My vision is different

Chapter 199 Record Score

Chapter 199 Record Score

The championship of the NBA does not necessarily depend on absolute strength. Many off-court factors greatly affect the final result. Any small mistake will change the direction to another.

Like Kobe, like LeBron.

Just like injuries and lack of self-discipline, ruining the star will also ruin the team.

So Lin Shaojie never thought that the honors related to the team would be 100% certain. There were too many variables, no one could say it was wrong, and he could only try his best to fight for it.

However, with the strength of the Pacers and Lin Shaojie's match against most NBA teams, this season's NBA is not as difficult as he imagined.

Not referring to the championship, but the MVP, just like Rose said back then.

"Why can't it be me?"

When Rose said this, many reporters laughed, and then everyone knows that many reporters were slapped in the face.

Today, Lin Shaojie did not shout that slogan, but the fans in the Conseco Arena helped him shout it.

Very imposing and aggressive.

Lin Shaojie believes that with the strength of the team and the business "partner" behind him, he only needs to ensure the stability of the team during the regular season, and then pass the first round of the playoffs.

Frank will not lose his dream of being the best head coach, and as the core of the Pacers, he may also win that crown.

According to coach Xie Zhenghe, the NBA, as the highest-level commercial league in the basketball world, is far more influential than the gold content of Olympic champions, just like the gold content of the World Cup is greater than that of Olympic champions.

Lin Shaojie can win the MVP, regardless of the final champion, even if there is one and only one, this honor is enough to make him a god.

Not only in China, but even the entire Asian circle.

Both fame and fortune!
When he said this, Xie Zhenghe's eyes were bright. Many things that he failed to do when he was young seemed to be gradually becoming reality with his apprentices. He put almost all these hopes on Lin Shaojie. .

Following Xinlang's all-star event, Xie Zhenghe, the original tutor, once again became active on Weibo, and was named by netizens again and again.

"Who is he?"

"Oh, mentor Lin!"

"The middle-aged uncle is quite handsome, just a little worse than Director Lin."

Xie Zhenghe just laughed it off, it was a child's play, but Lin Shaojie could see Xie Zhenghe's pride from the bottom of his heart.

"If you can really win it, my life will be complete. It's hard to say the championship, just like the halftime game between you and the Heat. Sometimes the scene was really ugly. Fortunately, you didn't care about it after the game. Now you don't need it anymore. Show your toughness in front of NBA players."

Xie Zhenghe said.

"From my sources of information, most of the players don't think of you as a softie. You have proved through your performance on and off the field that you are a tough guy, an absolute tough guy!"

Xie Zhenghe didn't dare to imagine what would happen if Lin Shaojie was injured when facing the five gangsters. The knife wound was relatively easy to say, but he was also afraid that there would be an eventuality. Mu Cang injury was no joke.

Going in a small hole, coming out is a wound the size of a bowl, why is my apprentice so bold!
Anyway, after seeing that scene on TV, the media in the beautiful country spread it as a joke, which seemed to deepen the misunderstanding of the beautiful people towards the Chinese people, as if many people knew kung fu!
Even many stand-up show actors are using this as a joke, but in fact.
The whole Lin family was so worried that even Su Guosheng called and expressed his disapproval of Lin Shaojie's "impulsive" behavior.

A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger!
At that time, Lin Shaojie felt too much care!

"Teacher, don't worry, as I said, I was the last one to fall! Isn't it all right!"

"It's fine, don't be brave in the future, you know? If you don't want to part with those materials in the future, you can save them in the network disk in advance, understand?"


Lin Shaojie nodded.

Right now, there are very few people like him. He doesn't have an agent, nor does he have a complete team, but things are handled in an orderly manner.

Nothing went wrong in the business negotiations. In fact, Lin Shaojie understood that the people he worked with were just waiting for him to set up a professional business company serving him personally, just like what Kobe and LeBron did. .

On the way to the court in the morning, Chen Junren and Yang Wenyuan jokingly talked to Lin Shaojie, wanting to learn his shooting style and see if they can make their scoring more efficient.

Of course Lin Shaojie agreed.

"Although shooting also requires a certain amount of talent, compared with pure physical talent, there is still a gap between this talent and pure physical talent. You can try it, as long as you work hard, you can develop it.

In this way, it just so happens that I am also training recently, you guys train with me every morning, we just need to get up an hour earlier. "

"Can you do it? You train so much every day?"

Chen Junren couldn't believe it. Although they hadn't been in the beautiful country for a long time, they still knew Lin Shaojie's training volume, especially after following Lin Shaojie to participate in a training yesterday, they saw that although the total time was not long, the single training volume was very high. exaggerate.

Even in the most basic training, you are constantly looking for your upper limit, and then look at those so-called "rough guys," in daily training, playing tricks can make people jaw-dropping.

Yang Wenyuan was ashamed to say that he was a power forward. He felt that he might not be better than Hibbert in terms of skill, not to mention the huge gap in physical talent between the two sides.

No wonder everyone is saying that before logging into the NBA, everyone was Jordan in the world they lived in, beating their opponents to tears every minute.

It is only in the new world of the NBA that we know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people.

The main reason is that Hibbert's height is too exaggerated!
The height of seven feet two is like a giant. One can imagine how oppressive it will be when standing in front of a real little giant!

But even so, everyone could see that Hibbert didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Lin Shaojie.

The young man who entered the school and wore Yang Wenyuan's jersey during the interview can now dominate the NBA.

But Chen Junren dared to doubt whether he could get up early, Lin Shaojie glanced at his old teammate.

"Did you forget what Kobe said, the sun at four o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles?"

"Don't, I still want to relax here, I really can't get up at that point."

"It's not that exaggerated, it's not too early to wake up at [-]:[-]!"

Lin Shaojie's words dispelled Chen Junren's illusions. He thought he came here to travel and enjoy the blessings, but he didn't expect that in the end, he still couldn't escape the training.

Looking at the coach Xie Zhenghe, he nodded yes, not to mention any other major improvements, if Chen Junren and Yang Wenyuan's shooting ability increased by [-] to [-] percent, he would be able to wake up from his dreams with a smile.

After all, compared with Lin Shaojie, a player who is purely talented and cheating, Chen Junren is more like an ordinary person. If he can train such a person, his sense of accomplishment is not much lower than that of Xie Zhenghe!
In this game, although the Bulls are the opponents of the Pacers, there are not many acquaintances in the lineups of both sides, plus Hamilton, who has returned from injury.

Last night, Lin Shaojie also invited the other party to have a meal, and Chen Junren, who is a little fan, also got an autograph.

After all, he was one of the core members of the Piston Five Tigers back then. After taking off the mask, the "Masked Man" in everyone's impression can be regarded as a rare handsome guy among old blacks, but in the eyes of everyone, he feels a little more strange.

Hamilton readily agreed to Lin Shaojie's invitation.

As the core, Lin Shaojie is the Pacers' controller, but for Hamilton.

Lin Shaojie in singles is not scary;
Lin Shaojie who shoots long shots is not terrible, even Lin Shaojie who runs without the ball is not terrible.

But when a player with a strange off-the-ball running style, a court "scalpel" who is more intelligent than when he was young, can intersperse in and out of the opponent's formation at will, and his shooting belongs to players with 180+ or ​​even 200+ clubs.

When such a player starts to run unscrupulously on the court, it is a nightmare for all other teams and defenders in the league.

Hamilton seemed to see an enhanced version of himself with three-point long-range shots and no confrontation.

At his peak, he was able to overthrow the "OK" combination with his teammates. When this center is declining day by day and there are fewer and fewer offensive and defensive superstars, Hamilton can't think of anyone else who can stop the rise of this rookie.

I'm sorry, the fiasco of the last round of the Heat has already shown that the Heat are no match for the Pacers at all, and their performance is not even as good as the Eagles!

So for the next day's game, Hamilton can only say, just try your best.

This is not to weaken one's aura, but to be based on reality.

The Pacers are strong and have played the rotation for so long. When other teams began to suffer from injuries one after another, they, like the Spurs, survived the difficult period unscathed.

As for the Bulls, Hamilton knows it all too well.

So the two sides hardly talked about basketball at the dinner, it was all off-court, and Chen Junren and the others made gestures, expressing their respect for the Pistons back then.

Hamilton accepted it with a smile, even though he is a Bulls player, but everyone regards him as the number 32 of the Pistons!
After dinner, a group of people went home with satisfaction. At that time, Luo Xiaoou asked Lin Shaojie.

"Xiaojie, isn't there any pressure to play with these stars every day? But judging by your condition, you are doing very well."

"How can there be no pressure!"

Lin Shaojie tapped Leian's own head.

"There's always something to do. It's impossible to focus 100% on basketball. It's just work. Some people like games, some people like fishing, and some people like to go out to drink and find girls to relax.

And me!

When the pressure is high, I go to listen to music to relieve it. If it’s really not good, I hold the study materials and study with Su Zhen. Now that she is pregnant, the study efficiency is a bit low. I learn very quickly. Maybe I can get it before her. Enough credits to graduate. "

Lin Shaojie knew that if it wasn't for the "eye of truth," he wouldn't have the confidence to say this. Just his mental adjustment ability allowed him to integrate very well in the NBA.

"Not to mention, your equipment is so good that you can buy a house in your hometown."

Luo Xiaoou said enviously, Lin Shaojie, who doesn't spend much money, is quite willing to spend in this respect, the two most expensive rooms in the family.

One is the gym, and the other is the audio-visual room used as an office.

Especially the latter, it looks inconspicuous, but anyone who knows the business knows that those gadgets are very expensive, and almost all of them are mass-produced top-level equipment from various brands. This kind of [-]-[-]% improvement may only take a few A hundred dollars is a few thousand dollars, but an increase of ninety to ninety-five points can't beat tens of thousands of dollars, which is completely burning money.

Some things are too niche to be bought in China.

Just like Lin Shaojie's signature car, domestic fans know that Lin Shaojie's "stingy" car is reluctant to buy, and it's all for free.

It is said that there is nothing good about whoring for free, but when you sit in that car, you will know the power, the quietness, and the sense of luxury.

It may not be as exaggerated as the top luxury models, but it is definitely a ceiling in the mass production level, and Lin Shaojie also said that as long as he is in the NBA, such a possible mass production car will be free of charge before it is officially released. For a star like him.

Luo Xiaoou's envious eyeballs almost fell off, no wonder Fa Xiao dared to speak wildly, and he was not short of money for the time being.

During this period of time, he also discovered that apart from the daily expenses at home, Lin Shaojie’s biggest personal expense is the "exclusive personal" service provided to him by the United State University, just like the teams raised by those stars.

This kind of finding the right person to do things is cost-effective and effective. It is definitely a model of spending a small amount of money to do big things.

And it's all in a peer-to-peer format, and there is no chance for those "intermediaries" to make a difference at all, and others can't do it without the vision.

I don't know how Lin Shaojie discovered those people, and then pinched them together. It's really impossible if you don't have that vision.

Luo Xiaoou even felt that Lin Shaojie didn't give other people in Pretty Country a chance to make a difference, that's amazing!

Sure enough, people are different. Anyway, Luo Xiaoou felt that his small change made a huge difference. When he chatted with Zhao Li privately, both of them felt that they were almost mentally handicapped, and they were stupid in front of him.

Fortunately, the person is still the same person.

"You said, our Xiaojie won't be possessed by aliens, right? This change is too big."

"How did I know!"

When she said this, Zhao Li looked at Lin Shaojie and smiled at her. Although he was very handsome, Zhao Li shuddered, as if she had just entered university and was facing the department (uncle) who was very prestigious. .

Quite stressful!
The most important thing is that Zhao Li felt that her little thoughts were all seen by the other party at a glance.

Facing the Bulls the next day.

Conseco's home court is still full of fans.

At present, according to the internal calculations of the Pacers, Conseco Arena can earn more than one million in a game.

From the 90s to two thousand years later, the average ticket revenue of each home team in the NBA did not increase, but declined. It was not until last season that the league's average ticket price per game began to increase.

This season, the Knicks’ average ticket price has reached $120, and the Lakers have also broken through $100. As for the Pacers, although they are not as exaggerated as the Knicks and the Lakers, as a small local team, their price is really not cheap .

The Pacers currently earn more than one million dollars in ticket sales for each game, plus souvenirs, catering and other consumption, the Pacers can be regarded as representatives of small local teams in terms of revenue this season, even in In terms of profits, it far exceeds the income of metropolitan teams such as the Bulls and Celtics.

Everyone knows why. On the one hand, the Pacers' record, on the other hand, the Pacers' style of play is very good. The home team can be called "the city of lobs", and there are gorgeous fast break performances from time to time. It's pleasing to watch.

Of course, what I have to mention is the performance of the Pacers Tanhua Show. He can be called the crown of flowers in this "show", the brightest star.

The Trail Blazers more than ten years ago were typical. They were in a small market and had three consecutive first-round trips, but they had "Glider" Drexler, super point guard Rod Strickland, and Saab Nice, their games are naturally very popular and ticket prices are high.

Today, Lin Shaojie has become the "finishing touch" of the Pacers. This season, the Pacers' hot ball market at home, high season tickets, and exaggerated souvenir sales have not made the Pacers' uniform team laugh. flowers.

The metropolis has the style of the metropolis, and the small place also has the survival rules of the small place. Just like this, it is not uncommon to turn around by relying on the draft, and the Pacers are a living example.

Xie Zhenghe, who learned some data through Lin Shaojie, was a little bit sighed. In fact, the domestic major leagues have been played for so many years, but they have always been separated from the CBA. Except for the finals, which are popular, tickets for general games cannot be given out, which is rare.

Those who watch the game have no energy, and those who play the game have no energy.

He hasn't learned how to draw cats and tigers, so he, a practitioner for many years, can only feel pessimistic.

Looking back at the CBA, I don't know what the little giant will do after returning.

By the time Xie Zhenghe raised his head, the warm-up between the Pacers and the Bulls had ended, and the "children" sitting beside them had calmed down and were no longer as active as before.

"How about it, is it very lively?"

"Thank you coach, it's great!"

This is the second time Luo Xiaoou has seen it. It's really big, so white, and that figure. Tsk tsk.

The little turtle from Jiangbei is talking about Lin Shaojie, who shoots the ball accurately, "skin white and beautiful," and the pretentious opening performance can always arouse the emotions of the audience. Whether it is shooting or passing performances with teammates, it is gorgeous and practical. It is pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Li also put her palms together, a little excited, mainly because the atmosphere is so good, it is easy to be infected, and she feels that following the roar will help her lose weight.

But looking at my ribs figure, and then looking at those front (bulgy) and rear (curved) figures on the court, it really makes people feel a lot of emotion, obviously a bit too plump, why the flesh grows where it should be place too!

Zhao Li had a little chubby girl time before, when all the flesh was piled up on her face, she knew that she was not that kind of talented woman.

Looking back, I think about Su Zhen from the Lin family. As the girl Lin Shaojie most wanted to know, Su Zhen also looked a little thin, but when this kind of girl was close to the same age, she would always compare herself unconsciously. To be depressed to death.

Not to mention the difference in appearance, it was given by the parents, and it cannot be changed unless plastic surgery is done.

But he was obviously the same age as him, but he entered university a year earlier. Although he was not a top student in the traditional sense, Zhao Li could tell from his daily habits and accomplishments that he was not a child of an ordinary family. Then look at Mother Su.

So breezy!

Hearing that the two met at school, Zhao Li felt that Lin Shaojie must have stepped into a pile of dog shit, which was really lucky.

Looking at "Lin Gouzi" on the court at this time, it is reasonable to say that it is nothing to miss the whole class, this guy is now famous far and wide.

Sitting on the court you can tell how popular that guy is.

Generally, the fans who bought "civilian" tickets would shout "Lynn, I love you" and the like, and then look at those on the sidelines who are not serious at first glance, or some pornstars, just open their mouths.

"Fuck me, Lynn."

This word of tiger and wolf made Zhao Li and Luo Xiaoou blush when they heard it for the first time.

"Local cultural characteristics, ha ha!"

Li Dacheng added an explanation on the side, making a group of young people look sideways: Isn't Indiana just a big rural area, and there are such characteristics?

The game officially started. The Bulls sent point guard Nate Robinson, shooting guard Hamilton, small forward Luol Deng, power forward Boozer, and a center Gibson.

The Pacers started the Five Tigers unshakably.

Lin Shaojie was a little curious about the Bulls' current lineup. As a guard, Nate Robinson's passion and fighting spirit were qualified, but as a point guard, he didn't meet the standards in Lin Shaojie's eyes.

Although Robinson represents the basketball dream of many "ordinary people", he is really not ordinary. He is just a small version of a small bomb that can explode at any time.

But when they knew that the Pacers had Lin Shaojie, they dared to send this lineup. Lin Shaojie didn't know whether to say that Thibodeau wanted to win by surprise?Still really brave!

A mutilated bull, without fangs or teeth, a bull with a broken horn.

As an old acquaintance, Tom Thibodeau, the assistant coach of the Rockets and the shooting coach of the Little Giants, knew about Lin Shaojie's magical kid long before he entered the NBA.

When Adelman took office, the old assistant Thibodeau who switched to the Bulls finally ended his 18-year assistant career. In the first year of coaching the Bulls, he led the former Red Dynasty to a record of 62 wins and 20 losses, and finally won the Under the best coach.

The sweet time in the Bulls proved that Thibodeau is indeed of a standard, but with Rose's reimbursement, the Bulls' record fell off a cliff, and the [-]% gap made the old coach feel uncomfortable.

The [-]% winning rate dropped to [-]%, it would be uncomfortable for anyone!
Thibodeau knows how terrifying the Pacers are. Lynn, who scored 50 points against the Heat in the last round, is the outsider.

Super scoring ability is nothing, Thibodeau has seen too many players like this in his coaching and assistant coaching career.

Kobe, Arenas, and Tracy McGrady are more demons than others.

But just like the adjectives ESPN selected guards before, there is one called the controller.

As a rookie, No. 13 of the Pacers got unanimous votes in this selection. Although ESPN is very used to playing tricks and first attracting the audience's attention, the selection of this award is beyond doubt, and it is definitely a reflection of professionalism.

As a coach, I really hope that there is a player who can implement the tactics he arranges. Although there are too many rumors, the Pacers' No. 13 likes to make tactical adjustments on the court "self-assessment".

But it succeeded, right?
Thibodeau feels that Frank on the opposite side is a coach who enjoys nothing. Although the calls for Frank to be elected as the best head coach of the season are getting louder and louder, Thibodeau is vaguely unconvinced.

No matter how good the tactics are, what can be done if no one executes them.

Looking at the Bulls as a whole, the point guard is really in a state where no one is available. It would be nice to have Nate Robinson. At least as of now, they have averaged "4+" assists per game and "10+" points. Level, look at height again.

Forget it, let's not look at this first!

Thibodeau knows that the third pick on the opposite side is very good at using his own advantages to bully some players who are not as good as him. This is too common in the NBA.

But those who used it so well and so skillfully were almost all old hooligan-level players, and now they were pushed forward by a rookie learning from the back wave of the Yangtze River, and the front wave died on the beach!
When the Pacers switched to George Hill and Lin Shaojie went to the shooting guard position after the opening game, Thibodeau felt bad. Their tactics were completely understood, and the Pacers returned the sword and went slanted.

Because Hamilton reminded the old coach to be careful of Lin Shaojie's off-ball moves. Although Lin Shaojie didn't spend much time in off-ball tactics this season, he gave people a bright feeling every time.

Thibodeau didn't feel good off the court, and Hamilton didn't feel good on the court.

Lin Shaojie, who scored 50 points in the last round, must be the number one enemy of the Bulls, but you must know that he plays a point guard. Currently, in the entire league, he plays the most like a point guard, and his scoring efficiency is so high. One example, no other home.

A Lin Shaojie who can play post-up singles and shoot accurately from the long range is not scary, even a rookie who can run
Every individual strength falls in Hamilton's eyes, and he can find a way to target it, but when these are combined, a point guard with outstanding running positions, no need for main play, comprehensive personal abilities, and a fucking passer, this It's a very scary thing.

When Hibbert found his moment of glory at home, he beat Taj Gibson in the jump ball and passed the basketball to his teammates immediately.

George Hill, who was holding the ball, was still in possession of the ball, advancing slowly. Lin Shaojie, who was running without the ball, had already run past Robinson in a gust of wind.

The Bulls couldn't double-team Lin Shaojie without the ball at the beginning of the game. They never thought that the Pacers' third pick would play off the ball.

Just after George Hill passed halftime, Lin Shaojie ran over with Hamilton. Robinson was defending Hill. Lin Shaojie passed by Hill and took the basketball. Hamilton was about to block it.

Lin Shaojie, who had stopped, ran back in an instant, relying on George Hill alone, and Lin Shaojie stood behind him and jumped directly.

How could Hamilton have time? He had just circled behind George Hill, and the time gap was less than a few tenths of a second, but it was enough for Lin Shaojie to complete the shot from outside the three-point line.


Very relaxed, Lin Shaojie retreated slowly after completing the shot, and his teammates didn't care.

When Lin Shaojie starts playing off the ball, you can just treat him as a scoring machine.

How can there be any feelings!
The fans watching the game were very excited, which was in stark contrast to the "calm" Pacers players on the court.

Frank, who was sitting off the court, also high-fived assistant coach Brian Shaw. This was a tactic proposed by Lin Shaojie and approved by Frank.

They just let Lin Shaojie play off the ball in the first half, by surprise, and then see the effect.

It can be seen from this ball that the Pacers' sudden change made the Bulls very uncomfortable.

Just at this unsuitable time, the Bulls' offense encountered a lot of trouble.

When Robinson dribbled the ball, he was surrounded by Lin Shaojie.

Robinson, who has falsely reported his height, can easily get rid of ordinary point guards by relying on his impact. Everyone can see it.

Lynn is a giant and Nate Robinson is a dwarf!

This is not sarcasm, it is the truth, coupled with Lin Shaojie's long arms and big palms, it gives people a feeling that Robinson is completely enveloped.


Robinson himself did not expect that just standing in front of him, Lin Shaojie would put such a forceful defensive pressure on him.


Hearing Hamilton's voice, Robinson was overjoyed, but before he was ready to play the ball, there was a loud "bang" from the basketball in his hand!

Robinson didn't have time to react, he just wanted to hug Lin Shaojie on the opposite side, but Lin Shaojie who was ready to complete the steal and take a step, how could his "short legs" be able to keep up.

It has long been said that the talented Lin Shaojie has the fastest step in the next generation, but Lin Shaojie, who rarely shows these talents, seems to be fully implementing the health-preserving basketball proposed by Xie Zhenghe and Larry Bird.

People don't rely on talent to play.

But it was in this inadvertent display that everyone was amazed.

Nate Robinson, who had short legs but had outstanding explosive power, was thrown away by Lin Shaojie in a single step. Paul George and George Hill had already followed and rushed out.

The Pacers' fast-break troika moved like a rabbit and crossed the half court in an instant.

Paul George rushed to the front, George Hill was on the side to cover, and Hamilton, who was defensive and walking, could only watch Lin Shaojie throw a pass in front of him.

The basketball hit the backboard, bounced back, was caught by Paul George who took off in the paint, and then slammed into the goal frame.

The whole person feels twisted into an anti-"C"-shaped Paul George, and his talent is equally terrifying.

He is fast, jumps high, and has a strong sense of counterattack. He is gradually approaching the maturity of his career.

But even such a player is only the second master in the Pacers.

Hamilton felt that this matter was a little difficult!

In the first quarter of the game, in the eyes of all the audience, the Pacers played very easily. The opening 8-0 was a dream start, although the Bulls broke the scoring shortage afterwards.

But in the face of Lin Shaojie who wholeheartedly plays off the ball, Hamilton, who has come back for a while, can only say that his opponent does not speak martial arts.

Lin Shaojie, who was still friendly before the game, played off-ball running at the beginning, this is to force the veteran to death.

The old Hamilton really couldn't keep up, and he realized it, but his legs and feet were still sluggish for a while, how should I put it.

The feeling of a small horse-drawn cart.

On the one hand, the engine power is insufficient, on the other hand, the gearbox does not match, and the response is not timely.

Step on the accelerator, and it feels like half a second has passed before the car starts to move. It belongs to that kind of rushing and rushing feeling.

A man should drive a car with high horsepower. The car moves as he likes, and the surging horsepower is completely under his feet. If you say overtaking, you can overtake!

Of course, everything is just Hamilton's imagination.

Anyway, Lin Shaojie, who plays off the ball on the opposite side, looks like a child with ADHD, running non-stop.

And Hamilton also knows that after getting used to this running method, the physical consumption is not as great as imagined, and it belongs to the opponent's comfort zone.

Sure enough, when the rotation started, Lin Shaojie did not end.

He and George Hill stayed on, and David West and Roy Hibbert were replaced.

An inside titan and a veteran, they need adequate rest to ensure that the Pacers have no worries inside.

Other Bulls players who thought the opportunity was coming, like Luol Deng and Boozer, still stopped on the court.

The most outstanding part of the first quarter must be the outside line, but the role of the inside line is indelible.

But when the substitute came up, Luol Deng, Boozer and others found that it was not the case at all.

The so-called off-ball running position, Lin Shaojie has already rushed his combat radius from outside the three-point line to inside the three-point line, completely occupying both sides of the paint area.

In these areas with a high shooting rate, as long as the running Lin Shaojie stops, it often means shooting.

Loel Deng weighed only 100 kilograms, and found that he could not hold Lin Shaojie at all. The smiling old opponent who ran in front of him, after receiving a pass from his teammate, turned around and shot, completely ignoring his defense.

Sometimes there are two big tall people standing in front of him, but the movements of turning around and leaning back are too desperate.

This kind of shot that hits as long as it is shot is synonymous with despair.

Everyone can see that the main players are going to rest. The Pacers are very excited to play Tanhuaxiu, and it has the feeling of "I want to play ten".

As an old opponent who "knew" during the Olympics, Loel Deng is more familiar with the damage Lin Shaojie caused to Britain than anyone else.

Right now, the Pacers Tanhuaxiu, who has completed the second evolution, has started all kinds of tricky operations. Loel Deng feels that his years of professional experience are completely in vain.

Watching the opponent play turnaround jumpers in the paint area, the low post rarely breaks into the penalty area, and just completes the final offense on both sides of the paint area. The Bulls' forward players have no effect on his defense at all.

It was also the first time for the fans at the scene to see how cruel it would be if their leading star started to pass the ball stingily and rush to score.

It was only two quarters, and Lin Shaojie didn't rest for a minute. He scored 44 points in two quarters, playing the Bulls like hell.


In this game, Lin Shaojie almost stopped the assist button. In the two quarters, he only got 4 assists, 3 rebounds, 3 steals, and 2 blocks.

On the contrary, George. Hill unexpectedly scored 9 assists, and Paul George also had 4 starts.

At the end of the game at halftime, the Pacers had widened the difference between the two sides to [-] points.

Lin Shaojie picked up 2 steals and 2 blocks just on Robinson, and the opponent he played couldn't play at all.


At the end of halftime, the home fans were almost hoarse.

Can you imagine how exaggerated the hit rate close to [-]% is?
The Bulls this season are not a big team. Although they lost their number one player, they fought very bravely. Their internal strength far exceeds other teams.

If there is anything lacking, I am afraid it is a little inferior on the back line!

The last time he faced the Bulls, Lin Shaojie scored only 10 points, but this exaggerated performance of 44 points in the half shocked too many players and coaches.

Even Frank himself, who was the main player in this tactic, didn't expect how amazing Lin Shaojie's performance was when he fully released his fighting power.

But looking back at the shooting rights, Lin Shaojie took up the most shooting opportunities in the team, but he couldn't resist his high shooting percentage, so it seems that there are many other players.

If Lin Shaojie takes his energy out of the defensive end again and let the two sides fight a big battle, Lin Shaojie's score may be even more exaggerated.

"The game is over!"

Xie Zhenghe, who was sitting in the auditorium, sighed.

Every shot of the beloved disciple is like a small hammer hitting his heart.

"Dong Dong" sounded.

It's not about flying to the sky, but shooting, outside, inside, and shooting as you like.

The kind of "I just want to shoot, you have the ability to guard me. Can't you guard? La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, as the defense?"

It's a punchy feeling, but it fascinates everyone.

The shout of "MVP" did not know how many times it rang.

44 points in the half is too exaggerated. Many veterans have already seen the feeling of Kobe scoring 81 points back then.

But how many times the latter used the right to shoot, how many times the Pacers' Tanhuaxiu only had.

The referee on the court even made a baseline serve gesture before the ball even entered the frame. From this, you can know how high the Pacers' third-round hit rate is.

And unlike Kobe's game, Lin Shaojie has rarely made free throws so far. It's not that the referees are unfair, but that his shots are so clean that the opponent can't find anyone who wants to foul, unless the whole person pounces maliciously. foul.

But wanting to do all of this at Consec Arena, can you walk out normally?

During the intermission, it was another mediocre regular season, but the ratings once again hit a new high.

In the past ten or twenty years, except that Kobe scored 03 points in the first half in the matchup with Jordan in 42, you can know how difficult it is to 40+ in the half.

After that, it was Kobe who scored 55 points in the second half. Facing the Raptors, Kobe, who was in a daze, reversed his opponent and achieved the second highest score in the NBA.


During the intermission, Frank said to Lin Shaojie in the locker room. The latter drank a drink and shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, if the Bulls continue, I will play again, but I don't think they will allow themselves to be the background board of the record."

Everyone knows that Lin Shaojie is the big devil and executioner who bullies the "old, weak, sick and disabled", but this rookie is also a "benevolent person!"

As long as you raise the small white flag and admit defeat under his "butcher knife" raised high, he will let you go. After so many games, the Pacers and Tanhuaxiu left most teams impression.

very good!
It's not the kind of life-and-death enmity, you have to forgive others and forgive others, right!
So you can see that the Bulls were very docile in the second half, scoring with a cautious feeling.

"I'm going to fight, I'm going in, are you ready?"

"Oh, you're ready, I'm in, I'm in!"

"It's your turn, why don't you return one, please be gentle? Don't let that big demon king appear, it's easy to talk about."

The hot-tempered Robinson played calmly, like a little quail.

In the first half, he made a career-high turnover. The reality is too cruel. He wants to leave this big city and return to the countryside to enjoy a moment of peace.

Except that Belinelli, who came off the bench, was a little stunned, and at the end of the third quarter, he made consecutive mid-range shots.

During the rest, the bull almost died of depression.

Because they saw that big devil started to warm up.

"Mark (Belinelli), are you stupid? We want to control the score to around 13 points. You make a few mid-range shots in a row to bring the point difference to within [-] points, forcing the opponent's [-] Come out, are you courting your own death?"

For the first time, Belinelli felt the sinister intentions of the NBA, and no one told him, why even scoring is a sin!
This bull, no matter what, he is too bad, and he is not friendly at all.

Jimmy. I'm not Jordan Butler, who was also sitting on the bench, looked enviously at Lin Shaojie, who was warming up, doing simple stretching exercises with obvious muscle lines.

An opponent doesn't want you to play, and we give up the feeling of winning that the rookie of the previous year yearned for.

The day-to-day hard training is not for people to joke that he is Jordan's illegitimate child, nor is it for people to judge his appearance.

Butler wants to let more people know himself. During his time with the Bulls, he could feel that Thibodeau had begun to turn his attention to himself.

Thibodeau, who is a bit old-fashioned and somewhat opinionated, is not a good coach for rookies, but when he focuses on you, it also means that the opportunity has come, and it depends on whether you can grasp it.

Right now, Butler doesn't have many chances to start the game, but the average playing time per game has increased visible to the naked eye. As long as he keeps going, use his every minute, every second, and hard training to impress the coach. Butler believes that the Bulls have their own position.

Butler doesn't envy the scoring ability of the rookie on the opposite side. It's a talent, which is rare in the world, but he envies the opponent's defensive ability. While scoring so many points, he still dares to devote his energy to defense.

Although Robinson is not a superstar, he was stunned by the tall guy because of his short stature, which is definitely not covered up by a light "talent".

Butler believes that the person on the opposite side is definitely a training madman like himself, otherwise he will not maintain this state.

Lin Shaojie played again in the fourth quarter, not because the Pacers played badly, but because the opposite substitute appeared "heresy!"

Belinelli played for less than ten minutes, and his touch was similar to his own. Although he mainly focused on mid-range shooting, he scored 14 points in that time, which was better than many main players.

"Are you imposing? Great game."

Listening to Lin Shaojie's friendly greeting, defender Belinelli from Bologna, Italy wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Hi Lynn!"

"Hello, Mark."

After greeting Belinelli, Lin Shaojie greeted Butler not far away.

“Hello, Jimmy, I asked Michael last time, he is not related to you.”

Jimmy Butler listened to a black thread.

Lin Shaojie actually admires this striker, with average talent, but a height of 7 feet [-] (false report), slightly short.

Of course, there is such an illusion that it was all led by Xie Zhenghe. In Comrade Xie’s mind, this height is just an ideal shooting guard. I think Lin Shaojie, who was 1 meters, was disliked by Xie Zhenghe for being short. Except for the reason of joking, I probably can’t find it. out of other.

Lin Shaojie's playing made Butler a bit busy. His main defensive object was the Pacers' No. 13!
Lin Shaojie, who was still running without the ball, led Butler to run all over the court in the fourth quarter. After a few rounds, although the opponent was a little immature, he was played by Lin Shaojie with his wide vision.

But all of this doesn't matter to the second-year rookie. If he falls down and stands up again, even if he can't stop him, he will still put his big hands on the opponent's body.

This is his task, a player who is on the bench but yearns for the main force and core.

However, the difference in height between the two is negligible, but the difference in wingspan is too large. Even if Butler's defense is in place, Lin Shaojie can still take the shot calmly.

Lin Shaojie fired again and again inside and outside the three-point line, and took a rest for a quarter, which did not affect his touch.

Everyone could see that Lin Shaojie in defense completely strangled Belinelli, and Lin Shaojie in offense played the opposite No. 21 substitute like a monkey.

The player on the 21st who looks like a version of Jordan with hair can't defend Lin Shaojie at all.




Lin Shaojie's shot completely ended the game between the two sides, but within half a quarter, the head coaches of the two sides began to rotate the lineup. When Lin Shaojie walked off the court, the audience once again shouted "MVP!"

After scoring 50 points in the last round of hot Pacers, they easily scored 56 points against the Bulls this time!
The 44 points in the first half completely established the victory for both sides.

When the game was over, the reporters rushed to the popular fried chicken, but Lin Shaojie gently pushed away the crowded reporters and walked towards the Bulls' No. 21.

For the rest of the time, the Bulls' main players were all off the court, and the players who came on as substitutes were also exhausted. Only the No. 21 player kept running, doing useless work back and forth.

"If I choose, I want to be your teammate in the rookie game!"

Lin Shaojie stepped forward and patted this player who was slightly taller than him, still a little thin, but full of fighting spirit and full of unyielding players.

Lin Shaojie's words caused a bitter smile to appear on Butler's mouth, but before the smile could bloom, the rookie on the opposite side started joking again.

"It was a joke before, but you really look like Michael, are you free? Treat you to dinner to soothe your wounded heart."

I don't know when it started, the "reception" or "dinner" of the Pacers rookie has become a small legend in the league, and only players approved by that guy can participate.

He is obviously a rookie, but he has shown the demeanor of many big players, not to mention the 2012 rookie, even many other players are proud to receive Lin Shaojie's invitation.

Players like LeBron will definitely not admit to death!

At this time, Butler, a second-year player, felt flattered, and pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Me? Lynn, are you sure you are right."

"Of course, your performance is great, second-year rookie, if you are my teammate, I will train you well, your performance is great."

Regardless of their identities, everyone thought Butler was a rookie and Lin Shaojie was an old hooligan.

After finishing speaking, Lin Shaojie waved goodbye to Butler, and made a gesture of calling.

Although the Pacers are back to back and will face the Eagles tomorrow, Lin Shaojie, who is playing at home, certainly has plenty of time.

(End of this chapter)

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