My vision is different

Chapter 330 Goodbye, Granger

Chapter 330 Goodbye, Granger
The Pacers on the court were playing against the Celtics. Although Bradley played brilliantly and counterattacked 7-0, Hibbert suddenly stood up and scored 6 points in a row to help the Pacers continue Take the lead.

"You know, it's this big black guy who admires Lynn very much on the court."

Larry Bird said braggingly.

When Paul George hit his first mid-range shot of the field, "Big Bird" was not stingy with his praise.

"This is our No. [-] player, who almost became our key training target, but now, he can only be inferior to Lynn.

In addition to them, we have West, George Hill, Scola, Stephenson in the lineup."

After finishing speaking, Larry Bird squinted at Danny Angie, all kinds of meanings were self-evident.

"So many outstanding players are under that Lynn, what other teams use to attract him. Do you think Lynn will go because of the commercial value of the big ball market?
I'm not afraid to tell you that he, Lynn, lives very comfortably in Yincheng. I even helped choose the house where he lives, and he still lives there now.

You say that Chinese people love family, but Chinese people also know how to be grateful. I am sure that he will not leave the Pacers, at least when I am here, he is our untradeable player. "

Danny Ainge didn't know how to refute Larry Bird's words.

This kind of fact-based discourse is the hardest to refute, and Larry Bird has the upper hand.

The referee's whistle blew on the court, and the two sides had entered the rotation period, and the number [-] was already preparing to play with Danny Granger, replacing Paul George and Stephenson.

The Pacers sent their nukes, but what about the Celtics?
Rondo, the only one who can keep up with Lin Shaojie's rhythm, is still recovering from illness.

I'm afraid this game will become more and more difficult to play. If I knew this, Danny Ainge felt that it would be better to stay in Boston than to get angry here.

For Larry Bird's "Untradeable!"

Danny Ainge just laughed without saying a word, and he recognized everything else, including Lin Shaojie's status in the Pacers, his role on the court, and so on.

But "untradeable?"

It's not that Angie looks down on anyone, it's because he has been in this league for too long and has seen too many ups and downs.

Garnett to Minnesota?
Can't be traded!
Nash for Phoenix?

Can't be traded!
Anthony in Denver?

It is also not tradable!

Not to mention the story of Iverson and Philadelphia's love-hate entanglement, aren't they all untradeable?

Who is not a child, no, who is not a baby!

Kobe was almost sold by Los Angeles, and Duncan almost left San Antonio.

Don't talk about being tradeable with Danny Angie. When he traded Paul Pierce, Angie didn't even bat an eye.

If the "magic fortune teller" is cold-blooded, Angie is just as good. Don't look at the current big three. If they really fall apart one day, Angie dares to guarantee that the Heat, which is entering the rebuilding period, will also dare to trade Wade.

As for what Larry Bird himself said, Angie could only believe [-]% of it. Wasn't Danny Granger also his favorite back then?

After an injury, it is now certain to be traded out, isn't it just for the salary space of the three melons and two dates.

Maybe this game is the last supper of "Son of Indian City", Angie Bilari Bird knows it all.

But on the other hand, that No. [-] is a player who plays with his brain after all, and he can play floor games at a young age. That thing does not see wind or rain, but it is a sharp weapon for killing people without blood.

Especially in the playoffs, coupled with superb shooting skills and a big heart, Angie had to doubt Larry Bird's determination. No.

The Celtics have one and one, and they can choose whichever player they want. He only needs the number [-], and then he can form a team based on this.

Larry Bird didn't know the mentality of the people around him. From the corner of his eyes, Danny Angie's face was cloudy and uncertain, and it seemed that his heart was in trouble.

Thinking about it, let alone more than ten years ago, that person twenty or thirty years ago is not a good thing. If the Pacers had another massacre at home today, Larry Bird would have to pay for it himself after the game. Please the whole team have a good meal.

Not to mention anything else, just to "pull someone" for his sake!

Lin Shaojie, who replaced him, returned to the point guard, and George Hill, who has a heart for scoring, went to the second position. Although Granger's injury is almost healed, after all, there has been no official game for a long time. Lin Shaojie still hopes that the opponent can shoot Mainly.

The Pacers are fighting each other almost in a lineup of four and a half people.

But the Celtics are not much better. After all, their strength is much worse. Except for one Avery Bradley who can be regarded as a bit of a threat, the other players are really vulnerable.

Lin Shaojie, who was sitting off the court before, could see clearly that the current Celtics are really stretching their hips. Without Rondo in charge of the ball, their offensive lineup can do whatever they want, and it all depends on how they feel.

Obviously Stevens' tactics are pretty good, but no one can carry them out, and everything is just talk on paper.

There are many mutual achievements in the NBA. A qualified coach must meet the right players, otherwise it will be the result of fishing for moons in water.

And if a good player can't meet a coach who can show his strength, it will be a miserable thing.

It is also normal to waste half of your life and waste the best time with each other.

So now that Lin Shaojie can meet Frank, this is not an easy task. Coupled with the overall strength of the Pacers and the relationship in the locker room, Lin Shaojie likes everything so far.

As for the two old guys who are far more attractive in the audience than the bench, Lin Shaojie knows the feeling of "revenge" all too well. Isn't it just a story of two people who don't know each other and fight each other for half their lives?
People in the beautiful country like this kind of story the most, just like Joker and Batman.

Nowadays, the two old men don't steam steamed buns to compete for fame and fortune. Lin Shaojie now has a firm stand and sits upright, never afraid of these messy things.

He does what Granger can't handle;

He did what Granger couldn't.

It's that simple, Lin Shaojie still doesn't believe it, can't beat the Celtics with his own strength?

I heard that this is a wealthy family, and a wealthy family goes well with failure!
Seeing the smile on the corner of Lin Shaojie's mouth, Larry Bird followed suit with a smile that came from the bottom of his heart.

"Big Bird" knows Lin Shaojie very well. He knows that he is a player with simple and unpretentious skills. He plays the kind of game that coaches are looking forward to.The reporters who secretly watched all this took photos one after another.

"Larry and Angie let go of their feud, and the two sides reconciled!"

Similar titles have already been drawn up in their minds.

But with the sound of "clang" coming from the stadium, the corners of the reporters' mouths twitched. This is a bit too cruel!
Avery Bradley, who played the best of the Celtics, broke through George Hill's defense and went straight to the inside. He wanted to attack the basket directly, but was blocked by Lin Shaojie's slap on the nail plate The soul is out of control.

That slender body, powerful gestures, everything made Bradley look like a kite with a broken string, and after landing, he even sat down on the ground, making a dull sound.

Lin Shaojie, who took the defensive rebound, threw the basketball directly without raising his head.

Granger's speed is not considered fast, but the quick reaction between offense and defense allowed Granger to take the lead. Before the Celtic players were in position, Granger ended the game with a safe layup. one round.




The cheers from the fans at the scene somewhat comforted Granger. Lin Shaojie stood quietly under the basket like an iron tower, watching everything that happened in the frontcourt.

That player is obviously not the tallest player on the field, and is much shorter than Hibbert, the authentic "Black Tower", but in the eyes of everyone, he is a player with an imposing [-] meters, and he is the Optimus Prime behind everyone !

Even in the eyes of most fans, the new "MVP" has no surprises this season and will continue to win this honor.

He could have played the ball just now, but because Granger is about to leave, and everyone knows the fact, Lin Shaojie used his own actions to see off the "son of Yincheng".

Everyone can feel the emotion of parting in an instant. There is no doubt about victory, but friendship is worth cherishing!

"Granger, go all the way!"

When some fans shouted similar words, Granger, who returned to defense, almost couldn't hold back.

He is still alive and well. Except for the money, his off-court life is a bit unsatisfactory, but he really doesn't have any terminal illness, it's just because he is about to leave the team.

No need, really no need!

After the Celtics scored a goal, the Pacers launched a fast break.

Granger took the ball with his back in the front court, and Jeff Green was behind him. Granger tested it and found that the defense behind him was not weak at all. "Son of Indian City" turned around helplessly, because he knew that he It seems that the back can't be opened.

Fortunately, during this period of time, his touch was still there. Although it was a long-lost official game, he made a three-threat head-on and fooled Jeff Green's defense.

A standard projection shot.


"Beautiful! Granger is still the same Granger, with solid basic skills. Even though he has not played for a long time due to injury, he is relentless when it is time to score."

Yangma's reporter sat in the auditorium excitedly, and said excitedly to Li Dacheng beside him.

"It's a pity. If it weren't for the injury, he should be able to stay in the Pacers."

Li Dacheng felt a little regretful. Although he knew that Granger and Lin Shaojie had competed for the position of boss in the locker room back then, Granger lost very simply. He was not a villain, which made him, an outsider, very angry.

Now that "Son of Yincheng" has come to this point, the cruelty of the business alliance can be seen.

Masters of merit like this can be discarded as soon as they are said to be discarded. It is no wonder that those players with extremely low value will continue to wander in the league.

Those who are not suitable will be self-eliminated in just two or three years.

What is needed here is immediate combat power. In addition to giving you a period of time to develop during the rookie period, professional players after that must use it when they come up, and it will work when they use it. No one will explain to you what age and body are.

What kind of balls are you playing when you are not in good health!

Granger is probably well aware of this, as long as it doesn't lead to injuries, he can also make a jump shot that is almost dry like the one in front of him.

Granger caught one off guard with a very unpretentious shot, and the entire audience was chanting "Granger".

Under such an atmosphere, Lin Shaojie of course wants to look like an adult.

Unlike other point guards.

After Lin Shaojie completed the counter-robber against Bradley in the next round, he also used his deterrence to attract two defensive players while dribbling, and finally handed the basketball to Granger.

The "Son of Yincheng", who was about to leave, made another successful shot.


Unsurprisingly, Granger, who was feeling hot, successfully hit the second goal!
"Does today's Danny Granger want to have the beginning and the end?"

Li Dacheng said excitedly, and the reporter friend beside him laughed.

"This shot is too simple. Everyone is attracted by Director Lin. Granger shoots like he is on the practice field. This style of play is a bit insulting."

"Who said no!"

Li Dacheng also had to say with emotion, everyone is neither blind nor deaf, and Lin Shaojie is just making a ball and giving Granger a parting gift.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or intentional, Lin Shaojie's "magnanimity" won the hearts of the players.

It's not that they don't want people to leave the tea, everyone knows how difficult it is to have one player, one city in the ups and downs of the NBA.

Anyone who has such a teammate who can make you shine on the court again before parting, is afraid that he will bear this feeling in his heart.

It's true that the NBA doesn't care about the relationship, how those players turned into coaches, and how the second generation of players came from, you still have to know how much.

Bradley got the ball, feeling somewhat anxious. In this game, Frank was so confused that he actually let Lin Shaojie come off the bench. In the minds of those players who pursue certain statistics, such a thing cannot be done anyway.

But the Chinese man didn't seem to care about it, and it was precisely because of the Pacers' unexpected move that the Celtics' pre-match arrangement was almost abolished.

And that guy named Stephenson, with a cheap salary of only a few hundred thousand a year, actually caused such a big trouble for the Celtics on the field?

Bradley is sure that with that guy's strength, the Celtics will at least be treated as a core player.

Now, being used as a substitute by the Pacers is a bit of a luxury.

Right now, Lin Shaojie and Granger, the new and old core of the Pacers, are both on the field, which is a rare scene.

The game was only played for three minutes, but the Celtics' offense was blocked and the defense was hit to pieces. Bradley thought of the last game between the Pacers and the Rockets.

51 points!
Such a big point difference appeared in the Conseco Arena, and he didn't want the Celtics to encounter such a thing.

Thinking of Angie and Larry Bird watching the game from the sidelines, and if the team general manager supervised the game on the spot, Bradley could imagine how many players would be purged one by one.

"No, we must play the advantage!"

Bradley almost exploded with [-]% energy, and finally stopped the decline of the Celtics. He successfully hit two three-pointers on the flanks to stabilize the morale of the army.

George Hill, who was defending him, waved his hand in disapproval. Bradley, who looked at the time, realized that it took him 19 seconds to attack in this round. There were many teammates in the middle of the pick-and-roll cooperation, and finally he was able to score. not easy.

After the offensive and defensive transition, the Pacers broke through quickly, and Lin Shaojie, who was holding the ball, didn't even make a tentative move, and went straight to the free throw line.

Looking at Danny Granger standing half a step inside the three-point line, Jeff Green didn't dare to lose his position.

But in the face of Lin Shaojie, who is moving at a high speed, the Celtics really can't guard against it, whether it's Bass or Sullinger.

Lin Shaojie finally made a successful shot when faced with the double siege in the paint area, one behind the other.



With the ear-piercing whistle sounding, the basketball went into the net smoothly. After Lin Shaojie actually completed a lever dodge in the air, he changed hands and used his left hand to send the basketball into the basket.

After landing, Lin Shaojie looked at Bass in front of him, rubbed his red right hand, and said with a smile.

"Next time you can go a little heavier, it won't disturb me."

The ugly-faced Brandon Bass could only respond with silence.

He's older, a player who joined the league in 05, and Granger belongs to the same class, but the picks of the two sides differ greatly.

As a rookie who averaged 2 points per game in his rookie season, he has reached a player who can average 10+ per game in the Celtics. He is an inspirational small forward.

But no matter how inspiring he is, it's useless. When he meets that kind of top player, he is the target of being beaten in terms of strength.

Buzz stared at the blue sky speechlessly!
The audience at the scene thought that Lin Shaojie would continue to play for Granger, but they didn't expect Lin Shaojie to attack the inside line suddenly, and Bass and Sullinger were driven one after the other. Although Sullinger was not a tall center, he was still a big center forward. A guy of more than two meters, plus the approximate height of Bass.

Surrounded by two giants, Lin Shaojie is really dangerous.

As a result, Lin Shaojie, who took off one step ahead, avoided Sullinger's block behind him by relying on his speed and height;

He also relied on "walking" in the air, avoiding Bass' interception by staying in the air almost foul.

Although his right arm was hit hard, the basketball had already shifted to his left hand. Lin Shaojie didn't use his lateral movement to gain space to make a successful shot until he was falling.

With a light fingertip, the basketball fell straight into the hoop like an obedient elf.

The beautiful movements on the big screen were reflected in the eyes of the [-] people. Larry Bird watched with a surge of emotion, and Danny Angie watched The Story of Silence.

This kind of talented goal, even if it is just a simple 2+1, can bring fans memories for many years.

Not to mention every one of them watching the game live, Angie can know what it feels like.

"You are lost!"

Larry Bird didn't mind adding salt to Angie's "wound" at this time, and the latter still responded with silence.

In the face of absolute strength, words are just a dishcloth trying to cover up shame. The slap is bigger and has no real effect. As for covering the top or the bottom, of course it is to cover the face. In the end, it is not as good as silence is golden. Affordable.

At halftime, the Pacers entered the second half with a 58-33 lead of 25 points.

Judging from this point difference, after the whole game, I am afraid that they will be able to catch up with the Rockets' 51 point difference.

Mainly from the perspective of starting strength, the Celtics do not have such a powerful faction as Howard. If they can persist until the end of the third quarter, everything will be fine.

After changing sides in the second half, Paul George reappeared and scored crazily. He made 8 of 8 shots in a single quarter and scored 18 points. The "green jersey" was defeated.

Lin Shaojie scored 7 assists on Paul George alone, which is really easy.

His role is to bring the ball to the frontcourt, whether it's one or two, and the Celtics can't relax their defense on him during that fake dribble.

With the addition of West and Hibbert as powerful insiders, Paul George rushed straight to the basket after receiving Lin Shaojie's pass without the slightest hesitation.

8 shots, 100% hit rate, and 2+1 famous scenes, Paul George played very soul-stirringly in this quarter.

The Celtics could only fall into a painful struggle again. Although Crawford and Green made hard-working 3-pointers to save face, they were beaten 25 to 7 by their opponents in one quarter.

The Celtics are destined to be defeated in the away game!

In the fourth quarter, Larry Bird watched Danny Granger, who came off the bench, hit two long-range shots again, helping the team to score 5-0 and seal the victory.

Celtics coach Brad. Stevens is very straightforward, directly removed all the main players.

"Aren't you a little too shameless?"

Larry Bird looked at Angie's gloomy face and said unwillingly.

"It's okay, you can be even more shameless and continue to send the main force to fight. If you still want face, that Stephenson can do it too, I don't mind.

Anyway, I went for a 50-point difference, do you think I still have a face? "

Looking at the gloomy face that seemed to be coming from a storm, Larry Bird laughed and let out a pig cry.

All the fans at the scene felt elated.

You Celtics are rich, right?

You're a Celtic from Boston, aren't you?
So what?
Your legendary star is our general manager, and you are being rubbed under us now.
The fans at the scene unconsciously became proud, and those old hats in the "cornfield" suddenly discovered that it turned out that it was such a refreshing thing to abuse a wealthy family, as if the person next to me was a bully.

Fortunately, Frank still has principles in his life. He also knows that the private grievances between Larry Bird and Danny Ainge are private grievances. After all, "Big Bird" is still the Celtics' passing star. Too limitless.

In the end, after the Celtics withdrew their main force, Frank put on a real substitute for the first time. Stephenson didn't play, neither did Scola, and even the rookie Gobert was not replaced.

The main reason is that Frank is worried that the French towers are too upright, and they really played some outrageous statistics. In the last game against the Rockets, Gobert was relentless in the garbage time. If he is not a rookie, Howard still wants to find him after the game. French theory theory.

As a result, Granger completed the game with a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

At the moment when the final whistle sounded, the audience in the audience were shouting the name of "Granger". With the neat applause, everyone knew that the last home game of "Son of India City" in Conseco, ended.

Everyone doesn't know where Granger's future is going. They just want to give blessings to this hearty victory.

Granger wanted to cry, but held back.

(End of this chapter)

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