Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 572, kill you

Chapter 572, kill you
Although all of Zhang Baoren recovered in the next moment, they all showed a look of surprise and uncertainty by coincidence.

Then everyone looked at the opposite master with the same gaze, and said in an echo: "In the immortal realm of the 'King of Yama', birth, old age, sickness and death are all samsara.

"But I don't remember that this god has the ability to link all the Dao fruits of the original question chapter through the fate in the dark."

One of the biggest and most advantageous features of the original question chapter route is horizontal growth.

Different from the general route, individuals continue to increase their strength and become extremely powerful. Although all Dao fruits can be regarded as one, they are also divided into countless different body parts that exist in different spaces.

Each Dao fruit can represent the noumenon, and it is also a point of noumenon’s existence.

For practitioners of this path, life, death and death are nothing more than a withering and a flourishing, a new metabolism.

But at this time, '23' is directly following the mysterious fate that connects many Zhang Baorens.

The attack that works on one point is extended to everyone.

It is equivalent to compressing the survival ability of practitioners of this way from the original unknown to a considerable and predictable range.

Master 23 had a majestic face, and his voice was meant to scare ghosts and gods: "Of course King Yama can't do this, neither can Taiyi Tianzun, this is a little ability derived from my research institute.

"Of course, there is absolutely no intention of targeting.

"My research philosophy, as I have said before, is aimed at the future of mankind, and this is just a coincidence, or an inevitable result."

"Research... source quality data?" Zhang Baoren thought about it, and soon understood what was going on.

This is the result of the close connection between the original question chapter and the source quality data.

Any contact is two-way, because you can see, you can be seen.

In the eyes of other people, the source quality data is invisible, or even difficult to understand, but in the eyes of people who originally asked the chapter route, it really exists.

This is the advantage of the original question chapter.

But similarly, in the eyes of other people, for those who practice the original dao chapter, the dao fruit exists in the south, the sea and the north at the same time. Different spaces are scattered in the world of mortals, and it is difficult to find them.

But from the source quality's point of view, no matter how many changes, no matter how many spaces, it is only one point.

This is the feedback of the essence.

It was indeed a coincidence.

Zhang Baoren couldn't help but think of Miss Suzi's reluctance to discuss too much source quality data, is it also because of this reason?
Then he immediately vetoed this idea. Judging from what he has shown so far, he just cracked the avatar and came to a level with other practitioners.

For Miss Suzi's level, it is still a giant.

'Yan Luo Wang'23 continued, "Although 'source quality' is a targeted drug for you, it also contains treasures that only you can open. You are similar, and we are also destined to be friends along the way... "

"Don't talk about this, I just want to kill you now..."

Zhang Baoren said: "Of course the source quality is exquisite, but these alone cannot keep you alive."

All the Zhang Baorens are entangled together through the logic of fate consciousness in the dark, and they become one, and their spirits continue to elevate.

At the same time, in the hands of Zhang Baoren, a golden mountain composed of countless calculated people appeared.

The man and the mountain are dependent on each other, turning into a fairy, pushing his realm upward again.

The surrounding chaotic fragments couldn't be maintained, and they were constantly turning into the most essential data and drifting away.

"If you want to kill me, even these are not enough..."

'King Yama'23 said, his expression remained unchanged, the projections of many hospitals, cemeteries, crematoriums, schools on his body were further integrated, and there were ghosts shuttling among them, as if he was evolving into hell.

Compared with Zhang Baoren's feeling, it is even more profound and terrifying.

"How about adding me?"

A melodious voice sounded, and then a man wearing the same style of crown dress as the master, but the background color is black, and the figure on the surface is the continuous rotation of countless large and small gears, as if in the world of reincarnation, the goddess who reveals the endless slaughter appears .

"The wheel-turning king."

Seeing the existence of the same origin as himself, Yan Luowang 23 showed some thought, "This god's fruit status, plus the Nezha statue outside, you are from the Wang family."

"But how could it be with this..."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Baoren with some puzzlement, "How could you collude with this guy who practiced the original question?"

'The Wheel-Turning King' Wang Ling said: "Is it possible that I know someone and have to restrict what conditions?
"In addition, I don't like the word collusion. It has a sneaky and illegal meaning. I know him, but I know him very openly."

"And finally, it's not my friendship with him that drives me to stand up."

'Yan Luowang' 23 said: "Is it for the position of God?"

'The Wheel-Running King' Wang Ling: "No, I just want to kill you."

'Yan Luo Wang'23 looked at the two people in front of him: "You two, it's really... If that's the case, then come."

As they spoke, the three rushed together.

Wang Ling, the 'king of the wheel', stepped forward first, and the countless gears on the crown were biting together and turning, which seemed to bring her great strength. His fists shook the sky and shredded everything, and his fighting style became more and more violent.

'King Yama' 23's hands change complexly, evolving life, old age, sickness and death, reincarnation of life and death, covering the two of them with proficient and absolute control of authority.

Zhang Baoren was holding a golden mountain in his hand, as if he was holding a big seal, and smashed it down...


While the wills are fighting here, the real struggle in reality has also not stopped.

I saw a big ship like a god king's palace was forced to stop on the sea by a little boy.

The next moment, the sea water suddenly surged, and a huge shadow was faintly visible swimming in the deep seabed, like an unknown giant beast.

The little boy just looked down.

The sea water exploded suddenly, a phosphorous and horned head protruded from the sea water, and the ferocious interlaced white teeth mixed with huge waves bit it towards the air.

With the rumbling sound, the boy and part of the hull were bitten off together.

White waves fell from the sky, and as the surge gradually calmed down, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

But after a while, a large area of ​​bright red color appeared in the clean and deep sea water, as if it was filled with blood.

On the deck, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren just stood still and glanced at the movement coming from there, and then his own troubles forced him to turn his attention back.

I saw several passages suddenly opened on both sides of the ship building, and countless black frisbee-like drones the size of human heads flew out of them.

(End of this chapter)

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