host must win

Chapter 357 Marriage Is Impossible to Get Married

Chapter 357 Marriage Is Impossible to Get Married

Seeing Yin Jun and his son muttering there all the time, the opposite mother, Yan Peixiu, couldn't stand it any longer. She winked at Yin Mingshan a few times, but after getting no response, she finally couldn't help it, and said, "Yin Mingshan Mingshan, I said you are still going to finish? Don't forget about business!"

Yin Mingshan was upset when his conversation with his son was interrupted, and said, "It's business? I'm not talking to Xiaojun right now!"

Yan Peixiu stared, and said displeasedly: "I said Yin Mingshan, why are you pretending to be stupid? I don't know what I mean?"

Yin Jun looked at his mother in surprise, and said, "Mom, isn't it a matter of father's promotion? You have nagged me many times before, saying that father doesn't want to make progress..."

Whether it is this time and space or the time and space before time travel, Yin Jun remembers that the old mother has always had a deep resentment towards his father for not seeking to make progress.

Especially before the crossing, my father was only a section member until he retired, and he couldn't solve the sub-section level treatment. Those who entered the government with his father at the beginning, and whose education was not as good as his father's, all went to the deputy section level or even the section level position.

For this situation, the mother was very dissatisfied, thinking that the father was completely ignorant of the world and did not know how to make good leaders.

This kind of resentment accumulated and deepened after Yin Jun graduated from university and started working.

Of course, the peak of mother's dissatisfaction with his father was when Yin Jun's girlfriend who had been dating for four years decided to break up with Yin Jun because Yin Jun bought a house and a car with full money in Danjiang District. moment.


At that time, Yin Jun's father had retired and received a retirement salary of more than 3000 per month.This is already very good for ordinary people, but it is not enough to buy a house in a city where housing prices have started to soar.

Especially when Yin Jun's own salary is only around [-] yuan.

In addition, there is another object of comparison: a guy in the village who entered the government as a member of the eighth member in the same year as Yin Jun's father. With the director-level treatment, the retirement salary is six to seven thousand, which is fully double that of Yin Jun's father!
The gap in retirement work is not the main one, but the gap in welfare benefits is more important.

If Yin Mingshan can also get the department-level salary before retirement, and want to help Yin Jun buy a house in the city, it will not be too easy!

Under such circumstances, there would be no situation where the prospective daughter-in-law would withdraw from the marriage because the family could not afford a house.

After that, every time the old man saw another family going out to sneak out their grandson, they would reprimand the old father when they returned home. In many cases, even Yin Jun would suffer from it.

For Yin Jun, who has a deep memory, that's why he said what he said just now.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Yin Jun's words, Yan Peixiu immediately set fire to him.She glared at Yin Jun and said, "What I want to talk about is you boy!"

Yin Jun asked in a daze: "Me? What's wrong with me?"

Yan Peixiu completely ignored Yin Jun's innocent expression, and said with a dark face, "When will your kid marry Christy?"

"Married? Are you kidding me?!" Yin Jun was dumbfounded.


The old man was very dissatisfied with Yin Jun's attitude. She pointed at Yin Jun and said, "What kind of attitude is this, kid? Christy treats you sincerely and puts all her thoughts on you. That's how you treat others of?"

Yin Jun knew what he said unintentionally, but it touched the old mother's rebellious scales.The old man is a very traditional Chinese woman and treats marriage very solemnly.Although I have been bickering with my father all my life, and I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my father, but I have never mentioned anything like divorce.

Yin Jun knows how strong the old man is at home, and in fact she also has the confidence to be strong.Don't look at her as an out-and-out rural woman, but she comes from a real scholarly family with a long history of education.The reason why there is no formal job is because of the times.

Yan Peixiu's branch is a descendant of Fusheng's direct line, and they have been heirs of poetry and books for dozens of generations.Yin Jun's grandfather was a well-known talent in all directions when he was young, and his mother was also a famous beauty nearby before she married.Just married Yin Jun's father.In a sense, it is considered married.

So, Yin Jun quickly explained: "Mom, I don't mean anything else, that is, I'm still young and it's not time to get married."

"Why is it not time to get married? You are almost twenty! Your grandfather,,,,," Yan Peixiu immediately brought up the case of Yin Jun's grandfather, and blocked Yin Jun's excuse.

Yin Jun said: "Mom, it's time and time. Grandpa was still in the old society at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to these things. Now it's the 21st century, and we have to understand the law and abide by the law. The laws of our country stipulate that males 22 The age of marriage is the legal age for marriage, and I'm still far behind! I can't even get a certificate to get married now."

"Don't talk about it to me. It's not like I don't know. There are many families in the village. They are married without a certificate, and they have children? It doesn't matter. You can also arrange the wedding with Kirsty first. Done, wait until you are 22 years old to get the certificate." Yan Peixiu gave Yin Jun a white look, and said with some hatred, "I said, why are you so stubborn? This living person can still be urinated. Suffocated? Take a step back, you can still marry Kirsty in the UK, I heard that you can get married at the age of 16 in the UK, you are almost 20 years old, no problem at all!"

Yin Jun: "I..."

Yan Peixiu glared at Yin Jun again, and reprimanded: "What about me! This matter is settled like this. Later, your father and I will go abroad again to meet your in-laws and discuss your marriage. It is best to stay here Set things down in Xia Tian!"

Seeing the old mother's attitude, Yin Jun knew that it would be impossible to discuss this matter with her, so he simply gave up his cards, twisted his neck, and said: "It is impossible to get married, and it will not be possible within ten years! I'm a professional player, and now I'm on the rise, I'm too busy with training and games all day, so I don't have time to think about marriage."

Yin Jun's words made the old man very annoyed. He looked at the old father opposite and the two sisters next to him, and said, "You brat, you are trying to piss me off!"

Yin Jun curled his lips and said, "Mom, you can't say that. How can I piss you off? Anyway, I've made it clear. It's impossible for me to get married now."

After finishing speaking, Yin Jun drank the glass of drink in front of him, lay down in the chair, and quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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