Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 558, Slaughterhouse and Pregnancy

Chapter 558, Slaughterhouse and Pregnancy

Then he pressed the hands of the ace of spades on the table, bang bang bang... The fingers were as fast as lightning, and they hit the fingers, and all 10 fingers were turned into pulp.

The so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, the intense pain was instantly transmitted to the consciousness of the ace of spades through the nerves.

Immediately, he woke up from the disturbed dazed state, his eyes became red, he raised his head, and screamed in pain.

Pain is the most extreme feeling of human beings. It is not only a physical injury, but also affects the spirit. The feeling brought about by the body's survival instinct can destroy and destroy the normal and stable mental state.

It can wake people up from being hypnotized, and at the same time break the shackles that fix the spirit.

The ace of spades just uttered a sound, and was caught in the neck by Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren with one hand.

Quack quack is like a duck, it can't even squawk, adding a bit of pain out of thin air.

Accompanied by soothing music, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said indifferently: "Where is Wang Eke's current whereabouts..."

"I..." Ace of Spades cried bitterly, his face full of ferocity and struggle.

There were two more bangs, and Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren's foot seemed to be a very powerful pneumatic hammer, hitting the Ace of Spades' feet, turning those feet into flesh like his fingers .

"Ah...I said...I said...I said..."

Accompanied by music at a steady pace...

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren pinched the ace of spades by his neck with one hand, making it difficult for him to shout out. With the other hand, he used a high-definition camera and his own extreme familiarity with the human body to control his body, and finally found it on his abdomen, neck, and chest. There are three acupuncture points.

Fingers tapped on it like a steel awl, leaving three bloody holes.

At the same time, the pain, which is close to the limit that the human body can bear, also began to be transmitted from all parts of his body into the nerves and connected to the brain.

The painful whole body twisted like a black snake, clucking and yelling, blood oozing from the bitten teeth, and cracks appeared.

"I said...I said everything...cough...cough...don't hit me...I'm in so much pain...please don't hit me again...I said everything..."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren seemed not to have heard anything, reached out and stuck the head of the ace of spades, and placed it next to the speaker on the table that was singing unusually soothing music.

By the way, turn up the sound volume...

Then he forcibly opened the tightly closed eyelids on his face, and through the connection between the eyes and the soul, he brutally magnified the pain on his body with superb spiritual intervention.

The pain went straight to the soul, and the pupil shrank to the size of a pinhead in an instant, and then spread out like a flower in the next moment.

It seemed to hear a bang sounded invisibly, as if something had completely shattered.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren let go of the ace of spades in his hand, and he slid to the ground as if he had no bones, and he didn't get stuck in the neck and stopped screaming.

It's just that there is unstoppable saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his body twitches constantly, like a fool who has lost consciousness.

After a while, when the spades ace's twitching gradually weakened and the pupils seemed to regain some consciousness, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren squatted down.

In his fear and cowering, he lifted him from the ground, sat on the table, and patted the folds of the expensive suit on his body, and then asked along with the soothing and gentle music: "Before Where is Wang Eke who was captured by you now?"

The dazed pupils of Ace of Spades fell into memory because of this question.

Then he opened his mouth instinctively, recalling himself and telling the answer to the relevant information of this question, without being hindered in the slightest.

"Wang E...the whereabouts of that little girl...she has been sent to the slaughterhouse by me."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren frowned, "Where is the slaughterhouse?"

The ace of spades said: "That is a buyer who has business dealings with us and many gangsters in terms of population.

"It's called this name because as long as people are sent there, it's like cattle and horses entering the slaughterhouse, and they will never appear in this world again."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren said: "Human trafficking, and this situation has existed for a long time, has it not attracted the attention of the federal officials and been attacked?

"In addition, why do slaughterhouses accept people, and what are they doing?"

The ace of spades thought about it, and replied: "The federal authorities have filed a case and launched a joint investigation on the disappearance of persons, but they have never been able to find and ascertain the reality of the 'slaughterhouse'.

"They're so mysterious and powerful that no one knows what's going on, not just the authorities, but we don't know what the slaughterhouse actually does.

"Although we have a deal with it, it only involves human trafficking, and we don't know anything about the rest. Many people with various purposes secretly conducted investigations, but without exception, they all lost their lives because of it.

"It can only be guessed from their population requirements and the fragmentary information at the time of the transaction. It may be related to some laboratories where human beings were born."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren asked: "Population requirements? What requirements does the slaughterhouse have for population?"

A of Spades said: "They have very strict restrictions on the population, and only accept pregnant women."

For the needs of pregnant women, whether they need the pregnant women themselves or the fetuses, but it is no wonder that they are suspected of being some laboratories related to human birth.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren thought about it, and said with some doubts: "According to this requirement, Wang Eke is also pregnant?"

A of Spades nodded: "That's right, Wang E is pregnant, it's not an accident.

"It's the seeds we deliberately sowed to ensure the human trade in the slaughterhouse."

"The slaughterhouse bids very high for the goods. In addition to money, they are also willing to offer many good things that are not common in the market and are hard to buy.

"There's a lot of profit in it.

"But according to the normal way, it is very difficult to meet the supply requirements of the slaughterhouse. A normal pregnant woman is very important to any family, and they are very strict. If they want to abduct a pregnant woman away quietly Could be by luck.

"In order to ensure the continuity of the transaction, we must master a production chain.

"For us, this is not impossible. First of all, we have a gathering place for original products - a school, which is a rare place that is isolated from the world and has a large number of women.

"We have influence in many low-grade third-grade garbage schools, which can facilitate us to plant seeds as much as we want.

"We started by establishing an irresistible authority over those kids.

"A little bit more to lure those immature female students to degenerate, or threaten them with strong means to violate them.

"One time, two times, three times... When you have had enough fun and the time is right, you can secretly replace them with the contraceptive pills they prepared afterwards.

"When the target finds out that she is pregnant, secretly guide the fear or conflict between her and her family, so as to achieve the purpose of letting her run away from home.

"So is the time of harvest.

"Sell people to the slaughterhouse secretly..."

(End of this chapter)

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