Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 559, see also

Chapter 559, see also

"The discrimination represented by garbage schools at the entire social level provides the best environmental soil and cover for our production.

"Because of the lack of attention, we can easily achieve the goal. At the same time, because of the inherent impression, it is not difficult to guide family conflicts, and it will not cause much trouble if someone disappears."

"Wang E, this guy was already at the time of harvesting, but he didn't expect... you appeared suddenly, not only interrupting the harvesting, but even showing signs of destroying the school, the race factory.

"This is really something we can't bear..."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren asked indifferently: "Where is the location of this slaughterhouse?"

The ace of spades replied: "I don't know the exact location of the slaughterhouse laboratory. Every transaction we have involves only money and goods, and this location is fixed in the large area on the outskirts west of the slaughterhouse." In the ruins of the joint slaughterhouse.

"That is the joint slaughterhouse that originally provided meat for the city of Kyoto. The origin of the slaughterhouse is also one of the reasons why we named the laboratory."

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren nodded.

"at last…"

He opened the mouth and said: "You little gang, even the inner warriors don't know how to know the monks so well? Where did you get such a mature, targeted defense method against the monk's secret deduction?"

A of Spades said: "We have warriors enshrining them, and there are two of them. They practiced 'Baopuzi Yin and Yang Participation' and 'Esoteric Four-faced Buddha Statue Great Acacia Jue', and they have already reached the innate level. They are all first-class. good hand.

"It's just that today is a day off."

"Warrior is a rare and powerful individual who can legally possess power far beyond that of ordinary people. The demand in the market has always been great, and the supply exceeds the demand.

"For a small illegal place like ours, if we want to enshrine a powerful martial artist, in addition to opportunities, we must offer more generous conditions.

"The high wages that exceed the market and the necessary six social insurances and one housing fund are the foundation. Less working hours are the core competition. They only work three days a week.

"This also makes it impossible to fill up the time even if it is a shift change, and there is a dilemma like this one every week.

"I'm currently convincing them to go to work at least 4 days a week, and I haven't succeeded yet, otherwise you may not be able to please."

"As for what a monk is, I really don't know, the monk in the movie?"

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren frowned upon hearing the words, puzzled: "You don't know what a monk is? Then how did you manage to hide it from the secret search?"

A of Spades was also puzzled: "What secret? Is it a combination with the cultivator you mentioned? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't know? Don't know anything?"

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren looked at his bewildered expression that was directly related to the soul, pondered, and once again flicked the big data with fascination to lock it.

Then something strange happened suddenly.

Even if he is face-to-face with the ace of spades and the person is in front of him, he still cannot lock it from the secret level. Obviously there is no problem with all the tracking paths, but the final result-oriented address is always wrong.

Even if it is the same monk, it shouldn't be like this.

It can be said that this violates the underlying information logic of the operation of the heavenly secret.

what is the problem?

At the same time, such a one is not active, but passive can achieve the anti-secret effect. What is the specific basis and the mechanism behind the basis?
Except for the person in front of me who discovered the unfathomable secret, when Wang E Ke was missing before, he also searched for it with the secret method, but there was no news.

I thought it was a targeted arrangement before, but now judging from the discovery at this time, is it the same reason? If so, can it prove that this situation is not an accident at this time, but a situation that can be replicated? means.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren couldn't help feeling horrified, curious and thinking.

In the end, I found that among the many things I have experienced, only the logic of the "source quality data fragments" extracted by Dongjun from the data in the core template of God's Armed Forces in the electronic Dharma laboratory is somewhat similar to this situation. .

It's just that such a despicable and weak gangster leader, how could he have anything to do with the secret that only exists in the top prosthetic body God's armed forces, and is deeply feared by top existences like Motoko?

It really shouldn't be.

Even if it is really unbelievable, but the result is clear that something has happened, no matter how unbelievable, until there are no other clearer clues, it can only be considered.

The next thing to do is to determine whether this might be true.

I learned about the troubles of the source quality fragments from Ms. Suzi before. Whether this is certain or not is crucial to the next action, and it can even be said to determine success or failure.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren began to conduct more detailed research and inspection on the ace of spades, in order to find out the reason why the secrets on him could not be locked.

What is the principle and basis of the operation of the passive mechanism?
It can't be for no reason.

This world is not about cultivating immortals. You can directly distort the rules and lock the information of the last person in the rules, making it impossible for people to detect.

The real world still makes sense, even if the source quality data, the essence is just not in line with the existing logic, and it must have a real landing point.

Repeated verification through various methods and approaches, including but not limited to segmentation of the identity information of the ace of spades, topological deformation, fuzzy display...

In the end, it was found that it was the identity 'Ace of Spades' itself that made the calculation go wrong, because this core confused all the information associated with it.

In the online world, what is directly bound to the identity of the ace of spades is his personal terminal.

After further investigation, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren overlapped the target with an information firewall purchased by Spade a.

The big data secret locks down the steps of identifying the ace of spades. When one comes into contact with the identity of the ace of spades, one will inevitably come into contact with this firewall at the same time.

And in his inspection, as long as it is related to this weird firewall, even if the identity of the ace of spades is not touched, the following calculation will show the final goal as another irrelevant answer.

This proves that this is the source.

At the same time, this change is also more familiar.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren began to decompose the programming structure of the firewall in the most essential way through the monk's instinct.

Sure enough, in the seemingly normal programming data, I found the same feeling as in the associated data of Armed with God.

There is a sense of incongruity in order.

(End of this chapter)

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