host must win

Chapter 537 The Challenge From Kaka

Chapter 537 The Challenge From Kaka

Although this Brazilian team lacks the top star Ronaldo, Rivaldo also bid farewell early, but it is still full of stars.Not to mention Ronaldinho, who is in full swing, there are also Brazilian midfielder Kaka, Inter Milan's new king Adriano, and the recent supernova Robinho who has been frequently rumored with Real Madrid.

It can be said that none of this Brazilian team is not a star!
Most of the players in this Brazil team know Yin Jun. Most of them have played for Europe, and even many of them have played against Yin Jun in the game.Seeing Yin Jun, many people came to say hello.

When he saw Kaka, Yin Jun greeted him with a smile, and said with a smile: "Kaka, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon!"

The two had just been inseparable in the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League at the end of April and early May, each winning a game, but the Brazilian team became the final winner, relying on the advantage of away goals to eliminate Manchester United, ending Manchester United's three consecutive Champions League titles At the same time, he also broke into the Champions League final for the second time in three years.

However, in Istanbul, the Brazilian team once again became a loser, but instead achieved a miraculous comeback of the Red Army Liverpool.

With his iconic smile, the Brazilian hugged Yin Jun warmly, and said with a smile: "Yes, but I'm afraid this will become another sad place for you tomorrow."

Yin Jun didn't expect this guy to say such provocative words, but he is not willing to suffer, so he replied with a smile: "Who knows? Maybe this is another Istanbul."

Kaka raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, you really dare to think about it."

Yin Jun smiled and said, "Many things are probably more unbelievable than imagined."

Kaka was a little unpredictable, not sure whether Yin Jun was playing smoke bombs or serious.It seemed that no one could guess what kind of tactics Alihan would use.

Brazil is a strong team, and they have no other choice but to win tomorrow's game, so they will definitely take the initiative to attack.It is the weak Chinese team that really needs to struggle with their style of play.

After the two of them exchanged polite greetings, they left separately.


After getting acquainted with the venue from the Rhine Energy Stadium, after returning to the hotel and having dinner with his teammates, Yin Jun went back to his room and began to study the potential opponents he might face in tomorrow's game.

The first is Brazil's midfield.

Dida, the goalkeeper, has been a bit nervous this season, and his performance has been up and down, but he is still the main goalkeeper of Brazil and AC Milan, and his position is very stable.

In terms of defense, the Brazilian team is also full of talents, and Pereira can form different combinations.

Bayern defender Lucio's performance has been very stable and should occupy a place in the starting central defender.However, Junior made a mistake in the game against Mexico, and he will definitely be beaten by Pereira. It is estimated that he will not play this time.

If Junior falls out of favor, he may give his Leverkusen teammate Juan a chance. This short Brazilian central defender has good speed and explosive power. Good marking effect.

Because both Cafu and Carlos were not selected for this Brazilian team, Hertha Berlin's Brazilian defender Gilberto Melo, as well as Sao Paulo defender Cicinho and Barcelona defender Belletti were given a chance.Among them, Cicinho did not perform well in the game against Mexico. The corner kick scored by Mexico was caused by Cicinho's fall from the top. I don't know if he will be abandoned by Pereira...


Just when Yin Jun was frowning in distress, a message came from his QQ, which calmed him down.

"What are you doing?" Ye Lanqiu asked.

Yin Jun replied without thinking, "I'm waiting for you."

What responded to him was a shy expression and a bloody kitchen knife, which made him laugh, and the original heavy pressure was also relieved a lot with this smile.

Ye Lanqiu asked: "Are you preparing for tomorrow's game against Brazil?"

"Yeah, I'm reading the materials, and I'll go to bed later." Yin Jun replied, "It's okay, let's chat with you for a while."

"Have you been under a lot of pressure recently?" Ye Lanqiu asked heartily.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Yin Jun replied, but his eyes were still on the material behind the chat window.

About 1 minute later, Ye Lanqiu sent another message: "I'm also very nervous recently, a crew of a big-budget movie invited me to audition."

"Big production movie? Which crew? Who is the director?" Yin Jun asked several questions in one breath, his concern was palpable.

"I don't know the details. It is said that the roles are mainly big-name stars from Xiangjiang, and there are not many castings in the mainland."

This is also the consistent strategy of many film crews. Before the casting, they didn't tell the other party what they were going to shoot. The confidentiality work was done very well, and it was normal for Ye Lanqiu to not know.

After hearing Ye Lanqiu's words, Yin Jun remembered a movie she had starred in, and said, "Then go try it, since it's mainly the actors from Xiangjiang, you should try it, it's also convenient for you Go abroad in the future. But pay attention to safety, don't allow others to take advantage of you."

Ye Lanqiu rolled his eyes and said, "They are all people of status, how could they be as unbearable as you said..."

Yin Jun made a grinning expression, and said: "That's not necessarily true, there is no lack of clothes and beasts everywhere. Don't look at some big stars who look like dogs, but they are dirty behind the scenes."

Ye Lanqiu made a trembling expression, and said: "What you said is so terrible, then I'd better not go."

Yin Jun knew that the movie Ye Lanqiu said was good for her development, and it would be a pity if she missed it, so she smiled and said, "You don't need to miss such a good opportunity, just take care of yourself."

"Then I'll go." Ye Lanqiu returned a smiling face, "I will cheer for you in tomorrow's game."


The two chatted for a while, and Ye Lanqiu took the initiative to log off QQ, letting Yin Jun concentrate on preparing for the game.

After chatting with Ye Lanqiu for a while, Yin Jun didn't intend to continue watching.The Brazilian team is full of talents, and it is possible for Pereira to use any kind of staffing, especially when the Brazilian team performed poorly in the last game.

"Why don't you watch it?" Dong Fangzhuo asked strangely.

Yin Jun shook his head and said, "I can't figure it out, so I won't read it."

Not only Yin Jun couldn't figure it out, but even the coaching staff couldn't figure it out.Apart from Pereira and his assistants, who can guess what lineup he will line up tomorrow?Instead of wasting time and energy guessing, it is better to do your part.

"No matter who it is, we have only one goal tomorrow, and that is to kill them!" Yin Jun said with high spirits.

What the Mexicans can do, there's no reason why I can't do it with my asshole!
(End of this chapter)

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