Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 126, Slash!

Chapter 126, Slash!

Confucian scholar waved his missing sleeve, and the hot wave licked towards Zhang Baoren like a tidal wave. At the same time, he relied on the strength of the wind to finally kill him.

Feel free to flick away Zhang Baoren, who was so hot that his whole body was red and scalding, he rose up and smashed the mighty stick, and then listened to...


A sip that was a bit immature but also brought a bit of a sharp drink sounded.

Being connected to the Internet also means that Feijian can be unsheathed.

The crisp sound of the sword sound followed, and the one that was faster than the sound of the sword was Jian Guang.

A horrified beam flew out from the sword box behind Zhang Baoren, the sword light turned, circled down his neck, and slashed at Confucian scholar's grasped hand.

The hand that held the ape demon musket and exploded but was not damaged at all was cut off like tofu.

Then Jian Guang turned around again, and slashed towards him... With a sound of ding, Confucian scholar pulled out the Han sword hanging from his waist with his other hand, just in front of Jian Guang.

The sword light was bounced off, but turned around again in mid-air, and the Confucian scholar laughed and danced with the sword, as if an essential machine was operating, with a kind of awe-inspiring momentum.

Just listen to ding ding ding ding.

The white, deep and cold sword light circled around his body like a dragon, but he couldn't get close to him.

"A good sword... even better swordsmanship..."

The Confucian scholar's electronic voice is extremely heroic, "There is three feet of water in the box of the predecessors, and he once entered the cold pool to kill dragons. It is such a dragon-slaying sword."

"All the sword immortals in the world come from Taoism. I used to disdain this. I want to open up a line of Confucian swordsmanship. Now it seems that I am really arrogant."

"Even the intelligent attack of the Hantan Company's flying sword operating algorithm collection program 'Zhanlong' cannot be easily resisted, so there is no need to talk about self-opening swordsmanship."

Although the Confucian scholar said that his skills were not as good as others, but from the fact that he was still able to gossip, it can be seen that he was not so sad at this time.


Sure enough, he said with a mouthful, "Although the sword technique is perfect, you haven't mastered it yet."

"If you have cultivated this Taoist Sword Immortal True Inheritance to perfection, the human and the sword will become one, and I will be able to cut me off with one sword. Many rely on the instinctive form of the sword soul, this is the biggest flaw."

Then he recited aloud, "Zigong asked: Is there anyone who has a saying that can be practiced for a lifetime?"

"The Master said: Forgive me, don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself..."

As the Confucian scholar's wat board appeared, a large character carved with a knife and an axe appeared, 'Forgiveness'.

With one bite, I feel a huge stream of data like flowing water, impacting my system algorithm in every way, infecting and distorting its underlying logic algorithm little by little.

Do unto others, do not impose on others…

Do to others what you want.

The data attack received by Yikou was not very intense, but it was very special. It did not forcibly plunder data and tamper with the bottom-level algorithm like the old monk with long eyebrows before.

This time the attack does not seek enslavement, but assimilates the other party with itself through data infection and becomes a part of itself.

For example, the former is to beat you up and use violence to force you to obey, while the latter is "for your own good".

Feeling that he was being distorted by the other party, he couldn't help mobilizing the newly updated anti-virus software and firewall to search for himself to fight against it.

Naturally, the 'Huigen' controlled by it slowly stopped.

Jian Guang was forced back by Confucian scholars again, and then hung in the air.

The Han sword in the Confucian student's hand turned and slashed at the stiff mouth, but Zhang Baoren yelled again, "Return to the sheath!"

That bright silver flying sword, one meter long, as thin as a cicada's wing, like a flying sword with blades at both ends turned into sword light and flew back to the sword box behind it.

"Cut me again!"

A ray of white, cold sword light shot up from the box, directly cutting the Confucian scholar's chest.

He easily cut open the carbon fiber Confucian gown and the skin of unknown material, and was about to tear it into pieces. The next moment, he was thrown flying by a fist-sized, pitch-black sword ball that was blowing out sword airflow through nine orifices and eight holes.


Zhang Baoren looked in the direction where Jian Wan flew, but he couldn't see any trace, not knowing who was hiding his head and tail.

Looking at the sword pill, it was floating beside the Confucian scholar, threatening him.

Looking at the two joined together on the opposite side.

Zhang Baoren chuckled lightly, "That guy should be here by now!"

Just as soon as the thought was moved, the roar of a powerful engine sounded, from far to near...

The sword pill seemed to be stimulated, and it rushed towards Zhang Baoren in a hurry, breathing out the sword air from its nine apertures and eight holes, with ear-piercing wailing and howling.

But before he got close to Zhang Baoren, he slammed into a cube falling from the sky with a bang, and was blocked.

"Ding ding! Long time no see..." Zhang Baoren said with a light smile.

A crisp sound came from the cube, "Ding Ding!" Then it split into standard cubes, enveloping the sword pill.

Then Zhang Baoren raised his head. Amidst the sound of rumbling motors, a flying motorcycle nearly three meters long, pitch-black with exposed mechanical structure, looked like a wild beast, and was carrying a slender woman coming from the front in reverse.

The locomotive drifted and swung its tail in mid-air, and its body was just thrown to face Confucian scholar standing on the roof.

At the animal's mouth on the head of the motorcycle, there was a hollow cylinder as thick as an arm that was contained in the mouth and could only be seen vaguely. Suddenly, it shook slightly and ejected a powerful ultrasonic airflow.

Listening to the humming and ear-piercing noise that made people scratch their nails and feel nauseous, Zhang Baoren on the side blocked his ears vigorously, and at the same time he couldn't help showing a familiar smile.

——"Ultrasonic restraint instrument", also known as "ultrasonic restraint cannon".

The next moment, the two gun barrels on both sides of the front of the flying motorcycle suddenly burst into flames.
The torrent of twenty-centimeter-long tungsten-plated gold bullets washed away towards the Confucian scholars who were bound in place by the "ultrasonic restraint cannon" and could not dodge at will.

Death rains.

The carbon fiber Confucian robe was violently torn, and the tougher artificial skin was also twisted and deformed under the impact of the tungsten gold plated on the tip of the bullet.

There was a painful electronic whine from the Confucian scholar, and then he saw six holes in his chest suddenly split, and a strong airflow was ejected from the black hole to form an air wall, which unexpectedly combined the ultrasonic airflow and the bullets. blocked for a moment.

And use this to jump out of the scope covered by the "ultrasonic restraint gun".

The Confucian scholar looked at the spoiler who suddenly appeared, the policewoman with a heavy anti-equipment electromagnetic gun, and said in a hoarse electronic voice, "People from the Federation..."

Then I looked at the other side who was fighting with Ding Ding...mainly Jianwan who was entangled with Ding Ding, and Zhang Baoren who was holding his sword finger in a sinister manner, ready to draw his sword at any time.

Shaking the wat board, he jumped out of the car...

(End of this chapter)

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