host must win

Chapter 538 The Strongest Rival

Chapter 538 The Strongest Rival

"Let's take a look at the videos of the first two games of the Brazilian team today." Alihan said to all the players in the meeting room with the remote control of the projector, "Since we are going to face the Brazilian team in the last game, how about that?" Of course we need to fully understand this team. The Brazilian team is very strong, but not so strong that some people outside say that we are ten blocks away from us...Ronaldinho is the strongest player in their team, and in addition There are also stars like Kaka and Adriano, but they are not invincible. This can be seen from their 0:1 loss to Mexico..."

As he spoke, he pressed the remote control and showed everyone the video of the match between Brazil and Mexico.

"We have already played against Mexico. You should have a very intuitive understanding of the abilities of Mexican players. So the game between Mexico and Brazil should give us some inspiration."

The meeting room fell silent, and everyone focused on the game screen on the projection screen.

This is a re-edited collection by the coaching staff, throwing out a lot of useless information and allowing players to focus on what the coaches want them to watch.

"This Brazilian team mainly played in a 433-[-]-[-] formation. Ronaldinho played mainly in the left midfield, occasionally as a left winger, but mainly on the left. When facing Ronaldinho, the defensive side will be caught in a dilemma - either send more men to defend Ronaldinho, but then the rest of the field will be empty, allowing Brazil to find space. Or keep the defense intact, but there is no way to use more men To limit Ronaldinho, so that Ronaldinho with outstanding personal ability cannot be prevented..."


With the translation of the Chinese assistant coach Wu Jinggui, in the video, Ronaldinho suddenly dribbled the ball in from the left, and with his excellent starting speed, he instantly threw away the defending Mexican midfielder No. 8 Pardo , and then dribbled the ball diagonally and went straight to the middle of Mexico.Then facing the Mexican midfielder who was rushing up, he only flicked the football with his left foot, and avoided the foot that stretched up to steal the ball, forming a breakthrough.

This Pardo, the Chinese team has just competed with him in the game, with tough defense and outstanding ability.It caused a lot of trouble for the Chinese team during the game.But in the video, facing Ronaldinho's assault, he was taken so easily.

Some people in the meeting room couldn't help exclaiming, Ronaldinho is indeed amazing.He is not tall and definitely not fast, but the frequency of his feet is very fast, which allows him to always come first and respond before the opponent's kick, so it is often very simple. He gets past his opponent.But the players who were passed by him still don't understand how they were passed.

In the video, Ronaldinho tore a hole in Mexico's defense after getting past Pardo, and after drawing the Mexican defenders to him, he passed the ball to his team-mate in the space.If it weren't for the brave performance of Mexico's young goalkeeper Ochoa, Mexico's goal would have been lost.

"So when we defend Ronaldinho, don't just focus on him, otherwise our goal may fall. We have to shrink, like a palm, spread out, fingers and There are seams between the fingers."

Alihan raised his right hand, spread out his five fingers, and showed it to the players.

"These gaps will be exploited by Ronaldinho and the Brazilian team. But if we shrink up and make fists... where are the gaps?" Arihan clenched his hands into fists, "When we defend, we just Shrink the defense like a fist, and don't give them too much space in key places..."

"If we lose the ball in the midfield, the person who loses the ball must counterattack immediately. But remember that the main purpose of counterattack is not to steal the ball, but to delay the opponent's attack. If the opponent prevents them from passing the ball forward, it will be regarded as a successful counter-robbery. Others must return to the defense at full speed and fall to their own positions... They can be allowed to pass the ball appropriately, but the center must be strictly guarded ..."


"Let's look at the video of the opponent in the next game."

Brazil coach Pereira is also showing his players the video of the Chinese team.However, the players of the Brazilian team sitting below were not very concerned. Some people were still whispering: "Is the old man too serious? Do you need to care so much about playing against the Chinese team?"

"In the World Cup, we swept them 4:1!"


Although Pereira couldn't hear the voices of the players whispering, he could see what they were thinking from the casual faces of the players, which annoyed him a little.

These guys had the same attitude before the last game, and then they lost to Mexico.But now it seems that they have not learned a lesson at all.

So he called Ronaldinho's name, and Ronaldinho stood up with a dazed face. He didn't whisper and talk about it. I don't know why the head coach wanted to call his name.

"Have you won the European Ballon d'Or yet?" Pereira asked.

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "No, sir."

Pereira asked again: "So have you won the World Footballer?"

Xiao Luo was very unhappy, this old man was very bad, and he just poked him in the pain, but he still said honestly: "No, sir."

Pereira nodded and said, "Very well, sit down, Ronaldinho."


After Ronaldinho sat down, he turned to the other players, immediately changed his face, and said loudly: "What even Ronaldinho couldn't do, there is one person in the Chinese team who has done it! It is their captain and The core of the midfield, Yin!"

"This oriental boy, who is younger than any of you, has won the European Ballon d'Or for two consecutive years, and also won a World Player of the Year award! This is our opponent in the next game! What right do you have to look down on people here? !"

Everyone was stunned by the head coach's scolding, and they didn't dare to take a breath.Under the staring gaze of the head coach, some people who had not sat properly before also adjusted their sitting postures, and sat obediently in their own positions.

"Because you beat the Chinese team by a big score in the World Cup, do you think we will definitely win tomorrow's game? Let me tell you, that's not necessarily the case! It's like we only won 4-0 against Mexico last year, but What about the game two days ago? We lost! If you play like this tomorrow, we may suffer another defeat! Everyone must pay attention to this game! Watch the video now!"

He pressed the play button, and after a brief black screen, Yin Jun's figure appeared on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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