Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 133, 'On the Human External Independent Developmental Inheritance Incubator'

Chapter 133, 'On the Human External Independent Developmental Inheritance Incubator'

"And the other person has always been in good health, even though he is old, but his body has always been as strong as the young man, or even stronger. Martial arts training allows him to kill a cow with one punch."

"Naturally, I have always been the same as all young people in life. I eat, drink, play, and enjoy myself wantonly. Until I was 70 years old, I suddenly fell asleep and died directly."

"Also 80 is greater than 70."

"Which of these two lives more freely? Lives out of itself?"

"Which person's real life is longer?"

The teacher looked at us with a smile on his face.

"Our average biological lifespan has not increased since we reached about 100 years old, but our actual lifespan has been increasing."

"If we compare and compare from multiple dimensions, it can be said that living 100 years in our era is longer than people living 1000 years ago more than 1000 years ago."

"It's like the description in the myths and legends, one day in the sky, one year on the earth."

"But is that enough?"

"not enough."

"Of course not enough, we need more."

"We are forever greedy."

"When I was a child, I wanted to live forever."

"Although I entered the wrong business, the impact of this original intention has not changed."

"Freeing up more time for us in our limited biological lifespan and increasing our real lifespan is what I have always wanted to do."

The teacher said: "Although our physiological lifespan is not equal to the real lifespan, it is the basis of it. The formula for calculating the real lifespan is actually a multiplication. The number of effective physiological lifespan is multiplied by the quality, weight, color... the final result is the result of."

"To increase this result, the only way is to increase the value of both parties."

"The increase in multiples has been mentioned in the previous examples and comparisons. In addition to the multiples, the basic denominator represented by the physiological life span is not fixed."

"Although the physiological lifespan is limited to more than 100 years, the number of 'more than 100 years' is not equivalent to the basic number of real lifespan."

"Too much time in our life is wasted ineffectively, such as sleeping, and at least 100 years of the 20 years are spent in sleep."

"These are equivalent to dead time for us."

"And what we have to do is to compress these invalid lifetimes as much as possible, and reversely increase the effective lifetime."

"We have already made some efforts on these."

"For example, Da Luotian."

"Why is it said that Daluotian is one of the greatest inventions? Not only does it add the most intense color to our real life, it also compresses our sleep time to half of what it was before, increasing the basic value of real life span .”

"It is absolutely boundless."

"In addition to the ineffective life span of sleep, there are two inefficient life spans in a person's life."

"That's aging and growing up."

"About aging, it has already been said about 'not getting old' before, and we have made great achievements. Adrenaline red, martial arts training methods, these things can effectively fight aging."

"But for growth, there is still a lot of room for development."

"Human growth is a very long period of time, which is divided into two aspects. One is the growth of the mind, because with the advancement of science and technology, the organizational model of human society is becoming more and more complex. After birth, human babies must go through a long learning period to develop able to survive in social groups."

"And this time is getting longer and longer as our scientific knowledge continues to become more complex."

"Originally there was no solution to this problem, but with the emergence of Taoist scriptures, knowledge can be downloaded, so that the situation in this area can be alleviated."

"The other side is physical growth."

"Humans need 10 months of gestation in order to give priority to the development of the brain, and more than ten years of in vitro development after the difficult birth, so that they can become an adult."

"What a long period of time this is. In the growing period of being fragile, unable to survive alone, and unable to live to the fullest, staying for more than ten years will waste a large part of the social labor force and delay the real life span of a large part of the people."

"It's unimaginable to go in and out."

"However, due to various pressures and restrictions, there are not so many people doing research in this area."

"After discovering this, I, who was determined to work hard for the increase of human life span, naturally chose to enter it."

After such a long talk, the teacher finally pointed to the side, the glass ball filled with pale yellow liquid supported by the base.

This is the only thing placed in the display area of ​​the research institute called 'Brahma 3rd Life Engineering Research Institute' where we are.

"This thing is our result."

"The artificial womb in the popular concept, and of course we have to call it a more accurate name-'an incubator for the inheritance of independent human external development'."

"The pelvic structure of the human body limits the possibility of complete in vivo development when we decide to prioritize brain development."

"This is the result of natural selection in the process of human evolution. It used to be the most suitable, but now it can no longer keep up with the requirements of human progress."

"In order to further complete liberation, our future must be thorough in vitro development, and the structure of the human body will be fully developed in the embryo."

The teacher looked at the thing that looked like a heart and an embryo soaked in the light yellow liquid in the glass ball with extremely hot eyes, and saw it beating slightly.

"What we're looking at now is a developing human embryo, which is now a week old."

"If you wait a month later and look at it, then you will be able to intuitively see the brain tissue, spinal cord, nervous system, heart, limb sprouts, eyes, ears, lungs, liver, these are the prototypes of the human body."

"After three months, this little guy will be able to develop a complete brain for thinking. Of course, it's just the simplest thinking at this time."

"After six months, the bone and other tissues will form a framework."

"After a year, you will be able to see the outline of a person curled up inside, and even let him hear your voice at this time."

"He will then continue to grow and develop in it until he is born in the third year of development."

"Don't think it's a long time, because he can walk and run since he was born, he is as tall as you, 1 meters, or even two meters at birth."

"Even if the time of embryonic development is counted, it is only three years old, and it will grow up to be an adult at three years old. Even with the advancement of science, this number can be further reduced."

"Think how much time this will save us?"

(End of this chapter)

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