Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 115, Wake Up

Chapter 115, Wake Up

Until it feels like a long time has passed, longer than life.

The soul was far away, and suddenly I heard a loud roar, which exploded in my heart.

Then I saw a faint white light in front of my eyes, which seemed to be a faintly visible talisman, but when I looked again, I found that it was a piece of white paper.

The blank paper like a talisman is suspended in the darkness.

There is an extraordinary sanctity.

Through the snow-white paper, it seems to see the most fundamental soul essence of a person's existence, which is bright, cold, sacred, nothingness, and an existence that cannot be expressed in words.

It is the foundation of all thinking and thoughts, and it is also the beacon that anchors the rationality of the mind.

Seeing it is like a ship in a storm seeing the lighthouse and finding its way home.

Naturally, he woke up.


People's Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, No. 1 bed.

Zhang Baoren suddenly sat up from the hospital bed, panting heavily.

"You finally woke up."

"how do you feel?"

"Why is your body so hot after entering that place?"

"If it weren't for your robot to stop me, I would have to find a doctor..."

Noisy voices came from all directions, hitting the dazed and froze brain, and the information that was too late to process made people feel nauseous.

Zhang Baoren shook his head, got rid of all those distracting thoughts, and stabilized his mind to look around.

It was discovered that not only Yikou was by his side, but also Zuo Si, a patient with three beds.

Stretching out his hand to stop their quarrel, "Be quiet first, don't worry, I just woke up, let me speak slowly."

After both of them stopped talking, Zhang Baoren lay on the bed and gently pressed his head, and touched his throat involuntarily.

The Daoist is working, slowly integrating the huge memory suddenly brought by the experience in the dream into my original memory.

At the same time, the consciousness is gradually separated from the immersion that seems to be real, and the illusion and reality are precipitated.

After fully waking up, he asked the third bed, "Why are you here?"

Bed 3 smiled shyly, "I just woke up from a dream, got up to go to the toilet, and saw you entered that place."

"But you don't look the same as me. Your body is red, which is a bit strange. I wanted to see a doctor but was stopped by it."

Pointing to a bite.

"It said that you had a normal reaction, don't let anyone find out, so I didn't go, and even helped you hide from the nurse's inspection."

San Bed stood up straight, as if waiting to be praised.

Zhang Baoren nodded in praise as he expected, "Well, your kid's job of keeping secrets is very good. It's really good. This time it's thanks to you."

Bed 3 scratched the back of his head, "Hey, we are friends, isn't it what we should do to help each other?"

"You are right. We are friends. If I can help you in the future, I will definitely help you... But now, I have to wash off my sweat. I don't have time to play with you for the time being. You can go to sleep and play first." Zhang Baoren mentioned He picked up his sweaty clothes.

"Then see you later..."

Bed 3 waved his hand and left, returned to his own bed and continued to sleep.

Only then did Zhang Baoren turn his head and take a bite, "How is it? What is the difference between the body data changes after dreaming this time and before?"

He turned around and projected several dynamic detection pictures of different body data in mid-air.

"It's almost the same as the previous two times, fluctuating within the same range, the only thing is that the body temperature is relatively better."

"This is also in line with our previous speculation. The deep dream is based on Taoism, the brain and the human body. The negative state when entering the dream is a manifestation of load carrying. Therefore, the improvement of physical fitness brought about by the outer martial arts will naturally increase. Positively improve the state of dreaming."

"For example, this time you didn't use the water of life to cool down and supplement nutrition to survive."

Zhang Baoren subconsciously looked at his body, it was wet with sweat, but it was not as sticky as the previous two times when it seemed to come out of the water.

"Well, that's not bad."

Not to mention anything else, soaking in the water of life, to be precise, is lying in the bed soaked in the water of life, while pouring water on the body, while having nightmares, all the data of the body are obviously abnormal, such a scene in this A mental hospital is just too...well, too fitting.

In order not to appear too "normal" to myself, it's better not to have such a thing happen.

"How was your dream going this time?" He asked in one breath.

Zhang Baoren took a deep breath, and the Daoist moved with his thoughts, gently touching those vivid memories that had just been integrated into his heart.

"A lot of gains, very big..."

With a slight smile on his face, he stretched out his finger and pointed to his head, "This Taoist talisman, which we have been unclear about for a long time, represents the origin of all causes and effects, and this time we have thoroughly understood what it is."

He hurriedly asked, "Oh, what's going on?"

Zhang Baoren made some arrangements in his mind, and said, "This tao talisman is called Z-404, and it is the result of a laboratory called 'Strong Active Intervention Research on Human Spirit' under Brahma Biology."

"As the name suggests, the function of Taoist scriptures is to dig out the secrets of the human mind. The prototype of Taoist scriptures, the light of the soul, the soul organ, is used to make up for the lack of current Taoist scripture materials."

"The fruit of life (prosthetic body, soul organ) combined with the fruit of wisdom (Taoist) to spy on God's forbidden zone."

"My incarnation this time is a researcher named Dong Jun, who has an important driving force for the progress of the experiment..."

Zhang Baoren recounted all the experiences in the dream in the original text.

"That's it... finally I woke up."

He sighed, "It's true that I have gained a lot, so it's the most appropriate to use the chip itself as a token of the evolution dream, can't be called evolution."

"We speculated before whether the Daoist has the ability to swallow thoughts and evolve dreams, but now it has been confirmed to be negative."

"The so-called idea item that opens the dream is actually the key point that fits that dream. The technical term is called the key point of the thinking field."

"It can also be called a key."

"Evolution is not evolution, it's initiation."

He whirled in small circles in mid-air, "So the correlation that was speculated before falling into the dream was also wrong or inaccurate."

"Who would have thought that there was only one dream all the time, but it was only because of the chaos of the sea of ​​mind that this dream became fragmented, and there were also some absurdities and chaos in the dream."

"Of course, there may be another reason why the ordinary human body can't bear the evolution of the dream at once."

"In the very beginning, the core story is Lord Dong, the story of the birth of the Taoist talisman, and everything else is this supplement and continuation."

"If it is done normally, or if there is an instruction manual, this should be the beginning of the chapter."

"The two of us before were completely blind cats and dead mice, it just happened."

(End of this chapter)

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