Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 119, Omnic Doctor

Chapter 119, Omnic Doctor

It is said to be a medical assistant, but it is no worse than a real doctor.

They possess a wealth of medical knowledge and are connected to Dr. Yun's network. They can judge a person's condition and make surgical treatment, and they can also knock down a bear with a set of military punches.

Head-on and the two omnic doctors smiled and nodded, just as the two bodies staggered.

The sound of Didi suddenly came from the omnic doctor next to him, and his dynamic high-definition camera prosthetic eye lit up the red light of the anti-intrusion alarm light...

In an instant, Zhang Baoren's body became tense from relaxation, and the Taoism in his mind was running at the same time as his thoughts were running, and everything around him seemed to slow down under the accelerated state of thinking.

I saw the omnic doctor with red eyes turning his head slowly from the stiffness, the high-definition camera prosthetic eye with motion capture locked on himself, and at the same time raised his arm, grabbed...

At the same time, Zhang Baoren's body also began to function, and this extremely complex biomechanical engineering started instantly with the ultimate load.

The Daoist works, the supreme super sense controls everything, the nerves transmit thoughts, the heart transports blood like a drum, and makes the muscles swell.

The liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are also wriggling, playing their roles, all the strength in the whole body is squeezed out, and every ounce of strength is used to the limit.

The muscles of the whole body take the legs as the core, pull the fascia and bones, and finally transmit the result of mechanical movement, "Jin", carrying the shaken dust, which is distributed under the feet in a shape like a lotus flower, making people Able to travel to and from the ten directions without delay.

Every step is like a lotus, every step grows a lotus.

As soon as Xuanji turned under his feet, Zhang Baoren ran towards the omnic doctor who was right behind him.

Just leaning into the arms of the omnic doctor who just turned around and opened his arms.

With a backhand knife, he slashed upwards at the waist of the omnic doctor. The bionic skin and muscle fibers seemed to be sliced ​​by a plasma cutter, easily torn apart.

The fleshy palm rubbed against the alloy bone, and there was a faint sound of clang.

Armor-piercing knife, the knife cuts the void, and breaks through heavy mountains.

Pulling the hand knife up, the sharp force shredded the bionic muscle fibers, like a dingo dispelling an ox, and slashed across the gap between the central processing unit placed on the chest and the power supply.

At the same time, the red lights of the omnic doctor's eyes went off.

However, Zhang Baoren didn't stop at all, his moves continued to change like flowing water, and the extremely domineering sword towards the sky, before it was exhausted, the sword in his hand naturally turned into a big palm.

Flip your palm.

With an overwhelming momentum, the big hand seemed to be a big seal, and it hit another omnic doctor's fist that had completely unlocked all restrictions and was five times stronger than a normal human being.

With a bang, the omnic doctor fell backwards.

Zhang Baoren's feet sank and fell into the ground.

The next moment, his feet trembled, and cracks spread out in the surrounding ground.

The whole person disappeared in place, forcibly culling towards the robot in mid-air.

His arm was like a wish-fulfilling whip, and like a free spirit snake, he easily walked around behind the omnic doctor through the gap.

Click on the emergency stop button of the prosthetic robot.

The power is cut off, and the red lights of both eyes go out.

The next moment, Zhang Baoren grabbed the frozen omnic doctor's waist and turned around, and the two-meter-tall steel giant was lifted up.

Then, as he grabbed his ankles and rolled him up, the originally extremely feminine, natural momentum like flowing water suddenly turned, becoming infinitely domineering.

The circulation of yin and yang is the ultimate principle of heaven, and it is also the ultimate principle of boxing.

Boxing is originally hammering.

Zhang Baoren carried the omnic robot of hundreds of kilograms, and used it as a sledgehammer, using the most powerful move in Taijiquan, the Mountain Hammer, and ruthlessly smashed it at another omnic doctor who rushed from a distance.


The bodies of the two colliding omnics were twisted and deformed, and screw parts were flying everywhere.

From the sudden change to the defeat of three omnic doctors over two meters tall, it took a moment for a rabbit to fall.

The medical staff and patients who suddenly heard the loud bangs opened the door and looked over curiously.

Standing among the remains of omnics all over the floor, Zhang Baoren panted slowly, and before he had time to think about it, he was startled by a voice and turned his head to look around.

I saw countless heads protruding from the doorways of the wards on both sides of the long corridor, looking directly at me.

And not far away, at the door of the doctor's office and the nurse's station, there were a group of doctors and nurses in white coats looking dazed and dazed.

Zhang Baoren looked down at the mess under his feet, then raised his head and smiled stiffly at the medical staff, "Then what...everyone, I have to say that I don't know what's going on. I don't know if anyone believes it?"


Looking at the unkindness... It's not the unkindness of pure anger, but the unkindness that Zhang Baoren often sees here, when patients suffer from illness, with a little pity, a little strangeness, and a little bit of sympathy.

Zhang Baoren couldn't help feeling a little nervous, "Brothers and sisters, don't look at me like that. I'm a little scared. Maybe some people don't believe it, but this was really an accident just now. I'm really fine. If you don't believe me, ask Dr. Wang..."

The doctor didn't say anything, but the patients crowded at the door of each ward responded with empathy, "Yes... neither do we."


Zhang Baoren opened his mouth but it felt like a lump was stuck in his throat.

At this time, the security system of the psychiatric hospital area with relatively strict security guards finally reacted. Security robots with stun guns rushed over one by one, controlled the scene, protected the medical staff, and vaguely surrounded Zhang Baoren.

Zhang Baoren raised his hands, "I want to solemnly explain that there is nothing wrong with me, this situation is not because of me, I am actively defending."

But looking at the silence on the other side, a security robot came over with electromagnetic handcuffs.

He could only helplessly say, "Let's watch the surveillance."


A monitoring room temporarily used as a guard room.

Zhang Baoren, who was handcuffed behind his back, and a group of hospital staff were staring at a round ball the size of a human head that was suspended in mid-air like a lamp.

On the surface of the sphere are countless small square lenses, shining with various colors of light.

The specific appearance is a bit like the colored lights in the ktv bar in the old days.

It's just that what is illuminated is not light, but images projected in mid-air.

The monitoring screen showed the scene where Zhang Baoren fought against the omnic doctor in the corridor.

Fortunately, a place like a mental hospital has a lot of cameras installed to prevent patients from self-harm and being hurt. At the same time, the omnic doctor also keeps the video recorded by his own eyes in his memory.

That's why I captured the fleeting scene of the omnic doctor robot losing control just before Zhang Baoren made a move.

And the behavior of actively attacking in violation of the law of robots afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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