Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 116, sorting out

Chapter 116, sorting out

"Although this point is wrong, it is true that each dream will be deeper and more difficult to wake up..." Zhang Baoren said with a smile.

"Of course, it is more accurate to say that because of the condensed Taoism, every time there is no buffer, one step closer to the light of the soul."

"But there is no doubt that our cautious attitude towards this before was correct. If we hadn't waited until the Spiritual Beacon was condensed before falling into the dream, it would really not be so easy to wake up."

"There is one more thing to verify." Yikou said suddenly.

"Whether the compatibility of Da Luotian increases every time you go deep into the dream, 1% for the first time, 21% for the second time, will it increase this time?"

"Will the performance change accordingly? Is it the activation method of the Daolu? Well, the last point can be crossed out."

"Da Luotian, the psychiatric hospital does not allow connections and cannot be checked, but I think it should increase, because the performance of the Taoist script has increased by one section just like last time, and the mental computing power and super sense have become stronger."

"Furthermore, according to the design of the Taoist, the formation of the Taoist... the real Taoist that combines the fruit of life and the fruit of wisdom is also related to the changes in dreams, which is also in line with the step-by-step change of fit."

Zhang Baoren said, "Speaking of this, in fact, we need to pay more attention to the fact that the Z-404 Daolu we implanted is made of organic biological materials that can be absorbed by the human body."

"It's not permanent."

"There are three years. If the combination of the fruit of wisdom and the fruit of life is not completed within these three years, the structure of the Taoist will be destroyed after three years."

"That would be a complete failure, and there would be nothing left. At the same time, because the traces left by the previous spiritual changes are irreversible, you will not be able to receive the talisman again."

He said, "Three years is not too short."

"Although the three-year deadline is indeed too early for us, it is not too late to increase our strength." Zhang Baoren said with a sigh, and turned his head to look out the window. "We are still hiding in the hospital. Who else is there?"

"The monks..."

The tone of the voice from the speaker was also a little helpless.

Zhang Baoren continued: "Those gods, ghosts, and mysterious guys are the biggest threat we face now."

Take a bite: "Those guys are really not easy to deal with. Judging from the only contact we had with the long-browed demon monk before, the technological content in his body is obviously higher than that of warriors."

Zhang Baoren: "According to our only experience of beheading demon monks with swords, the best way to deal with monks is something related to them."

"Only magic can defeat magic, and only monks can defeat monks."

One mouthful: "But now there is too little specific information about the monks. We know that the only monk who is still alive is the unknown existence who sniped us on the way to the hospital. This has been clearly our enemy. How can we get it now?" to something about it."

Zhang Baoren said seriously, "No matter what reality exists, there are roots and traces, and monks are no exception."

"According to what we have guessed before, according to the iron law of fairness in the capital market, every existence in the market will naturally be in the same position as its strength."

"The Z-404 created by the Brahma biological laboratory, we have confirmed its power, so what about those existences that are stronger than the Brahma biological, especially in the field of Taoist research?"

"Didn't they develop a product that is beyond the times like Z-404?"

"Or it's already there."

"Is that related to those so-called practitioners?"

"I remember the news from Wang Ling that the practitioners' origins are related to the legendary 'Taiyi Research Institute', and the greatest creation of this research institute is the Daoist."

"At the same time, the birth of this Z-404 Taoist script also borrowed part of the outflow technology from the 'Research Institute on the Spiritual World of Human Groups' that is closely related to the 'Taiyi Research Institute' and can be regarded as its inheritor."

"Is there no connection in it?"

"I think Z-404 is the key. This Taoist talisman may be the biggest hole card against those practitioners who hide in the dark."

Hearing the words, "So our next main goal is to put the Z-404 Taoist talisman, to combine the fruit of life and the fruit of wisdom as soon as possible, and condense the real Taoist fruit 'Tao talisman'."

"The special Taoism that uses the light of the soul as the material needs to rely on the changes of the sea of ​​mind to condense it, and it needs to go through the deep dream, and it is different from the ordinary deep dream, it can only be a dream for the stability of the Tao. .”

"Before our blind cat met a dead mouse, we encountered two key points in the thinking field that opened the deep dream, two keys."

"But if you want to continue, you have to search hard."

Zhang Baoren nodded, "The very beginning of this dream is Dong Jun who uses the Taoist itself as the key to open it. She can be said to be the cause of all fruits."

"The subsequent dreams should be a continuation based on this, with different forks and different parts."

"We want to find the next key, and we should also use this as a starting point to sort out slowly."

After confirming the charter, one person and one robot began to sort out Mr. Dong's experience from beginning to end, not letting go of any turning points related to Taoism and fate, any nodes where keys may exist.

Finally, his eyes fell on the major change that Dong Jun encountered after completing the Taoist talisman.

After the Z-404 was developed, Jun Dong, who was on vacation, called his best friend 'Lin' and found out that the person on the other side of the phone was not the real 'Lin', but a person named 'Shan'.

At the same time, Lian 'Lin' was kidnapped by him, and the request he gave was to steal the Z-404 Daolu... Then a series of things happened after that.

Zhang Baoren, who had experienced the dream for the first time, can be sure that the existence called 'Shan' on the phone is none other than the legendary killer 'Shan Gui', Zhang San.

At that time, in order to get close to the three big bosses, Zhang San was completing his last mission to obtain the special Taoism developed by Brahma, namely Z-404.

It was a very complex and huge task, or it could be called a task chain. Not only Zhang San, but most of the entire assassin group were mobilized.

Only the big boss and others know the details of the task, and the others just follow the task chain distributed by the brain, just like a screwdriver on the assembly line.

Kidnapping 'Lin' is just a section of the preparation task chain before the real mission. Of course, although it is only a section, it is a relatively important section, so Zhang San personally took action.

It was precisely this that made Zhang Baoren discover the anomaly.

(End of this chapter)

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