Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 127, temptation

Chapter 127, temptation

Like a sack, the Confucian scholar fell onto the high-speed sky train, as if being thrown into the sky, and fell from a height of more than 100 meters.

Standing on the top of the speeding train, Zhang Baoren watched from a distance as Confucian scholar's body fell to the ground and then spread apart with a snap, turning into a phantom-like butterfly and disappearing into the void.

There is only a faint, free and misty voice coming with the wind...

If the husband takes advantage of the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, and guards against the debate of the six qi, if you want to swim infinitely, he will be evil?

"Getaway..." Sighed secretly, shook his head, turned to see the policewoman had already parked on the roof of the car, her feet in long leather boots arced backwards and landed on the ground.

"Long time no see?" Zhang Baoren asked with a smile.

"Hmph, didn't you tell me to wait for me to catch you in the hospital? Running around or something."

The policewoman said dissatisfiedly, "When I saw your coordinates leaving the hospital, I thought something happened, but I didn't expect that I was looking for death."

"I'm not looking for death... It's not just looking for death... It's not right, um, it's not really looking for death."

Zhang Baoren explained seriously, "In short, I am well prepared."

Hearing the words, the female policeman looked at the shuttle-shaped sword with cold light hanging beside him, and the black sword case on her back.

"Is this what you rely on?"

"Of course it's not just this..."

Zhang Baoren shook his head, manipulating the flying sword back into its sheath, "This weapon related to monks is certainly powerful and can pose a threat to it, but it is tailor-made for monks after all, and I am just an ordinary person after all, and I cannot really practice it." Transformation, like an arm command."

"Besides, the ghost knows what tricks the peepers have, so how dare they use this as a trump card to be confident."

"What's really important to me is..."

Zhang Baoren smiled and pointed to the sky train running at high speed on the rails under his feet, "It's this car."

"For me, an unreformed mortal body, the air represents absolute danger. Even if I'm practicing martial arts, I won't be able to recover if I fall."

"Then why did I choose to take a car? Why did I choose the battlefield in this very unfavorable place for myself?"

"Of course it's not without reason."

"The essence of the sky train is to expand the metropolitan area and relieve traffic pressure, which makes its operation rule that it must pass through places with a large flow of people, and generally these places are key nodes of the city."

"Especially for the old sky train running lines, such as the train under our feet, Brahma sky train line 3."

"It will pass by People's Hospital, Stadium, Tianshi Mansion, Hongguang Building...etc."

"Our previous analysis of the group of monks found that the reality has certain scruples about them, and it seems that there are checks and balances that prevent them from being unscrupulous and unscrupulous."

"Then if it is connected with eye-catching, can it have a certain inhibitory effect on unknown enemies?"

"Through the environment, those enemies who do not know how many are hiding in the dark, from the 'unlimited' strength to the 'limited' strength." The policewoman nodded.

"Although it is a bit risky, it seems that your guess and action are correct at present."

"This time, there are only two monks who did what you wished. Except for the Confucian scholar, there is only the guy who hides his head and shows his tail..."

As he said that, he looked at Jianwan at the rear of the car next to him, surrounded by more than 10 small cubes, rushing from left to right but unable to leave.

And a mouthful of cheering and cheering music on the sidelines.

Zhang Baoren smiled, "The risk is because I know you will arrive soon, so I dare to take the risk, otherwise I will hide as far away as possible, just like I ran to the hospital before."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm late?"

"I'm not someone who doesn't think about the details of things. When I left the hospital, I waited at the door for a long time before I left, because I wanted to limit the time to a minimum threshold."

"If you don't even have this time, you might as well die."

The female police officer snorted coldly, "Even if you are well-calculated, I know that if you keep calculating and acting like this, you will definitely die from it."

"I can't help it. If it weren't for being forced by a knife, who would die if I didn't try my best? It's so cool to visit Daluotian every day, but this life..."

"I made a slip of the tongue...sorry..."

"It's not necessary, and it's not your fault... And you've helped me a lot, helping me find information, and this time, I should thank you."

"Okay, let's not talk about this..."

"Then talk about it later."

Zhang Baoren took a deep breath and said, "Although this operation took some risks, it also gained a lot."

"First of all, the existence of the sword that brought all the troubles, and its name - 'Constant and Intangible Information Freedom Sword' was truly confirmed."

"Visible and intangible information free sword!" The policewoman said softly, then looked at the sword box behind Zhang Baoren.

Seeing this, Zhang Baoren quickly waved his hand, "It's not this one. This sword embryo is the 'Hui Gen' of Buddhism. I got it from a Buddhist monk. What I got by accident is the sword control program in this 'Hui Gen'. Youlong 'Soul of Sword' of Tan Company."

"And the 'Sword of Freedom of Tangible and Intangible Information' is still inside this sword."

"The whole thing is a bit complicated, and I can't explain a sentence or two... I will explain it to you later when I have time."

"Then if you have time, help find a relationship to investigate the name of this sword, and see if you can find out anything..."

"I'll keep an eye out for you, but don't use me as a search engine, okay?"

"it is good…"

Zhang Baoren was perfunctory casually, and then continued, "Actually, it was just a surprise to get information about this sword by accident. After all, I didn't expect that the monk I met was a polite Confucian scholar."

"This time, what I really want to test is the upper layer of this world, the reaction of those beings to monks."

"What?" The policewoman raised her eyebrows.

Zhang Baoren said, "Before I speculated that monks have certain scruples about reality, but what is the position of those upper-level forces and people who can represent reality's will towards monks?"

"It's also important to us."

"So I chose to use this Skytrain Line 3 as a battlefield, in addition to limiting the strength of the enemy I have to face."

"At the same time, there is also a little thought of making things bigger. I want to test it out and see if such a big fuss in the downtown area can bring about any changes?"

The policewoman also had a bit of curiosity on her face when she heard this, " did it turn out?"

Zhang Baoren turned his head and looked left and right. In the office building where the sky train passed by, all the men in suits and leather collars who were working looked up at him in surprise, looking at the messy roof of the car, motorcycles, men and women, and pet robots who were still fighting. …

(End of this chapter)

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