Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 443, Economy

Chapter 443, Economy

The financial crisis itself is the negative side of the convenience and prosperity brought by finance. It is like light and shadow, which cannot be eliminated and cannot be avoided. That is to say, as long as the financial industry continues to develop, crises will definitely occur.

At the same time, because of the liquidity of finance, it is connected to all aspects of the entire society, which is convenient, but also makes it possible that if a certain part of the entire system is damaged or paralyzed, it will affect the entire society like a chain.

Ultimately, it affects the actual manufacturing industry and the survival of people in society.

And this is the cause of the most significant disruption and depression brought about by the financial crisis.

It sounds like a hopeless cycle.

But there are smart people who think that since the crisis is inevitable, they don’t care about it, and design a set of mechanisms that can fight it in response to the chain reaction it brings, and minimize the impact of the crisis. Is it possible to solve this problem by turning major illnesses into minor ones?

No matter what kind of system/system design, as long as society is the core, the most important thing is people, and the most important thing for people is basic survival.

For example, to maintain a person's daily needs, such as firewood, rice, oil and salt, and to separate the value of these people's livelihood items from the free market.

Over there, according to the free market, you can increase as much as you want, and you can play however you want.

The basic food here is maintained at an extremely "cheap" level compared to the market.

Coupled with the bankruptcy system and the social basic survival welfare guarantee system as a patch.

It guarantees the survival of a person and the stability of the system to the greatest extent.

Such a crisis is still there, but it does not constitute any major harm to the entire society.

Although with the development of the economy and inflation, you will find that the wealth gap between you and others is getting bigger and bigger, and the market value of land/land, cars, stocks, luxury goods, art... these things are getting bigger and bigger.

So big that you can't even think about it, and you can't even understand why such a worthless thing is worth so much money.

You can't help but start to question whether those rich people are fools, and then the reality has to make you reflect on whether you are incapable and stupid.

But on the other hand, you will never starve to death. You only need simple work to get what you need for life. In some places, you don’t need to work, and you can live with subsidies. Even debts can be cut through bankruptcy and bad debts.

But if you want to lie flat, you can’t. You will find that the guarantee can only maintain the most basic life, and you have to work hard if you want to eat better.

Speaking of this, masala is a cheap product in District 3, and it is more expensive in District 28. Oden is a luxury product in District 3, but it is cheap here, and there are reasons for this.

Because under different conditions, one is used to sustain life, the basic food needed to maintain life, while the other is an additional enjoyment.

It also seems that more than 100 years ago, watermelons were very expensive in a certain area, pork belly was unaffordable in some places, beef was very cheap in some places, or milk was too expensive or cheap in a certain place.

There is no need to ridicule it because of this, or use it to generate a cheap, superior happiness mentality. Of course, self-pity and self-pity, and feeling that life is very unfortunate is not advisable.

That's an unhealthy mentality.

If you think it is expensive, it is probably because the social environment you were in at that time did not regard this thing as the main food.

Maybe some people don't think so because of their personal eating habits and hobbies.

But whether it is a staple food or not is not up to you, that thing on the market is a 'luxury'.

Basically, if you just imagine it, you can think that the same thing is packaged in a gift box in some places, but in another place, the same thing is packaged in wholesale. Can the market positioning be the same?

Of course, the specific rules, according to transportation, origin, output, and regional agricultural/trade protection/protection laws, are mixed with many factors, which must be more complicated, but the main purpose is very clear.

Through this grading of enjoyment with a very low lower limit, people will continue to work hard and move forward.

While ensuring that the rich can become richer, the entire social atmosphere also presents a positive and upward trend.

Facts have also proved that this is very effective.

But is this absolutely safe?of course not.

This means of intervention and adjustment can only work on a stable market, but the world itself is not that stable.

If there are some local wars, or the food/food supply caused by man-made or natural disasters, this unstable market will be broken.

There will even be a kind of retaliatory speculative backlash, which will cause very violent fluctuations in the necessities of life.

When regional differences make this a regular occurrence, the whole system begins to destabilize.

So people began to think again, thinking about whether it is possible to create an industrial food that can be produced stably, which can be produced in factories and will not be affected by natural disasters.

At the same time, it must be cheap enough. It is best to mass-produce it through the most seawater on earth, and then a little bit can maintain a person's survival needs.

It is best to be able to transport conveniently, without being affected by any logistics, and without wasting time to buy. Through pipelines, it can reach every household like running water.

Coupled with federal subsidies, it can be supplied to all human beings at a price almost free.

It can completely solve hunger and the economic and social problems it brings.

Yes, it is the water of life!
As I said before, when the Water of Life was born, the chairman of the then Federal Secretary won the Pangu Peace Prize. Did you think that was a mockery?
It's really not.

It did bring some sense of peace and boosted the economy.

And now it's the house's turn.

This is the reason why taxes that do not conform to economic laws are born.

First, through forcible intervention, the house is turned into/negative equity/property, and then the house that has already become negative equity/property is taken back from the hands of everyone, and concentrated in the federation or a few or one platform.

Then, like the water of life, it is provided to everyone at a low price.

How will this change?
'Shangui · Zhang Baoren' is not so professional, so it is temporarily impossible to make an effective judgment on this.

It's just that the quarrels are still going on in the parliament. Both sides of the support and opposition have their own reasons, and no one can say anything.

The faces of the people who had been marching outside turned pale one by one, and their fear was filled with unspeakable anger, mixed with some bewilderment.

However, those marginalized people in the surrounding rental houses who observed this incident through various means suddenly showed a little surprise and reverie on their faces. Obviously, the future promised after the establishment of the bill is more attractive to them than the parade force…

(End of this chapter)

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