Chapter 293, meet

A glass tube as thick as a thumb, metal-encapsulated at both ends, and filled with a cyan liquid that looks like the sky, like blood vessels, and like eternity was stolen from a cylindrical platform.

Then he left in a panic and went all the way to Tianshi Mansion non-stop.

Then came the news that Tianshi Mansion suddenly encountered a big battle unexpectedly.

After a mess, Mr. Dong died unexpectedly.

The whereabouts of Z-404 are unknown.

There were a few hiccups, but overall it went smoothly.

The uproar caused by the war did not affect my plan for No. [-] Pharmaceutical, but it could also help my plan, which was a surprise.

Although Z-404 is missing, as long as it is confirmed that No. 3 Pharmaceuticals stole it and contacted it, the company will have a reason to hold it, and my goal will be achieved.

As for the impact of the loss of the sample itself, the ai ascension technology has long been a mature technology, and Z-404 is not the most advanced product, so the consequences are not so serious.

At most, people may know our technical standards and directions.

As for the technology leakage, after we completed the experiment, the most valuable thing we really got was the design and manufacture of the Daolu.

This is why I value and tolerate Wang Defa so much.

Dong Jun, I can only say that it is a pity...


Then I promoted the attack on various aspects of the third pharmaceutical.

Taking advantage of the influence of this incident, as well as the preparation in advance, and the sudden revelation of criminal information about the third pharmaceutical boss A Baiqiang, he gained control of the company without much setbacks.

But this is only the first step. Only when the company is truly straightened out and under control can this level be considered as the end.

In addition to internal, external also has countless troubles.

The impact of the change of ownership of such a large company is various, especially the reactions of companies in related industries need to be paid attention to, and the relationship with Brahma Bio also needs to be dealt with.

At the very beginning, I used the power of the company for the layout of the third pharmaceutical, plus Z-404, if I did things for the company, that’s all. If I wanted to pick peaches myself, I had to complete a peaceful breakup with the company .

I went to Brahma Bio once again in a new capacity, and after a fairly friendly negotiation with my father, I reached an agreement with the board of directors through him.

In the end, at the cost of the seats and voting rights of the two boards of directors of the third pharmaceutical factory and a part of the equity, the ownership of the company was obtained.

After the sledgehammer fell to the ground, I let go of my means and began to clean up the residual influence of some previous rulers in the third pharmaceutical, or lay off staff or transfer my influence to carry out my influence...


When I was so busy with these troublesome things, I took Chu Xiang to meet Shao Siming again at the Bliss Pure Land Club.

Of course it wasn't for relaxation, nor for Chu Xiang herself. Unlike the last time, this time it was just using these two people as a cover.

Mainly to meet the spy I planted at Shiva Pharmaceuticals.

After what happened to Yun Zhongjun, he could no longer stay there.

Simply the results of that laboratory have been completed, and at this time I have also entered the third pharmaceutical, so the time to come out at this time is just right.

"This is Mr. Chu."

After meeting and greeting, this expert who specializes in the endocrine system can't wait to show great interest and concern for Chu Xiang, which is also one of the reasons for arranging this place and using the two as a cover.

"Before I always wanted to see you but couldn't get it, now I finally see you for real, thank you very much.

"Your physical research data have helped me a lot, without you I would never have been able to obtain a core position in the research laboratory of Shiva Pharmaceuticals.

"At the same time, these things have also helped Shiva Pharmaceuticals play a great role in the systematic research of endocrine martial arts, and they are not considered a disadvantage.

"And when this self-research achievement begins to benefit all mankind, you will definitely be engraved on the monument of scientific research and be immortal.

"It is equivalent to three wins and a win together."

Seeing Chu Xiang's steadfast expression and the expert's unaware chatter, in order to avoid a bad situation, I hurriedly coughed twice to interrupt the accumulated atmosphere here.

"Then what... let's not talk about these things about winning or not. This time I invite you to come here and mainly want to talk about that martial arts product."

Hearing this, the expert's attention was attracted here, and he said with a little excitement, "The effect of the martial arts experiment is very good.

"After testing, it is indeed possible to fully tap the potential of the human body as desired, gain control of a part of the body, so as to repair the body from time to time, and achieve the possibility of staying at the peak forever."

I frowned slightly, "That is to say, it already has the characteristics of not asking for outsiders, one certificate and permanent certificate, which completely solves the follow-up high investment cost of outer martial arts.

"As long as the price of the initial cost is lowered through mass production, it can directly enter the market..."

The expert shook his head, "It's not that simple, and mass production still needs to solve the problem of materials.

"Martial arts medicine requires a special substance that can erode and dissimilate the nervous system. This is the key to being able to control and perceive hormones throughout the body, and it can be said to be the basis of martial arts.

"But for this kind of substance, it can only be extracted in a small amount in the laboratory at present, and it cannot be manufactured on a large scale.

"As of the time I left, the laboratory was still researching alternative materials and new ways of synthesizing raw materials."

I asked, "What is the progress of these projects? Or in your opinion, when do you think they will be successful?"

The expert frowned upon hearing this, "I'm really not sure about this.

"If the project can get the company...that is Shiva Pharmaceuticals' full push, then it should be able to solve the problem within the expected time.

"That's how it should be.

"However, the lab owner (Wet Cloud) is somewhat repulsed by the company's capital. It seems that... he still wants to seek help from outside forces. These are just some speculations I have seen."

I nodded my head to express my understanding of the experts' puzzled questions. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and no one has a few immortal gods.

The expert continued, "Although I don't know why, if Shiva Pharmaceutical Laboratory can complete the project as it is now, it will waste a lot of time.

"However, this is an opportunity for us. If we can take advantage of this opportunity and complete the project ahead of schedule, we will be able to take the lead in this industry that can change the future of the world."

I waved my hand, "It's not enough to change the world. Although this set of hormone martial arts is good, it's not that powerful yet."

(End of this chapter)

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