Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 442, Purpose

Chapter 442, Purpose

It gives a very short and straightforward statement of the current living conditions of residents/properties in the 28th district, as well as the requirements for further tax increases towards all properties held by individuals or companies.

The so-called "addition" means that it is not the initial collection, but an increase and superposition on the original basis.

It is understandable that the tax policy has changed, and the current society is not the classic model designed in ancient times under the guidance of the classical Confucian classics and Shang Junshu.

This is a society where the relationship between people is beyond the comprehension of all people in the past, and everything is changing all the time.

In order to cope with this change, the means of economic intervention must also be changed and adjusted accordingly.

However, the adjustment must be regular and cannot be increased substantially without reason.

The original tax is a common divisor that stimulates the growth of economic vitality to the greatest extent and maintains social stability based on the economics of big data deduced by Tiandao, based on the current social and economic conditions.

It is a change in the rules guided by a fixed idea based on a set of complex calculation methods.

The problem now is that there are drastic interventions that do not conform to this set of rules, or even to any economic rules.

Then it did not give a clear and better new rule or explanation for its own behavior.

Of course, for these people in the parade, they don't know what rules are irregular or what high-level grand narratives are.

For them, the most important thing is the loss they will suffer as a result.

The house is the largest or even the only asset in many people's families, and many of them are even burdened with debts for decades.

The establishment of the bill will turn it into a negative/asset, which will make the normal life suddenly fall into the abyss.

Everyone was silent and stared at all the expressions on the faces of the adults on the mausoleum who were about to make a judgment on their future with red eyes.

After the chairman of the council has finished his statement.

Some Members of Parliament stood up and objected to this, using the same reason.

"...a family that took 70 years of loans to get a house, with a huge monthly bank outlay, and now taxes add another monthly burden, and the long-term stress suddenly increases.

"Because of high taxes, the holding price keeps rising, and the price itself keeps falling, turning it into an insolvent liability/asset.

"Because of the above situation, it is impossible to sell the assets, and it has become a vicious/sexual asset.

"Because the capital chain was broken, the end could only be forced by the bank to cut off the tail...and leave the market. After decades of hard work, I have nothing and rent a house again.

"And because the landlords who survived the last round of crackdowns will inevitably transfer the risk out in order to avoid losses, and according to the law, all costs will be transferred to the weakest person.

"Those who lost everything because of it, arguably the most helpless and wretched in this day and age, will ultimately bear the price of what remains.

"As for the banks, they will only end up with a large amount of bad debts and face/bankruptcy/bankruptcy/closure.

"In today's world where finance is closely related to everyone and everything, no one... no one can stay out of it, and it will inevitably cause a systemic crisis in the entire financial system.

"It is equivalent to stepping all people and things based on this into hell.

"We absolutely cannot do such a thing..."

Then some MPs from the support faction stood up and explained, "When we designed the bill, we took this series of things into consideration.

"It can even be said that the reason we pushed this bill is precisely for these people, to solve this matter fundamentally.

"We all know that the most basic reason for the above-mentioned possible tragedies to occur is because of too much marketization.

"As long as the house is separated from the entire market according to the ancient experience, this kind of thing can be avoided to the greatest extent."

Amidst the uproar, the congressman continued.

"First of all, in order to prevent the majority of residents from becoming the final price, the 'Convenience Rental Housing Platform' will guarantee the purchase of houses with huge leverage risks in the hands of all District 28 residents.

"Although there may be a certain difference from the current market value and some personal losses, it will not cause insolvency.

"This way the bank will not have bad debts.

"As for residents without leverage, who don't want to hold houses and are dissatisfied with the losses caused by market fluctuations, they can also sell them at a guaranteed price.

"If you are still dissatisfied after doing this, then you want to continue to be a blood-sucking vampire in this old system, and you will bear the final price you will face.

"And for those who have lost their houses, the houses purchased by the 'Convenience Rental Housing Platform' will provide them and all those who need to live with almost free convenient housing."

As he spoke, he raised his head, as if he was looking at the chairman of the council, and he seemed to be looking at some people outside the camera.

"This not only eliminates all risks, but even those low-income people who have already become marginalized in society before this bill can get a good ending..."

At this moment, the 'Shan Gui·Zhang Baoren' who was on the sidelines already understood the purpose of this bill and what it ultimately wanted to promote.

No wonder the tax increase ratio has an exaggeration that does not conform to any rules, especially it does not intend to continue playing at all, and has to go directly to the market.

"Is it a basic survival measure like the water of life?"

In the early days of the capital economy, there was a very famous case caused by the economic crisis:

In the midst of the economic crisis, a group of highly educated, upper-middle-class elites in the entire society hold all the money, but they can’t buy a piece of bread of the same size. Maybe a basket of money in the morning can be exchanged for bread, and in the afternoon different.

On the other side, the farmer was worried that it would destroy market expectations, so he chose to pour the carloads of milk directly into the river. Such a sharp contrast formed an abnormal mockery.

People often use this to criticize the evils brought about by capital.

First of all, this kind of critical behavior is not wrong.

But it cannot be regarded as an inherent understanding of all economic problems, that is, it cannot be used whenever and wherever capital-led things are encountered. It is just a by-product of the most primitive and immature economic crisis.

Not to mention the good or bad of finance, one thing is certain, that is, it has extremely strong vitality. Every crisis is also a rebirth, and it will be stronger and more stable than before.

After numerous version changes brought about by the financial crisis, the modern gameplay has already changed and become more "civilized".

(End of this chapter)

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