My vision is different

Chapter 331 Christmas Battle

Chapter 331 Christmas Battle
The Pacers gave the Celtics a three-game losing streak at home. Although they did not reproduce the disparity with the Rockets, the difference between 49 points and 51 points is not much different, but it will be nicer to say it.such as:
"We only lost more than forty points in the game against the Pacers"


Is it ashamed to lose to the Pacers by [-] points now?

It's not ashamed at all!
In the Rockets' 51-point difference, "the gem is the first," what is the forty points!
But the final score of 56 to 105 allowed the Celtics to swallow the biggest defeat of the season, and it was also a new low for the whole game.

Only 14+ points were recorded in a single quarter, which can be described as a tragedy of "the loved ones are hurt, the enemies are quick".

Perhaps, when the Pacers start the hell home mode where people block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, all visiting teams who want to come to Conseco Arena to play must carefully evaluate their own strength. The Celtics lost completely like this.

The Pacers already have the momentum to dominate the league this season.

Paul George scored 18 points in a single quarter, shooting 100% from the field;

Stephenson started the home game and was happy to mention the triple-double data;
Lin Shaojie reproduced the true qualities of "the stadium commander", even if he played as a substitute, he still scored super assist data.

The 25 assists in the game, the 11 assists in a single quarter have already made players and fans a little numb. The Celtics' assists in the game are not as many as Lin Shaojie alone.

For other point guards, it is difficult to get assists in double figures, but for Lin Shaojie, all these seem to be within easy reach.

As one of the core "killers" of this tragedy, Lin Shaojie's quadruple-double data is what the fans love to talk about.

18 points, 11 rebounds, 10 steals, 5 blocks.

You can't see the figure of No. [-] running all over the field, but the transition between offense and defense is almost always initiated from him.

Before I knew it, the quadruple-double data was in hand.

As one of the highlights of this game, Danny Granger scored a season-high 10 points on 8-of-19 shooting. He was concise and efficient, as if to reproduce the true qualities of "Son of India".

Coupled with the excellent statistics of other players, Lin Shaojie's role on the court is self-evident.

Larry Bird had a smile on his face;
Danny Angie didn't even manage to smile in front of the media.

It is really unacceptable to watch the game in person, but this is the result. It is self-evident how I feel.

"We didn't expect Lynn to appear in this game as a substitute. We misjudged the Pacers' tactics. This is my responsibility."

As the Celtics coach, Stevens took responsibility for the interview with reporters after the game.

When the Celtics players heard what the coach said, their gratitude was beyond words.

Although the point difference is much better than that of the Rockets, they are really embarrassing. Even Avery Bradley, who played the best in the team, got 4 turnovers alone. One can imagine.

Five players started, and only he scored the team-high 12 points, and all other players were in single digits.

What basketball dream?

Fuck your basketball dreams.

At the beginning of the season, he wanted to rely on his status as a civilian player to strive for a spot in the playoffs, but now he can only go to the Conseco Arena.

The playoffs are too dangerous, let's stick to it in the regular season!

Of course, there is another reason why Stevens, as the coach, dares to say this is that he is a standard Indianapolis native, and the local media will give him some face. After all, this is his first time returning to his hometown this season.

But it is a pity that the Pacers welcomed the local coach with a big victory.

What's more, his status as "Young Marshal" played a role to some extent, and he was more or less tolerant of young people.

Regarding the result of such a game, Stevens has very complicated emotions, because many people know that he——Stevens, is a die-hard fan of the Pacers. When the Pacers won the trophy at the beginning of the season, he was still on Twitter Sending a personal blessing, the kind that is sincere.

"Although I am sad to lose the game, and with such a score, the responsibility is on me.

This is the Pacers in the strongest form I have ever seen. They are so terrifying. I can't think of anyone else who can be his opponent. There is a team that can win the cup this season. I think the Pacers are the most likely.

If I were to choose the MVP, I can't think of anyone other than Lynn to challenge his status. "

This is Stevens, a visiting coach who was conquered by the Pacers and Lynn.

Danny Angie, who was also blocked, smiled after learning of Stevens' remarks.

"Lynn? Who wouldn't love it! If the people of Huaguo are willing, the Celtics will sweep the couch up and down to welcome you, and give you a maximum salary. We will definitely be able to do things that others can't do, just because we are Celtic. People. No matter how big the score difference is, if you lose, you lose, and it's just a game."

Larry Bird, who was still smiling originally, had a gloomy face, grabbed the microphone and scolded.

"Impossible, impossible at all, the Pacers and Lynn are one, some people want to do it all, find a comfortable bed and try it, don't have any big dreams here"

And when he heard the referee's whistle ringing in his ears, Danny Granger, who also left the field, glanced at the championship banner above his head with nostalgia.

As the only championship, Granger can be regarded as the fulfillment of his dream in the NBA. Even if he fails to achieve anything in the future, he will not regret it for the rest of his life.

The others looked at Granger, who was wearing the No. 33 white jersey, standing quietly on the sidelines, and everyone knew it well.

When Lin Shaojie was the first to step forward and embrace the "Son of Yincheng", the other teammates around Granger stepped forward one by one and hugged the former boss.

Iron-clad battalions and flowing soldiers, divided and combined, stop and go, for league players, what is the difference?

The relationship between everyone is far better than imagined, and I will curse you if you are gone.

It's a pity that when I looked down, I realized that the current Pacers really don't have Granger's place.

Even letting him play as a substitute is sometimes a pity.

Whether it is now or in the future, Granger needs a team that can give him respect and plenty of playing time.

At the press conference after the game, the long-lost "Son of Yincheng" appeared in the interview booth.

"05 was my first year in the professional game. The Pacers selected me. That was my rookie career. At that time, the team had Jermaine O'Neal, Stephen Jackson, and Peja. I was just a fledgling Children look up to these superstars.

In the blink of an eye, those stars who helped me gradually left, some went to other teams, some left this league, and I, too, spent my rookie period, maturity period... and injury period here.

Now, it's my turn to leave. "

What Granger said was very frank and sad, and everyone in the locker room could hear it clearly, and the atmosphere of parting filled each other's hearts.

Although everyone wants to have a small gathering, it is very unrealistic, because there will be a back-to-back game tomorrow, a very important game, and it is impossible for the team to let players go out at night.

"Thanks to the Pacers for their tolerance. I haven't played a good game here for nearly a year and a half, since Lynn came."

Granger in front of the interview seemed to be laughing at himself and "causing hatred". This remark made the reporters from the beautiful country laugh out loud, while the reporter from Yangma looked very embarrassed.

"Do you think I'm blaming Lynn?

No, Lynn was just a point guard, and it was Paul, my brother, who really stood at the small forward position.

But it wasn't him that got me out of position, it was this damn injury, and that annoying foul."

No one thought that Granger would shoot at LeBron in the Pacers' final battle, which no one thought of.

Granger bluntly stated that he received unfair treatment on the field. He was the player injured by LeBron, and it was also the result of his loss of continued dedication to the Pacers.

Granger's words seemed to ignite a keg of explosives, filling the scene of the press conference.

As the number one active player in the league, no matter how LeBron is, even if the Heat lost the championship last season and was snatched away by the Pacers, the playoff rival, LeBron is still the number one active player, there is no doubt.

Frank greeted him with a smile at first, but now he gradually calmed down.

Granger is digging a hole for himself!

Perhaps "Son of Yincheng" has been suffocated, to the extent that it has to be said.

The reporters at the scene looked at the person in front of the stage with flushed faces, big news, really big news.

It wasn't until about ten minutes later that the "little disturbance" ended hastily, and Granger, who dropped the microphone, left "unofficially and lightly".

After Granger made such a fuss, all the players knew how lively the media circle would be next.

The snow in Polis is a bit heavy.

When he walked out of the Conseco Arena, maybe it was a bit cold, but from a distance, Lin Shaojie watched Su Zhen stamping his feet in the snow.

Across the snowflakes and the cold wind, the person not far away turned his head as if he had a tacit understanding, and looked at Lin Shaojie on the side of the snow.

Then he beckoned and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, you and I looked at each other, and the whole world seemed to quiet down. The passers-by in the snow and the fans leaving the stadium disappeared one by one, and only each other's silhouette remained in each other's pupils.

Against the background of the light-colored winter clothes, the feeling of ten thousand years at a glance looks more and more elegant and refined, like a person walking out of a painting.

Most of the Pacers fans are not familiar with this oriental atmosphere. Some men and women under the snow are rushing, and some are embracing each other with love, as if the snow is going to leave if it is not in time.

As for the subtlety between Lin Shaojie and Su Zhen, they only thought it was quite beautiful, but it was a bit too platonic.

"It's snowing so much, why are you here?"

"You didn't drive, I was worried about you!"

"Then you drive?"

"No, I came by taxi!"

"Shall we walk back?"

"it is good!"

The way back is not far away, and it usually takes only about twenty minutes when the weather is sunny, but it will be faster if you run, and slower when it snows, but it will not exceed half an hour at most.

After Lin Shaojie finished his away trip, under the continuous home games, and because of his children, the two actually got tired of being together every day.

I train and compete during the day, while Su Zhen has to go to school for classes, and the two of them share a room at night. They may not talk much, but they are all personal words.

The two of them walked and played all the way, and Su Zhen staggered several times. Fortunately, Lin Shaojie was beside her, and he would always gently support her during this surprise.

That sense of security coupled with the white snow made Su Zhen enjoy playing.

Everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River is good, but there is not much snow in winter, which is a pity!
With the sound of "creaking" and "creaking" under the feet and people playing in the snow, the whole world before Christmas seems to be relaxed.

"Do you want to leave early tomorrow morning?"

"Well, the Nets side is the highlight of the early arrangement."

"Are the Nets good?"

Looking at the snowflakes in the sky, Lin Shaojie stretched out his hand to catch it.

"How should I put it? Kidd is the coach of the Nets. He is a very smart player and belongs to the historical legend level. However, he is the coach as soon as he comes up to the coaching position. There is not even a transition. It still feels a bit too high.

The league likes to create some gimmicks, and Kidd has caught up with the good times. His appointment this season can be regarded as the head coach with the fastest role change in the NBA. The Nets even retired the No. [-] jersey for him this season.

But he is a player after all, even if he does a good job in the position of a player, he even has half the responsibilities of a coach.

But a player is a player, he is not a manager, the mentality is different.

Last month when he directed the game against the Lakers, Kidd messed up the delaying tactics. A coach actually played tricks on the sidelines, and was fined $[-] by the league in the end.

Looking at all his games so far, it can be said that his tactics are generally good, but there are too many bad things with good intentions. On the court, it depends on who the executor is.

Maybe Kidd misjudged the strength of the players, although Deron is also a first-line strength in the back line, but to be honest, Deron is still a bit behind the 'triple-double' Mr.

Su Zhen didn't say a word, she stayed by Lin Shaojie's side, quietly listening to the person next to her pillow talking about the team.

In Lin Shaojie's words, the Nets are very strong, and their strength is not weak. Whether it is the first-line main force or the second-line substitute, they are all considered excellent. Even if this is a group of veterans, it is still worth seeing if they are used well. question.

Those veterans usually don't deal with it much, but they are a big killer in the playoffs.

But it is a pity that the Nets did not bring out these strengths on paper. Kidd, who became the coach for the first time, is not only his personal problem, but also the coaching team formed around him.

In addition to the many players in the Nets team, the interest entanglements behind them, etc., so the Nets have not performed well this season, and their winning percentage is less than [-]%. not good.

However, as one of the few teams in the league that pays the luxury tax, if they are not in the playoffs, if they don't catch up, Kidd's position will definitely not be guaranteed.

Those investors' money is not so easy to get!
"What about you? I see that many people say you are Kidd with offense?"

Su Zhen asked curiously.

"Me? Are you saying that I will become a coach after I retire?"


"I don't know. If it were me, I would definitely start as an assistant coach. The player's mentality and the coach's mentality are different, and the perspective is also different."

"I think you can do better than Kidd!"

"That's certain!"

Lin Shaojie said proudly, and after finishing speaking, he pointed to his own eyes: "My vision is definitely better than Kidd's, and of course I will be better than him. To be honest, this lineup has a winning rate of less than [-]%, which is really embarrassing." of."

Su Zhen heard this and laughed, her voice was crisp and moving: "While I was waiting for you, I heard that Granger was sure to leave, and he still bombarded LeBron?"

Hearing this, Lin Shaojie shook his head: "Let's just leave, this is a normal thing, but for Granger, he played such a game, and it still has an impact on his future. "

"Is it a big influence?"

"I don't know the details, but it should be not small!"

Lin Shaojie replied affirmatively:
"LeBron's contract is about to expire. There are many teams who want to get LeBron. Granger makes such a fuss. Those teams who want to get LeBron will definitely not consider him. Will not consider.

Besides, LeBron is now the number one player in the league, and Granger's bombardment of the number one player in the league is to question the choice of the uniform team. There will definitely be nothing on the surface, but there will definitely be actions in private. "

Lin Shaojie didn't know whether it was because of the passion of parting, or because of the financial pressure off the court, or some other actions outside the court that made Granger do such a thing.

It's cool for a while, but I'm afraid it will cause trouble for myself afterwards.

Throwing away the chores in my mind, the night is getting darker and home is getting closer.

As the highlight of this year's long-arranged, the NBA's Christmas game can be described as full of highlights at the beginning of the season.

But the closer the game is, the more it makes the fans feel a little bit sluggish, somewhat anticlimactic.

In the league's ranking table before the regular season, everyone can already see the signs. There are three Christmas games, the Heat and the Lakers, the Thunder and the Knicks, and the Pacers and the Nets.

The hot spot among them is self-evident, that is, the Heat vs. the Lakers, a traditional drama that belongs to "23" vs. "24"!

This game was also expected to be high before the game, which is the focus of ratings.

But what about today?

On the eve of the Christmas game, Kobe played only one quarter before leaving the game. After the game, D'Antoni, as the coach, directly declared that Kobe would not play in the Christmas game, and he would not be able to play.

How long has it been since he came back from injury, the Achilles tendon has healed, but the knee is facing an important injury problem of a fracture, which makes the Lakers worse, and it will be difficult to make a difference this season.

D'Antoni is almost going crazy, and the reporters don't want to touch the old man's mold.

When Lin Shaojie heard the news, he persuaded Kobe to simply get reimbursed for the season, take a good rest, and wait for the Lakers to sign up again next year.

Playing with an injury like this will not have much effect now. After all, the Lakers are now ranked tenth in the Western Conference, and the playoffs are impossible. farther and farther.

With the Lakers' current crippled lineup, they don't even have a point guard, so there's nothing left to do.

A group of old people in the team have no depth, let alone stability, at most the level of the first round of the playoffs, as stubborn as Kobe. After he was injured, he had to calm down and think carefully about Lin Shaojie's proposal.

But all in all, at the moment when the Christmas game is about to be held, the top executives of the NBA can imagine that there is nothing to watch in a game without gimmicks. "23" vs. "24" has become a one-man show.

The other game was the game between the Thunder and the Knicks. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the Big Apple was no match for the Thunder. The Western Conference had the only bug-level player in the league. How could the Knicks resist.

The Thunder has already tied the record with the Trail Blazers by relying on their six-game winning streak in away games, and now occupies the tied first seat in the Western Conference;
The Knicks suffered a three-game losing streak at home.

In addition, Anthony was unable to attend the highlight of the Christmas game because of an ankle injury.

The Christmas game launched by the league seems to have become a curse this season, and the teams participating in it have frequently been recruited.

Lin Shaojie didn't know the mentality of the league uniform team, anyway, it wasn't too good to think about it.


The most powerful weapon against the Thunder Shuangjun (Sha) has been folded, what else is there to watch, relying on JR. Smith or relying on Chandler, or relying on Shumpert?

As for the focus of the last game, it is the Eastern Conference battle between the new champion Pacers and the Nets.

The Pacers miraculously won the championship last season and became the new darling of the league; while the Nets' large-scale operations during the offseason have greatly increased their paper strength.

Garnett, Pierce, and Jason Terry were all robbed directly from the Celtics.

Kirilenko, Livingston. Whether such a lineup is dreamy, you can tell at a glance.

But in the end, the Nets are just a toy for the rich. The team created by the huge gap between the rich and the poor has become the darling of the league and the outcast of the fans.

It was originally expected to be very good, but it is a pity that under Kidd's coaching, the Nets have 9 wins and 17 losses this season, ranking eleventh in the Eastern Conference.

Looking at the Pacers' unbeaten record, the players in Indian City can only lose the game if they don't wear hands or legs, right?

Therefore, looking at the entire Christmas war, it is most appropriate to describe it as "anticlimactic".

But even so, the league gritted its teeth and swallowed it, continuing to increase the heat of the game between the Pacers and the Nets.

After all, the lineups of these two teams seem to be fairly neat, not lacking in enthusiasm, far more interesting than the remaining two, is it the result of the game?

It was predicted before the start, and the only way to increase the suspense is to start off the court. In terms of pure strength, there is still a gap between the two sides.

After all, people in the industry know that if the Pacers are really hard-hearted, especially if the No. 100 firepower is fully fired, and both offensive and defensive ends are [-]%, the Nets will almost get a score worse than the Celtics. The joke of the whole world.

So when Lin Shaojie landed in New York, he was told by Frank in a low voice, hoping that he could "reduce the game, don't work too hard, the season is still long" and so on.

"Frank, I understand!"

Lin Shaojie is no rookie, so how could he not understand the truth.

As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy!
Besides, Su Zhen also came to this game. After the Christmas game, the Pacers have three days of rest, and they are still playing at home. Lin Shaojie also wants to take Su Zhen to take this opportunity to take a good rest.

(End of this chapter)

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