Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 118, persuade to quit

Chapter 118, persuade to quit
Although I don't understand, but I live in this place, when facing the doctor, I always obey the arrangement.

"Doctor Wang, are you looking for me?"

Zhang Baoren, who came to the doctor's office, asked a middle-aged male doctor who was looking at a 3D brain model, wearing a white coat, and looked 40 years old.

Upon hearing the sound, Doctor Wang turned his head to look at Zhang Baoren, then turned off the 3D model, "You are here."

"I heard from the nurse that just now when you were in a deep sleep, your body data including brain waves fluctuated greatly, which is very abnormal."

It turned out that when I entered the deep dream before, the body data had an abnormal reaction.

Zhang Baoren has a bottom line in his heart.

It was not surprising that his physical condition was discovered at that time. After all, this was a hospital, and all of them were experienced professionals.

Although the 3rd bed helped cover it up, but it was just a child's mind, and he didn't prepare in advance, so how can he be thorough?

But since Zhang Baoren didn't do anything to cover up, he naturally prepared a countermeasure.

"The body was not normal just now? Oh... Maybe it's because I just had an injection of 'Longmu Zhuanggu Injection'."

"You know that I have always had the habit of practicing foreign martial arts to exercise my body, and I also joined a martial arts school, and then this martial arts school has a martial art that has higher requirements for human bones. I am practicing recently."

"But because I didn't keep up with my nutrition when I was growing up, and my body's qualifications and background were too poor, so I bought a 'Longmu Zhuanggu injection' to supplement it."

'Longmu Bone Strengthening Injection' is the name of the bone density-increasing injection given by Zhang Baoren not long ago.

After the injection last time, a test found that when transformed by the injection, the body's reaction was somewhat similar to the appearance in the dream, which gave Zhang Baoren some inspiration, which can be used as an excuse to cover up the body changes in the dream.

Anyway, I was indeed practicing martial arts, and I also bought injections and had injections. Except for the time being closed, everything else was true.

As for why you didn't just say you were sleepwalking?

First, living in a psychiatric hospital, it seems a bit strange to say to a psychiatrist that I am studying the 'connection between psychology and dreams'.

In addition, his exploration of dreams is different from that of normal people, such as three beds, there is no reaction from him.

Telling the truth is tantamount to extravagance.

After listening to Zhang Baoren's explanation, Dr. Wang nodded, "Yes, I see."

"It's good that there is no problem, but if there are similar things in the future, it's best to tell the nurse in advance, so as not to worry."

Zhang Baoren nodded, "I see, this is also the first time, and I don't know what the effect of the injection is, so I must read the instructions in advance next time."

And so the matter passed.

This is mainly because Zhang Baoren has no symptoms, as long as the other patients don't know how to ask them verbally.

"By the way, how are you feeling recently? Are you getting better..."

Dr. Wang continued to ask habitually, but when he saw Zhang Baoren thought of something, he immediately changed his words, "Well, there any problem? Has the situation gotten worse, and did any strange thoughts arise in my mind?"

"It really doesn't."

Zhang Baoren quickly explained, "I have always been able to eat and sleep, and what is normal can no longer be normal."

"It's fine if you don't."

Dr. Wang said, "You know that people are environmental animals, and different environments have a great impact on people."

"It can even be said that a considerable part of the psychological problems are related to the poor living environment."

"Some people are traumatized psychologically, and they may heal themselves by changing the environment, changing to a more positive and loving environment."

"And some people, staying in a harsh environment, may have problems even if they are fine."

"Like those of us..."

Dr. Wang stretched out his hand that he didn't know how to place, and gestured, "Really."

"The more you get in touch with this kind of place, the easier it is to gradually become a part of the surroundings."

"Not to mention ordinary people, even us professionally trained psychologists are also a group with a high incidence of mental illness because we always face people's hearts directly, and because of the environment."

"Therefore, a mental test is required every time."

"What I said... well, do you understand?" Dr. Wang said clearly.

"I understand." Zhang Baoren nodded vigorously, and looked at him gratefully, "You and those fighters who stick to the defense line of human hearts have really worked hard."

"I'm working hard, I'm talking about you."

"Ah... what?"

"I mean you should take care of yourself, take care of yourself?"

"I feel that I can still bear it, and will not be affected by other external influences for the time being."

"But I worry about other people being affected."

Dr. Wang said angrily, "Dr. Smith told me two days ago that the patient in the second bed he said was in charge of the delusional patient next door to you."

"It was finally transferred to the mild disease area, but suddenly the condition fluctuated greatly during this period of time."

"It is said that this matter has a lot to do with you."

"It has something to do with me? It's the person who delusional to travel back from the future. I just corrected some of the irrationality of his delusional things, and just said a few words, and he also corrected it... Well, it may really be my fault, But I really didn't mean to."

"Hmph, if it didn't cause any bad influence, your behavior is enough to be considered as an aggressive and unstable psychological object, and then you will be sent to the private room."

"No, I know I was wrong. I have to practice martial arts today and I have other things to do, so I can't go in there."

"Forget about this time, but the question now is what's next?

There was no accident this time, but no one can guarantee that nothing will happen next. "

Dr. Wang looked at Zhang Baoren, "So for the sake of everyone's health, you need to consider changing places."

"Changing places, which ward to go to?"

"Don't you understand what I mean?"

How could he not understand that he just wanted him to be discharged and leave the hospital.

But Zhang Baoren really couldn't speak.

Seeing Zhang Baoren pretending to be stupid.

Doctor Wang sighed and shook his head, "I don't know why you insisted on coming to this ghostly place, but whether it's for yourself or other patients, this is really not where you should be, okay... you go first Go back and think about it."

Zhang Baoren was silent for a while, then waved his hand, "Goodbye, doctor."

He left the doctor's office.

Zhang Baoren is in bed No. 1. The ward where he is located is the ward with mild symptoms in the hospital, at the gate of the department, while the doctor's office and the nurse's station are located in the middle, near the severe disease area.

It takes a few steps to go back.

It was the time for injections in the afternoon, and there were not many people in the long corridor, only a few robot doctors in white coats who were more than two meters tall were patrolling.

This is to take care of some inconvenient movements and dangerous patients with certain threats. It is specially equipped with a medical assistant type 5 bionic robot with strength five times that of the human body.

(End of this chapter)

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