My vision is different

Chapter 200 Untradeable Property

Chapter 200 Untradeable Property
At the press conference, Lin Shaojie, who had finished his serious nonsense, came out after dealing with the reporters, and waited for Butler who was about to come out on the other side.

With Iverson leaving the NBA, as the only active player with consecutive 50+ points, Lin Shaojie wrote his name on a new record. Of course, it is not comparable to Kobe in 07. .

But for Lin Shaojie, such data is dispensable, and he doesn't pay much attention to it. Pacers players including him know what is the most important thing this season.

At this time, many new recruits from the Bulls were looking at Butler with envy. This short-handed guy was lucky enough to go to "Lynn's dinner party." According to legend, he was only a guy who was approved by Lynn. to go.

Xie Zhenghe and Li Dacheng were also part of it. At this time, they saw Xiao Linzi who came out first.

"Do you like the sophomore show?"

"The talent is not bad. Except for the short arms, the others are passable. The main reason is that the energy makes people look very tempted. To a certain extent, the mentality is more mature than Paul George. Of course, when the talent is realized I no longer know."

The others could only keep silent. At this time, Lin Shaojie was really "big boss style". The reporters who were separated by some distance could only take a photo from a distance. Walked out with an excited smile.

"Hi, Lynn!"

"Hi, Jimmy, let's go! This is my classmate from Huaguo, and my coach."

Butler seemed a bit at a loss, completely different from his image on the court. He didn't seem to have enjoyed such a harmonious situation.

Fortunately, Xie Zheng and Mr. Cong matched, and Butler felt familiar with the coaching smell on his body. When he heard that the other party was also a university coach, that kind of admiration spontaneously arose.

After all, it was the coach who trained Lynn. Looking at the latter, even if he entered the professional league, he respected the original coach. Lynn is definitely a good person who knows how to repay his kindness!

"Are you sure about playing against the Eagles tomorrow?"

"Your shot is amazing!"

"How tall are you, why do I feel that we are the same height!"

After drinking and eating, Butler was full of curiosity about Lin Shaojie beside him.

The latter looked at the curious baby in front of him and answered many questions of the Bulls rookie.

Before the dinner, both of them knew that when Lin Shaojie expressed interest in a sophomore pick, it meant that he had taken a fancy to the other party's potential. As the head coach, Thibodeau couldn't be clear.

Maybe after some business bragging later, Butler will be different.

Butler, who was born in the Rocket City of Houston, is not stupid, how could he not know this.

So among the two at the dinner table, Lin Shaojie was obviously younger, but he controlled the rhythm of the conversation, and every time he spoke, he would always fall in love with this stubborn boy from the countryside who had lived a life of ups and downs since he was a child.

"I am also from a rural background, but I am happier than you. I have parents to take care of me. Parents in Huaguo don't say anything to their children, but in terms of education, Huaguo's parents always seem a little cruel."

After hearing this, Butler laughed "haha": "Then I would rather play back-to-back for a week than study. That would be too cruel to me."

Butler talked about his relationship with Thibodeau, that Thibodeau likes his training methods, that his situation in the Bulls is getting better and better, and that he is getting more and more attention, etc. There are a lot of things chatted between the two .

"Tom (Thibodeau) was really good, but the Bulls got it a little bit wrong."

Lin Shaojie raised a finger and said: "I think the spirit you have shown is not just a piece of the puzzle, you can play a better role."

Lin Shaojie's words shocked Butler, who had only drank a little, not even slightly drunk.

"When Derrick (Rose) was injured, your results looked good, but compared to last season, what you lost was not the winning percentage, but the mentality to win.

I see that kind of combative and aggressive character in many players, but when I show absolute strength, most of the hypocrites back down, today, I only see that feeling in you, so I think you will definitely achieve something in the future, not just a brick or a puzzle in Thibodeau's hands. "

Lin Shaojie held up the drink in his hand.

"For the future, I hope to see a better you, Jimmy, cheers!"


Butler was invited to raise his glass.

It was already late when he came out, and Butler was carefully sent to the car by Lin Shaojie, even the fare was paid in advance, not much money, but Butler felt very considerate.

Just like those other players who participated in Lin Shaojie's dinner.

"Whoa, lucky boy."

The taxi driver said very talkatively: "That's Lynn, you actually attended 'Lynn's dinner party.'"

"Of course!"

Butler said with some pride.

"In Indianapolis, there aren't many people worthy of Lynn's dinner. Except for his teammates, there are only some players he likes."

The wind and snow outside the window was a little heavy, but Butler was a little warm. In his mind, the scene of Lin Shaojie waving goodbye to him under the light was still in his mind.

That Huaguo person is really different, every word and deed seems to make people feel warm, it is really good to be friends with such a person!

Butler, who grew up in a "tragic" environment since he was a child, has integrated his competitiveness into his bones, because he knows that if he doesn't fight, he won't even have enough to eat.

Knowing that Lin Shaojie is younger than himself, but everything he has shown is like a big brother who can protect others from wind and rain. Looking back now, it is no wonder that the Pacers players listen to him very much.

Xie Zhenghe and others witnessed a sophomore player in the league with his own eyes, from his mediocre performance when he entered the door, to almost being a brother to Lin Shaojie when he parted.

This kind of emotional intelligence, you can't get your head around in the NBA. Even Xie Zhenghe himself has to sigh.

"I think it would be great for you to be union president in the future."

"Teacher, even if I have that ability, I won't do it. It consumes too much energy. If I have that time, what can I do?"

Lin Shaojie took the teachers back home together, first settled the teachers and them, and then took Luo Xiaoou and Zhao Li home.

This is how everyone lives these days.

On the return trip, Luo Xiaoou lay on the window of the car, looking at the snow outside.

"Xiaojie, are you really used to life here?"

"I'm definitely not used to it. After all, there are still big cultural differences. But I'm not used to it. You don't know me. I'm used to being alone. I feel quite comfortable here. , Su Zhen also adapts to it, and occasionally participates in community activities when she has time, and spends the rest of the time separately, I think it’s okay.”

"You're planning on staying with the Pacers?"

Luo Xiaoou said suspiciously: "I saw a lot of people wanting you to go to other big teams in domestic forums."

"New York or California?"

"Both, anyway, I feel that you are a bit buried in the Pacers. When your strength is reached, I always hope that you will go to a wealthy family. It is almost the same. It is the same as the destination of the five major European leagues. After all, your strength has reached."

"How should I put it, most of the stars who are worth playing here will go to the giants. After all, the commercial value is there, but I have no shortage!"

Lin Shaojie said frankly.

"If it's because of the children's future education, the Celtics, the Lakers, etc. are good, but there are too many things to consider when going to such a giant. I'm in the Pacers. At least for now, I don't have to worry about these messy things. Changing clothes I have the final say on the locker room, but when you come to a wealthy family, who cares about you, Kobe is such a big name and has conflicts with his teammates in the locker room, look at the Pacers locker room, have you ever seen anyone make trouble?"

Luo Xiaoou gave a thumbs up: "No need to say, our Xiaolinzi is the most powerful, I never thought of it."

"There are many rich and powerful families, this is not a joke, many players have been bosses, who can convince whom?

Just like playing a game, you will encounter all kinds of kills, assists, and economy. These people often have their own goals, but they ignore the most important outcome.

But in the civilian team, it is much better, with the same consciousness and clear goals. If you lose, everyone has nothing to play. If you win, everyone eats and drinks spicy food.

As for me, I was the one who rushed to the front. As long as I didn't give up, they would follow, otherwise the fans and the team's uniform team would spray them to death.

So I am very comfortable as a leader. I can rush to the front and leave the back to my teammates.

If you really go to a wealthy family, the ghost knows whether those people will stab you back because of economic interests or personal interests, or if it is serious, it is possible to stab you in the back. "

Luo Xiaoou agreed with Lin Shaojie's words.

"But today is different. The rules of the league are changing all the time. People's hearts are fluctuating. No one knows how many people can stick to playing honestly. Most people can't bear to give up as long as they find their own commercial value. , just like Linsanity."

It is normal for players to pursue higher contracts for their own interests, and for the team to kick out some obviously indispensable players for their own interests.

At this time, Lin Shaojie has seen more and more clearly that it is difficult to share wealth and wealth, and it is also difficult to share adversity!

Before the official opening of the All-Star Game, Li Dacheng, on behalf of Xinlang, organized Lin Shaojie's "friends and relatives" to participate in the previous home and away games.

In addition to the home game, this time there is only one away trip for the Philadelphia 75ers, and these "groups of relatives and friends" participate in the whole process.

As spectators, they have also seen the cruelty of the league's intensive games. Even with the Pacers' continuous lineup rotation, they can feel the strenuous feeling of the journey.

And they, as spectators, have to follow along.

There are three games in three days, and there is an away game. After returning to Indianapolis, there will be another game the next day. There are bobcats.

As the only sufferer in the first half of the season against the Pacers, the Eagles.

This time, the Pacers did not give their opponents any chance at home, and with the upcoming All-Star, Larry Bird intends to create momentum for his disciples.

Therefore, in recent games, Lin Shaojie still adopted off-ball running tactics as if he was facing the Bulls.

According to the facts, the record of the Eagles is not as good as that of the Bulls, or even the Nets.But judging from the staffing of both sides and the previous tactics, the Eagles can fight against the Pacers just by relying on their talents. They are a bit similar to the Pacers killer.

But in the face of the Pacers who suddenly changed their formation and changed their tactics, the Eagles who came from afar also became a drowned rat, and was boiled by the Pacers.

I thought it was a good show, and the game dubbed "Enter the Dragon" entered the rhythm of the Pacers from the very beginning.

Judging from the scene of the game, Hibbert played the best for the Pacers, and he is a burst seed in this game.Yang Wenyuan, who was sitting on the sidelines watching, looked with golden stars in his eyes.

Because in the eyes of many domestic fans, among the Pacers' starting five tiger lineup, only this big and tall man is relatively soft-tempered, unable to stand up at critical moments, especially when the scene is anxious sometimes, such a big and tall man No points, no rebounds, nothing.

The nickname "Gao Yuanyuan" spread like wildfire thanks to David West, a veteran who assisted Lin Shaojie on the sidelines, and Zhang Reasonable's joke.

But when you watch the game live, you know how reassuring it is to have such a big man inside. There are too many "animals" in the NBA, and almost all of them are a collection of human essence.

People with a height of two meters or more have strong athletic ability, and there are not a few of them who can jump a little bit scary, just like eagles, it feels like everyone can fly.

Gao Yuanyuan, no, Hibbert's explosive has become the most flashy player on the Pacers court, standing like an Optimus Prime in the Pacers' inside line.

Lin Shaojie, who runs wildly from the outside, looks like the Flash, always inadvertently sending the crowd of basketball players to the inside.

Yes, Lin Shaojie, who mainly plays off the ball, in the first half of the game against the Eagles, no one in the Eagles can keep up with the crazy assists. They are also afraid that this player who has scored 50+ points in two consecutive games I have never seen a player with such explosive scoring ability in China, and everyone is afraid of letting him feel it.

But the reality tells everyone why the Pacers' No. 13 is the court controller. He never thought about getting 50+ in this game.

After the Pacers' point guard was transformed into George Hill, Lin Shaojie seemed to be only playing the role of a "bearing", but the Eagles put at least 1.5 manpower on this bearing.

In addition, the basketball will not stay in Lin Shaojie's hands for more than a second. Sometimes the basketball just flies into Lin Shaojie's hands, and the latter transfers directly, and the basketball reaches the inside Hibbert or West. .

The pass is quick and stealthy.

Hibbert often doesn't make adjustments, and when he takes the ball and turns around, he dunks. The feeling of O'Neal's possession is too obvious;

David. West also catches and shoots.

Throughout the first half, the Eagles with outstanding physical talent were beaten to death by the Pacers' internal and external connections.

On the other hand, the Eagles' offense has no sense of rhythm at all, and the whole is fragmented.

Jeff Digg and Deshaun Stevenson on the back line couldn't break through the combination of Lin Shaojie, Paul George, and George Hill.

Their advancement often requires the assistance of Josh Smith, but Paul George is the sufferer of the Eagle King.

The Eagle King, who averaged 15+ per game, was stared very hard by Paul George in this game. He was struggling in all kinds of fights, and he couldn't show his talent.

"How did we lose to them last time? That's it?"

During the intermission, Hibbert, who was on the rise, suddenly took on some philosophical flavors, and was then ravaged by Lin Shaojie on his head.

The big boss is rough, pretending to be deep.

Throughout the first half, except for a few occasions when Lin Shaojie himself attacked with the ball to attract firepower, Lin Shaojie, who mainly focused on passing the ball, maximized the benefit of all Pacers.

Hibbert alone scored 19 points in the half, West also scored 10 points, and Paul George also scored 8 points as the main defense against Smith.

As for Lin Shaojie, he only had 17 assists in the half, "Sprinkle the water!"

"See, this is your little junior brother."

During the intermission, Xie Zheng and the toilet didn't bother to attend, and he was so excited that he couldn't contain himself.

Throughout the first half, Lin Shaojie was a master conductor on the court. The Eagles on the opposite side didn't even touch his face a few times. The basketball in his hands was just "going through the motions". The basketball is as if it has been opened, and whoever takes it can score.

The Pacers played too efficiently.

Look at the score on the court, 65 to 41, the kind where the Eagles were completely pressed to the ground.

Lin Shaojie's 7 points is nothing. The points he will get with three shots, one is three points, and the other two are two points.But 17 assists is a bit too exaggerated. The Pacers played too united and too exaggerated.

On the other hand, the eagle is completely led by the nose.

In the second half, Lin Shaojie sat on the sidelines to rest without any accident. The fans at the scene hoped that the Eagles could cheer up and force the rookie on the opposite side to come out.

Don't you want to compete for the scoring champion?

sleep you paralyzed up hi!
At home, the Pacers faced the Eagles, who had stabbed them in the first half of the season, and cut the opponent cleanly and neatly, which took only about [-] minutes.

Throughout the second half, the Eagles did not make an effective counterattack. Even without Lin Shaojie's Pacers, relying on the absolute advantage in the first half, the point difference has been kept at about 15 points, a very safe score line.

Even the substitutes are very confident. If they are really beaten by their opponents, they will have the confidence to wake up the No. 13 off the court!
Isn't that just letting the dogs go?No, let's release nuclear weapons, who wouldn't!

When the game was over, Lin Shaojie and his teammates clapped hands in celebration.

After a three-game losing streak in January, the Pacers used a series of four-game winning streak at home to declare that they are the team in the league that has not lost a home game so far this season.

The night of the win, the Pacers travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to take on the 75ers

Last year's 75ers barely squeezed into the last train of the playoffs, but in the crucial first round, they actually completed a heart-stirring "black eight" record. They killed the bulls who were in full swing in the first round, but Unfortunately, they were eliminated by the Celtics in the second round.

This is also one of the few in the NBA, the creator of the black eight who has no sense of presence, and the too ugly scene is quickly forgotten by people.

The spoiler of last season has become this season's scumbag. The current winning rate is no more than 75%. The [-]ers, who are once again entering the rebuilding period, are about to lose the possibility of squeezing into the playoffs this season.

A feeling of life hanging by a thread!

Faced with such a "weak team," the Pacers have never been so-called soft-hearted.

The strength of a strong team lies in the fact that generally they will not lose points that should not be lost, and this is the case with the current Pacers.

Luo Xiaoou and others who took another flight followed Xie Zhenghe. Although it was an away trip, the 75 people were very accommodating and gave Lin Shaojie an away ticket. Although it was bought with money, they could see the Pacers' popularity Fried chicken, the away team in this game is still full.

The 75ers don't want to be that ignorant team. I think back then, the fact that a certain team didn't sell a ticket for a courtside seat and allowed the third-ranked show to score exaggerated statistics is vivid in my memory.

It's not that people don't spend money, so why bother!

If it is more magnanimous, how about giving a few tickets, but the 75 people are different now, and the landlord's family has no food left!
Sitting in the auditorium, imagining that this is the team where Marshal Zhang and Iverson used to be, Chen Junren and Yang Wenyuan all seemed a little excited.

Whether the Pacers beat their opponents seems to be unimportant to them, but the difference in winning percentage between the two sides is too large.

After a slightly manic opening, facing such an opponent, the Pacers' strong defense from the beginning made the opponent unable to adapt.

The uniform team of the 75 people was a little skeptical, we didn't provoke each other, how could we be so ruthless?

In front of all the away fans and his "friends and relatives", Lin Shaojie showed what it means to be a real big devil.

During Lin Shaojie's limited playing time, the 75 players, including Zhu Holiday, Nick Young, Irwin Turner, and even Kwame Brown, enjoyed what is called a hot pot feast and a steal feast.

Jason Richardson, who had just undergone knee surgery, was unable to play, and Bynum also disappeared. Almost half of the brand-new 75ers could only use the bench to fight.

Although talented players are not uncommon, but the lineup of three guards sent by the 75ers, I don't know if it is to break through the Pacers' iron-blooded defense.

But no matter who is facing off against the Pacers' No. [-] show, there is only one ending, being crushed.

In the previous rounds, Lin Shaojie, who had completed crazy scoring and assist statistics, put his main energy on defense in this game.

The connection between Holiday and Nick Young seemed childish and ridiculous, and Lin Shaojie's personal scores all came from the direct "tacit understanding" cooperation between the two.

In the first round, Lin Shaojie, who is addicted to steals, kept the 75 guards from scoring a single point, and only made mistakes.

The data of 6 steals and 5 blocks constantly reminded the players on the field that the player on the opposite side was the only active quadruple-double player!
The pressure that the Pacers exerted on the 75ers defensively is rare in so many games. This contrast between strength and weakness is very obvious. No one expected that the Pacers' performance after the opening was so brutal.

As the coach of the 75ers, Doug Collins' face was turning green. He felt that after this game, his career would almost come to an end.

Yang Wenyuan and Chen Junren in the auditorium looked at the scene of deja vu. This was the state that Jiangnan University showed when it played against other college teams in the major league a year and a half ago. Now, Lin Shaojie brought him to the NBA arena.

Paul George on the court did not expect that when he cooperated with Lin Shaojie to complete the block on the outside and Hibbert on the inside showed the demeanor of the inside hegemony, this Pacers team would be so terrifying.

The 75ers did not encounter such a situation at all. They couldn't play from the outside and couldn't receive the pass from the inside. After finally receiving it, they would welcome big blocks from Hibbert and even West.

For a long period of time, the Wells Fargo Center Arena turned from noisy to quiet, and many people wondered if there was something wrong with their eyes.

At the beginning, the Pacers scored a wave of 16 to 0, which made the 75 people lose face.

Such a beginning may foreshadow the eventual end.


Lin Shaojie clocked out of get off work in three quarters, and his playing time was strictly controlled within [-] minutes. He played health-preserving basketball extremely enchantingly.

It can be seen from the scores of the two sides in the four quarters that they rotate when it is time to rotate, and play when it is time to play. Except for the time when the two sides were on the court as substitutes, the 75ers grabbed some points, and the 75ers at other times were completely crushed.

With a score of 88 to 45 and a difference of more than 75 points, the [-]ers didn't even want to attend the post-match press conference.

From being beaten with no momentum at the beginning, to the complete collapse later, the two sides don't seem to be in the same league.

The Pacers continued their winning streak, and the 75ers' three-game winning streak ended.

"See? Sometimes scoring is not the cruelest thing. This kind of crushing victory can completely kill the confidence of a professional team. Even if such a player can appear in the playoffs, he must bear tremendous psychological pressure .”

Xie Zhenghe's words made Yang Wenyuan and the others nod their heads one after another, thinking that Jiangnan University's victory back then might not have been without these psychological advantages.

A group of student troops who dominate each school and hardly communicate with each other on a daily basis. When have you ever met a big devil like Lin Shaojie? If you can't be scared to pee when you meet for the first time, you are considered mature.

When you really get on the basketball court, the opponent is almost fully armed to the teeth, assaulting the wooden warehouse and the mortar, and yourself is holding a fire stick. How do you fight?
For a moment, Yang Wenyuan had the illusion of "I can do it too", of course he knew that this was a wrong judgment brought to them by Lin Shaojie, just like what O'Neill said.

"My grandma and Jordan can also win the championship together!"

Yang Wenyuan could only squeeze his fists, thinking about the time in the beautiful country, learn more from his juniors and learn some small skills, those secrets that are not passed on are all experiences.

After the match, Yang Wenyuan and the others got a piece of news before Lin Shaojie arrived.

75 people coach Doug Collins made it clear at the press conference that he will step down as coach after this season.

Yang Wenyuan and the others never imagined that the cruelty of the NBA is not only for the players, but even for the coaches.

It was just a loss. The coach of the team halfway through the season told everyone directly that I stopped playing.

Is this coach so strong?
"Compared with last season, the record of the 75ers this season has made a great start, but it is still a little bit worse to break into the playoffs. Today's game is just the last straw that broke the camel's back."

That's what Xie Zhenghe said, they waited a long time for Lin Shaojie.

Lin Shaojie himself did not expect that the coach of the 75ers would voluntarily offer to resign. He could already imagine that after this game, the media would report on this matter.

Some are full of emotion, and some are gloating.

The Pacers who have completed their road trip will also return to their home court. The remaining three games are sweet home games, and the level of competition is not as intensive as it is today.

Raptors, Nets, and Bobcats.

Judging from the current record, only the Nets among these three teams can pose a slight threat to the Pacers.

But these three teams were all defeated by the Pacers. Although the Raptors beat the Pacers by one game, they stole the victory while the Giants were taking a nap.

And with the Pacers' winning streak before the All-Stars, the Eastern Conference team began to recall the undefeated youth team at the beginning of the season.

The coach of the 75 people resigned, and Collins is not an unknown person. Everyone knows that the Pacers are just the last straw on the 75 people.

But it still can't stop the media from describing the Pacers as a "bully" in the league!
Even the king's Thomas Robinson was brought up to make an argument. After the rookie selected by the king was trained by Lin Shaojie, his mentality had a big problem, and he collapsed visibly.

Some people even began to shout the "yellow peril" theory.

As the day of the All-Star game is approaching, for the first time in the All-Star game, a captain position was established, with Paul in the West and Wade in the East.

Although he has no real power, he only manages 50 US dollars in charitable funds.

However, Lin Shaojie, who is the king of votes, is not the captain. Is he playing balance again?

Fortunately, it is for Wade, not for others, so everyone can accept it.

In the East, with the season reimbursement of Salinger and Rondo, the Celtics' ambitions have been wiped out, and the Celtics, who have no hope of winning the championship, are unwilling to pay the luxury tax.

Terry introduced this season is almost going to be a victim. It doesn't seem like much, but it exceeds the luxury tax by 150 million, but it is still the old saying that the last straw that broke the camel's back, no one wants to pay this money for nothing.

The Celtics just revealed the news, and a group of teams began to flock to pursue this veteran with superb shooting skills.

Right now in the East, the rise of the Pacers is unstoppable. When the team sees the advantages of the Pacers inside and outside, they want to avoid being crushed in the playoffs. There must be a shooter who can stand up and confront the opponent.

So Terry's popularity doesn't have to be known. In addition, defending the inside has become an alternate target for many teams.

The Knicks even began to hook up with Timberwolves veteran Amundson, who only had 1.3 points and 2.3 rebounds, but he is a standard blue-collar player who can support other players inside and help increase the team's defense.

It is cost-effective, and it can be used as soon as it is used. Even if it doesn't work, it doesn't feel like a loss.

Others, including those who are aiming for the championship, are all looking for suitable big players. The Heat have now set their sights on Kenyon Martin.

Even Oden has many teams began to re-offer.

The Pacers' West and Hibbert are inconspicuous at first glance, but the more talented they become, especially the latter, when they are rational, it is useless for anyone.

Especially in the last few games, Hibbert, who played in style, is the most beautiful boy in the East. Any team that aspires to the championship would not want to see themselves being crushed in the paint like this!
Right now, the Tanhuaxiu is completely unstoppable. Unless he cripples himself, the opponent's fight is too reasonable, and he can only hope that the Pacers will finish by themselves.

No matter whether it is inside or outside, there must be someone who can take it, otherwise, facing the Pacers' internal and external connections, they will lose miserably.

No one wants to die miserably when facing the Tigers. For most teams, even if they "die", they must die with dignity!

At the same time, the Grizzlies actually sent Guy, the core of the team, to Toronto at this critical moment, shocking the entire league.

Before the news was officially announced, Gasol Jr. called Lin Shaojie to inform him of the news.

"Lynn, thank you very much, the uniform team talked to us, and Randolph and I are sure to be the core of the offense."

What can Lin Shaojie say!

The Grizzlies can be considered to have made the right choice!
Randolph has long been disobedient, and Gay has a big mouth. The core dispute between them has long been on the agenda.

The issue of "choose him or me" has long been a gossip among players.

The most important thing is Memphis, which is not very popular.

But to Toronto?Get Eddie Davis and trade for Prince?
What a miraculous operation!

No matter how powerful Prince is, he is not the little prince he used to be, and his age is a matter of course!
As for Davis, the Pacers faced the Raptors in the first game of the regular season, and the impression was not deep. As a third-year player, apart from showing a little bit of bravery in combat, his strength is not outstanding. Feeling a bit dead-headed.

At most it counts as a core player on the bench.

Anyway, in Lin Shaojie's impression, this player is not cost-effective, the most he can say is cheap.

Wouldn't the Grizzlies send out their core players in exchange for such players in order to avoid paying the luxury tax?
Just when the Pacers returned to Polis, Bryant called Lin Shaojie to inform him that the final sentence of Van Exisel's son had been announced.

60 years.

Under normal circumstances, "Crazy Fan" should never see his son get out of prison.

What can Lin Shaojie say, he is not familiar with this senior, according to Hua Guo, killing someone to pay for his life, let alone a vicious thing, and escaping afterwards, such a crime is only sixty years old, and he can't even pay his life, which is already considered light sentenced.

On the phone, Lin Shaojie directly skipped the topic he was not interested in, and instead congratulated Kobe on his recent transformation into a passing master.

The Lakers ended their eight-game losing streak in away games. The record is a recovery visible to the naked eye, and they are getting closer and closer to the playoffs.

Kobe's transformation is indispensable, but a Kobe who can pass, plus a Nash who can pass?

Lin Shaojie felt a little weird again. After all, Nash is not the kind of player who catches and shoots, and neither is Kobe. Will there really be no problems if this continues?

But nothing can conceal the improvement of the Lakers' record.

Perhaps in the West, what everyone is fighting for is no longer the first place, but the second place.

After all, no one wants to meet a team like the Lakers in the first round, and they don't even want to do things like black eight.

Of course, Kobe would also like to congratulate Lin Shaojie for killing all directions in the East, scoring, assisting, and defending, each of which is showing his deterrent power.

Harden, who is now recovering from his condition, also won a triple-double for the first time in his career.

In the Rockets' game against the Bobcats, Harden got a triple-double.


When hearing this, both Lin Shaojie and Kobe laughed.

This year, apart from the Magic, the Bobcats are the second worst, and in Lin Shaojie's impression, the Bobcats never had good results when they met them.

It's not a losing streak, it's a losing streak.

The Pacers who returned to the home court began to face the challenge of the enemy. After completion, he will take his "family and friends" to participate in this year's All-Star.

A big party among players!
Larry Bird also returned to the home court after recovering from injury. Although he is still a consultant, when Larry Bird is sitting in the office, everyone knows that he is the boss here, even if the boss Simon, And just sit on the sidelines and listen.

Even the boss is like this, the general manager Kevin Pritchard can only sit next to Larry Bird as a foil.

Larry Bird threw out the information in his hand without saying a word.

"Let's take a look, this is the result of our investigation!"

A group of high-level team members looked at the information in their hands and frowned unconsciously for a while.

"Will there be a problem?"

"Are you doubting the professionalism of this investigation material?"

Larry Bird said disdainfully that when Lin Shaojie was signed, some people questioned his decision behind his back, and the one who spoke was one of them.

"I'm not skeptical, I just think this data is a bit exaggerated."

"Is it?"

Larry Bird sarcastically said: "Did our record last year be bad? Was it also bad the year before? Or, as a team in the playoffs, is our record not as good as those teams with big belly?
But how was our income before, and what about attendance?Among the [-] teams in the league, almost all of us are between the [-]th and [-]th, and almost all of them are in the bottom.

But what about this year?We have become the team with the best growth, and our income increase per game ranks first in the league. Do you know who brought this? "

"You, Larry!"

"No, it's not me, it's the child of that Hua country!"

Larry Bird disdains the other party's flattery: "You don't even know who brings you the income. I think you are really a vegetarian in this position. If possible, I really don't want to see you enjoying dividends every year. That's fine, why bother to be an eyesore!"


"What are you, isn't what I said the truth?"

Larry Bird has never been the talkative person. Those who like him will die, and those who hate him will almost hate him.

Now he is in power, he is right, he can bring income to the team, he is the uncrowned king here.

"Our survey data is not unexpected. I think it is normal. This is the attraction of superstars. If you don't believe it, we can do a small experiment and make that little guy disappear for two games. What do you think? ?”

"The alliance does not allow such an operation?"

"Who said that?"

Larry Bird said disdainfully: "Isn't it normal for a rookie to have a little injury! If you don't believe it, we can test it."

Speaking, Larry Bird pointed to the report in his hand: "Except for attendance, at least [-]% of our related income comes from that guy, do you know how exaggerated this data is?
Players like Roy (Hibert) generate less than a fraction of Lynn's income, let alone our bench players, they will not bring us direct cash income at all, and look at that kid on the court The fighting power shown above.

I emphasize once again that it is our core asset. I do not allow anyone, on any occasion, to say anything that causes others to misunderstand, otherwise I will ask him to leave this office. "

(End of this chapter)

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