Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 132, True Lifespan

Chapter 132, True Lifespan

"The average life expectancy of ancient humans before the Industrial Revolution was always in their 30s."

"The period may fluctuate due to the impact of natural and man-made disasters such as wars and plagues, but it has always remained within this range."

"Until more than 300 years ago, the Industrial Revolution began. Due to the rapid development of science and technology and the improvement of living conditions, the average life expectancy of human beings began to increase explosively during this period. In more than 200 years, it nearly doubled. And more."

"More than 100 years ago, the average life expectancy in some modern developed countries was over 80 years old.

"More than 80 years ago, before the advent of the federal system, at the end of the national system, the average life expectancy in developed countries at that time had reached 90 years, and the average life expectancy in some special regions even reached 100 years."

"It's pretty much in the realm of normal physiological limits."

"Under normal conditions, it is almost impossible for us to live to the theoretical limit of cell division, which is 120 to 150 years old, or it is impossible for everyone to live that long, and there will inevitably be wear and tear due to various reasons."

"100 years old seems to be a hurdle."

"Prior to this, life expectancy has fluctuated and increased with the development of technology."

"But after that, until today, our technological progress has more than doubled compared to before, but our life span has not increased much."

"It's still about 100 years old on average."

"Our physical lifespan seems to be frozen."

"Some people say that this is the limit. Before we can adjust the gene sequence and break the theoretical life span limit of 120-150 years, there is no way to break through this limit."

"But there are other claims that have been made."

The teacher turned his head and glanced at each of us, "They think that the life span at the physiological level based on cell division and physiological aging is not our real real life span."

"The method of calculating lifespan based on age changes is no longer applicable to human beings whose lifestyles and social forms are becoming more and more complex in today's era."

"True longevity must be calculated in multiple dimensions."

The teacher held out a finger, "Quality."

"A person who has no worries about food and clothing, a harmonious family, loving husband and wife, filial children, and optimism is a perfect life in the traditional sense anyway. He will live to the age of 70 in this kind of happiness, and then die peacefully in the company of his family. .”

"Then there was another person who was short of food and clothing, suffered school violence at school, had a bad job, had an unlucky marriage, had unfilial sons and daughters, was beaten, scolded, and rejected, and lived with poverty all his life, and finally wandered alone for 80 years. .”

"80 is definitely longer than 70."

"But which of the two has a longer real life span?"

"Whose life is more important?"

"Or directly ask you would you like to choose the former or the latter?"

"If anyone says misfortune makes life richer, then I wish you success."

The teacher raised his eyebrows and smiled, and stretched out his second finger, "Weight."

"Two people live at the same time and die at the same time."

"One of them has the most cutting-edge knowledge of the current era and is working hard to expand the human knowledge system. At the same time, he is also full of love for his career."

"Another person is engaged in simple and easy work, meaningless repetition, without any technical content, but he is also happy with it, because it can bring him a rich life."

"The lives of these two people are happy, and there is no distinction between high and low in the happiness of getting what they want. They are also meaningful to other people, and this meaning is also the most precious."

"But which of these two lives is more important?"

"And then: color."

"The only thing that can be gorgeous is always color."

"People began to record their feelings through written books very early, and then passed them on to others, adding color to other people's lives."

"In order to convey more information, dramas, movies, and games have been invented. Through these works of art, we can face another life, and the intersection of each other makes the colors more brilliant."

"There is even the omnipotent Daluotian, which can experience thousands of worlds, and is eternally present in all time and space."

"If there are two identical people, one will spend his life normally."

"The other, while experiencing the same life as before, entered Daluo Tianzhong and worked as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, dishwasher, cleaner, beggar, star, entrepreneur, even bully, emperor, god, and countless other occupations. "

"Experienced all kinds of leisure sports that cannot be touched in reality, such as airplane and mech driving, war, skydiving, wingsuit flying, aerospace flight, horseback riding, golf..."

"He has experienced poverty or wealth, fantasy or reality, war and peace, but they are all so rich, intense and unforgettable."

"Which of these two people has a more beautiful life?"

"Then comes dignity."

"Before the end of the lifespan, after the various systems, organs and tissues of the human body grow and mature, they will naturally undergo various physiological, metabolic and functional changes with age."

"Biological aging is a natural change, and everyone will grow old one day."

"Can't walk, loose skin, indigestion, shortness of breath, and even dementia... These are equivalent to being eliminated in the natural environment."

"In order to deal with this situation, people first prolong their lives by raising the next generation, through moral ethics."

"But this kind of living is too dependent on others. Everyone has their own life. Even the closest relatives will be tired and emotional, not to mention those who are not filial."

"Of course, it is better to die than to live than to be eliminated naturally."

"But living like this is disgusted, cursed, and even bullied, and with the development of society with scientific progress, a social support system, pensions, and nursing homes have been established."

"Although old and frail, which one is more dignified to live with resources at hand?"

"And no matter how much money, no matter how good the nursing home is, no matter how many people serve you, and the real socialized elderly care after the development of intelligent robot technology matures, there will be no emotion, no winking, no need to worry about being secretly Which one is more dignified to take care of the disliked robot?"

"I don't need you to choose this point, because history has already told us the answer."

"The last is freedom."

"It can also be said to be self. Maintaining self can be seen as a continuation of dignity. It is better than not troublesome others...'not old'."

"When a person is 40 years old, he is paralyzed in bed, unable to move, or suffers from physical illness or decline in physical function. He is cared for by a robot. He is cared for very intimately. He has not suffered any harm or awkwardness. He finally dies at the age of 80."

"Someone else…"

(End of this chapter)

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