host must win

Chapter 359 Yin Jun's Solution

Chapter 359 Yin Jun's Solution

After hearing that the shouting outside was much quieter, even close to none, Huang Qiangqiang asked the fellow next to him, "Okay, can we go now?"

In a little distance, a camera is facing Yin Jun.

In this UEFA Champions League final, CCTV not only sent a team to the final to explain the game, but also sent a film crew to film Yin Jun's spare time during the game, in preparation for the release of Yin Jun's documentary in the future.

Huang Jianqiang, who was born in Hengshui District, Jiangzhou City, is Yin Jun's fellow villager. He is not only one of the commentators, but also the leader of the team sent by CCTV to Germany.

Originally, the journey went very smoothly, but when Yin Jun got off the plane, an accident occurred. The airport informed Yin Jun that thousands of Yin Jun's female fans surrounded him outside the airport and asked Yin Jun what to do.

The fan pick-up this time is not the kind of pick-up behavior organized by the government when the Chinese team returned to China after the World Cup. It has security guarantees.This is completely the voluntary behavior of the fans, and the airport cannot send too many security personnel for a while.

Yin Jun had no choice but to ask his family to leave with the other passengers. He waited behind to see if the fans would leave after they found out that he was not there.

But it turned out that even if Yin Jun didn't leave with the passengers, the fans didn't leave either.

Yin Jun shook his head and said: "No, they just didn't see me, so they were a little at a loss, but they didn't break up. So if you go out now, you will still be blocked by them."

"Then what should we do? We can't hide here all the time, can we?" Huang Jianqiang also frowned.

Yin Jun was also very helpless. He temporarily asked his parents and other passengers to leave first, so as to ensure that the order of the airport would not be disturbed.But the big troops have successfully escaped, how will he leave?You can't always hide inside and be more patient with the fans outside, right?

"Go through other exits." Yin Jun's mind turned quickly, and he quickly thought of a way, turned around and walked in another direction.

And Huang Jianqiang and the photographer followed quickly, but they came back here after a while, Yin Jun still frowned.

The fans seemed to have guessed Yin Jun's thoughts, and his fan groups were waiting at several other exits holding up lights and posters.

Today is Saturday, and most high schools and high schools in the capital are closed for the weekend, so Yin Jun, the female fan's eldest sister, has enough manpower to dispatch, and there are 8000 female fans who came to the airport.The organizer had strong organizational skills, and basically sent hundreds of people to guard every exit where Yin Jun might leave the airport.

Looking at Yin Jun, Huang Jianqiang stopped talking, but actively helped to find a way.

Thinking about it, Huang Jianqiang suddenly felt that this documentary captured a lot of interesting content.It's not the kind of documentary that is made out of bureaucratic articles. It's smooth and smooth, and you can guess what the end is after seeing the beginning.

The sudden appearance of the fan group and Yin Jun's temporary decision to separate from the main force were all unexpected.Under such circumstances, it is obviously very interesting to observe how Yin Jun will solve the problem.

So, is Yin Jun a bachelor who goes out to meet fans and fulfill their demands?Or do you think of other ways to leave?

Moreover, with Yin Jun's special situation, it seems that it is not so easy to leave the airport in other ways, right?

Just like just now, Yin Jun also thought about sneaking out with other passengers, but this method quickly went bankrupt.Today's Yin Jun has grown to a height of 1.8 meters. Coupled with his highly recognizable handsome face, he stands out from the crowd among ordinary passengers, and he can be seen with a little attention.


Suddenly, a group of people caught the attention of Yin Jun who was looking around.I saw a group of tall men in black suits, surrounded by a beautiful and tall girl, coming out of the airport.

Yin Jun's eyes were not on the tall and beautiful girl in the middle, but on the group of black suits around her.These people are all wearing big sunglasses, and they are all tall. If he wears a pair of big sunglasses and sneaks in, he will definitely not be too conspicuous.

So, Yin Jun hurried over and greeted: "The young lady inside, please do me a favor!"

The crowd of bodyguards was blocked by Yin Jun, and everyone looked at Yin Jun with some vigilance.They didn't take any drastic actions, because there was still a camera nearby.

Just when Yin Jun was feeling a little apprehensive, the tall girl in sunglasses surrounded by bodyguards had already pushed aside the bodyguards, and exclaimed excitedly, "Wow! It's Brother Jun!"

"Uh..." Yin Jun recognized who the girl was at this time, and said with some embarrassment, "It's you, Xian'er!"

The girl took off the toad mirror she was wearing, revealed that pretty face of joy and anger, and said with a smile: "It's not me! Brother Jun, why are you here?"

Yin Jun scratched his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly, "That... I just came back from abroad..."

Liu Xian'er said: "Oh, I remembered, it seems that there will be a national team match at the beginning of next month, right? Then why don't you go out? Don't you have a car?"

Yin Jun shook his head and said, "No, the national team sent someone to pick me up. It's just that I couldn't get out of the airport and was blocked..."

Liu Xian'er said in surprise: "Blocked by someone? Who is so bold, dare to block Brother Jun?"

Yin Jun waved his hands again and again and said, "No, there are many fans outside, I'm afraid going out will cause chaos at the airport..."

Liu Xian'er then said, "Then why don't you ask the airport to send security guards to escort you out?"

Yin Jun said: "Isn't that bad? If the fans see me asking the airport to send a large group of security guards to take me out, they won't be sprayed to death by some people with ulterior motives?"

Liu Xian'er nodded and said: "That's right, brother Jun, you are so famous now, many people are staring at you. Then how do you want to solve it now?"

Yin Jun said with some embarrassment: "I need your help, Xian'er. You see, you have brought some staff with you. I will just mix among them. No one should notice."

Liu Xian'er opened her eyes and knew what Yin Jun was up to, she laughed and said, "Brother Jun, you are too bad! You even came up with such a terrible idea!"

Yin Jun scratched his head and smiled innocently.

Liu Xian'er looked at Yin Jun. He was wearing a black Armani suit and was about 1.9 meters tall. He was mixed in with his bodyguards. Nodding in agreement, he asked again, "By the way, Brother Jun, do you have sunglasses?"

Yin Jun shook his head, he didn't prepare in advance, where are the sunglasses.

Liu Xian'er handed the toad mirror she was holding to Yin Jun, and said, "Then you can wear mine. Although the style is a little different, you won't be able to tell if you don't pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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