Chapter 295, Favor

"Yes." The chef replied respectfully.

"As a new chef, the taste of today's dishes is mainly based on you, but you did a good job."

"Thank you for your compliment."

I asked while eating, "Remember your information says that you are proficient in Chinese and Indian cuisine."


The chef explained, "Chinese food is the basics of a chef. Needless to say, Indian food came about because I grew up in the third district, and I have some interest in its classical culture, and then I figured it out."

"Well, no matter what you do, it's good to learn more."

Then I ate like this for a while, feeling a bit more or less done, so I tidied up my face.

Then he turned his head and casually asked the new chef, "Do you like "Nine Songs" very much?"

Because there is still some free time according to the schedule, I want to chat with this newcomer whose initial impression is not too bad.

And for an avid fan, talking about something he's obsessed with and holds dear can be rewarding.

Of course, the main reason is that I just learned about the culture related to "Nine Songs" in order to better shape Chu Xiang.

For this reason, Shao Siming was specially invited to a banquet in the Pure Land of Bliss, and had a face-to-face exchange.

Hearing this, he was indeed very excited, a slight surprise appeared on his face suddenly, his hands and feet could not help but scratch and clenched tightly, as if he was embarrassed by someone suddenly discovering the secret in his heart.

"Nine Songs? Ah... yes.

"I often listen to this work sometimes."

"You don't have to be too nervous, we're just chatting casually."

I smiled and comforted, "I remember that Shao Siming was exposed as a name-stealer some time ago. All her works were completed by artificial intelligence. She was just packaged by an entertainment company to collect money." puppet.

"And then her work was also dismissed by the public as a source of some kind of evil.

"But I don't think you're affected by it at all?"

These words are a bit harsh for a fan, because I habitually want to find out whether my favorite is the Jiuge culture, or the song work of Jiuge, or Shao Siming himself.

"Are you talking about Shao Siming, the author of "Nine Songs"?" Tang Chou asked.

"I have also vaguely heard about what you said, but I didn't pay much attention to it, because Shao Siming is just a name to me.

"Whether she's a puppet or a fake doesn't matter to me.

"I'm not a judge, I'm just a viewer who wants to get better works."

It seems that I like only cultural works, I nodded secretly, this is better than personality worship.

Then he continued to discuss the negative impact of online public opinion on the appreciation of a certain work, as well as the issue of the boundaries of artificial intelligence in the field of art.

Finally, I talked about his liking for "Nine Songs".

I profiled it through previous conversations, and guessed it was "National Remembrance".

For a lover of traditional culture, a person who faintly rejects views that violate his own position, it is perfectly normal to like "National Remembrance".

But unexpectedly, he uttered an unexpected song "Eastern Emperor Taiyi".

And gave an unexpected explanation.

Because the one who can bear the crowd is the highest.

This reminds me of my feelings about one of the "Hebo" when I came into contact with "Nine Songs".

"He Bo" is the water god of the Yellow River, and this sacrifice is a sacrifice for civilization.

Back then, when those Eastern ancestors walked out from the banks of the Yellow River, towards the plains and forests, towards other fertile lands.

In addition to the Yellow River, other rivers that gave birth to human civilization, such as the Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris, and the Ganges...

All the civilizations bred by the riverside are moving towards the wider land and the starry sky of the universe, relying on those who carry everyone on their backs.



This conversation left a fairly good impression on me, so I ordered this again when I was eating in the kitchen again.

Today's meal is Masala Beef Sour Noodle Soup.

I picked a chopstick with uniform thickness of noodles, biting down, the elasticity and toughness are just right, this kind of strength must be kneaded by outside martial arts masters, needless to say, it is Tang Chou's kung fu.

I turned to look at him and nodded, "It tastes good..."

Then he said while eating, "I remember the last time I talked about "Nine Songs" with you. Although some of your ideas are simple, they also brought me some unique perspectives."

Tang Chou hurriedly said, "I'm just talking nonsense, as long as you don't dislike it."

"You don't have to be so self-effacing. Some of your thoughts on "Nine Songs" are really interesting, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to come again."

I chuckled, "But this time I don't want to talk about 'song', I want to talk about 'play'.

"Recently, I have become a little interested in an ancient form of art performance—opera. Do you know about it? What do you think about it?"

What I want to talk about is the traditional drama "Sanskrit Opera" in District 3, but Tang Chou understood it as an oriental drama, which is also one of the three major classical dramas, and expressed his dislike.

Then I made a point that made me put down my chopsticks and stop eating.

"Alas... or in the entire literary and art world today, the attributes of oriental culture are too strong.

"Whether it's a game in Da Luo Tianzhong, or an interactive movie, or that kind of retro movie, or even a song novel, you can't get out of this comfort zone."

I couldn't help asking with some expectation, "What does this mean?"

Using traditional Indian culture as an example, Tang Chou said that he wanted to see a hundred schools of thought contending and a hundred flowers blooming, implying that this is the true meaning of culture.

These words really spoke in my heart.

So we started a simple discussion on the reasons for hindering the birth of this phenomenon, and finally came to a conclusion.

The conversation became more and more speculative, and I also developed a more favorable impression of Tang Chou.

It's not a confidant-like goodwill, of course I know that at least a large part of Tang Chou's remarks are echoes and flattery of my hobbies and speculations.

In my capacity, I am no stranger to these experiences since I was a child.

The main reason is that what he likes is really just right and very suitable.

First of all, his image is a purebred race that is the dominant subject in today's society, while I am a mixed race, but his social status is relatively low compared to me.

This just makes him have a telling identity, and I have the need to listen.

Although his status is low, he is not at the bottom of the society. At the same time, as a family service provider, he has a certain degree of respect and a sense of privacy.

At the same time, this person looks very decent. This does not mean that he is handsome and beautiful, but a kind of behavior and conversation. Foreign martial arts add a lot of points to him.

(End of this chapter)

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