class of Boeing 8.

That is to say, Kirsty booked a flight ticket with Lufthansa Airlines through her relationship early, otherwise they might not be able to buy first class.

After booking the ticket, Kirsty made a suggestion to Yin Jun, that is, it is necessary for him to buy a private jet of his own, so that it will be convenient for him to travel to various places in the future.

Yin Jun is also seriously considering Kirsty's suggestion. In the past two years, he has also deeply felt the inconvenience in the process of going back and forth between Europe and China.If you have your own private jet, many troubles will not be so troublesome.

As for money, Yin Jun is not short of it now.In the past two years, the salary he received from Manchester United, as well as various bonuses, and endorsement fees exceeded 30 million pounds, and his annual income will only be higher in the future. It is no problem to buy a private jet.

After all, even if it supports a range of more than 10 kilometers, the price of a more luxurious private jet is around 550 million pounds.Even the top private jet, the Gulfstream G20 business jet, costs just over £[-] million.

However, buying a private jet is still a rather troublesome matter, and it is impossible to do it in the short term, so a long-term plan must be considered.


The first-class cabin of the Boeing 777 is separated from other cabins at the back by the bathroom, so no matter how the family talks here, it will not affect others.

Yin Jun and his father Yin Mingshan sat in the middle near the cockpit, chatting about whether he should accept the organizational arrangement and serve in the district education committee.

Yin Mingshan told Yin Jun that shortly before he came to Germany to watch the UEFA Champions League final, a deputy director of the organization department of the district committee talked to him, expressing that the district committee planned to transfer him to the district education committee as the deputy in charge of sports. Director position.

Of course, the District Education Committee's deputy positions are limited. If Yin Mingshan passed, he would definitely not only be in charge of sports, but there must be other divisions of labor besides the position of being in charge of sports.

But judging from his field of competence, this transfer is very spiritual.

In fact, judging from Yin Mingshan's resume, he is completely unqualified to be the deputy director.After all, it only took two short years for him to get the department-level salary. There are so many cadres in the district, and I don't know how many people are staring at this deputy director-level position. How can it be his turn.

Among other things, it is the deputy directors of various townships and streets. If they can be transferred to serve as the deputy directors, everyone will be very happy!
And Yin Mingshan's age is also a problem, he will be 53 years old at the beginning of next month.According to the regulations in the district, even deputy director-level cadres will basically be transferred to non-leadership positions at this age, let alone promoted.

It's all because of Yin Jun!

Yin Mingshan also knew it well, so he didn't agree immediately, but said that he needed to think about it, and then flew to Europe to discuss this matter with Yin Jun.


Of course Yin Jun knows the tricks, and if his father agrees to be transferred, there will definitely be some follow-up.

To be honest, Yin Jun didn't really want his father to be such a deputy director, and he worked hard.In his current situation, it is the best choice to eat and support the elderly in a position in his hometown.

However, the situation in China is special. Whether a person is promoted or demoted is not completely determined by personal will.Now the organization recognizes that if the old man is asked to contribute to a more important position, he has to be ignorant of what is good or bad.

Therefore, after being silent for a long time, Yin Jun could only say: "The leader thinks highly of it, so you can go there!"

Yin Mingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "There is another matter. The district hopes you can mention it to the Manchester United Club to see if it is possible to build a football school in the district? The site and teachers are all provided by the district. , Manchester United only need to send one or two coaches who are good at youth training to teach."

Yin Jun was silent, he knew that it would not be that simple to transfer his old man to be the deputy director in the district, so he was waiting here!
As for the domestic situation, even though Yin Jun played football in the UK, he knew something about it.

With his rapid rise, the domestic football environment has undergone many changes.Because he came out of campus football, since he joined Manchester United, the country has begun to pay attention to campus football. Primary and secondary schools in many places have started special football courses, and some places have also started to hold middle school football leagues.

Especially as he won the European Ballon d'Or at the end of last year, the country's pace in this regard has suddenly accelerated.As early as 1999, the country put up a high school football league on airs, and it has really changed from a fake to a real league.

According to the latest document, all provinces and cities are required to improve their respective provincial league systems before 2006.At that time, during the summer vacation, a cup match consisting of the champion teams of the provincial and municipal leagues will be held.

According to the country's preliminary vision, 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 4 municipalities will send teams to participate in the junior high school and high school competitions.

The competition system is divided into two stages: group stage and knockout stage.During the group stage, 32 teams will be divided into tiers, and then draw lots to form 8 groups for 3 rounds of single-round competition. The top two in each group, a total of 16 teams will enter the knockout stage, and draw lots for a single knockout match until the final A national champion.

As the hometown of Yin Jun, the legend of Chinese football, Danjiang District hopes to perform in this competition, so it has this idea.

It has to be said that the idea of ​​the country is still good. If relevant events can be really well organized, it will definitely have a lot of positive impact on the development of Chinese football.As for the idea of ​​Danjiang District, Yin Jun also felt that it was feasible to a certain extent, so he agreed to it and discussed it with the club to see how to implement it.

(End of this chapter)

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