Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 573, The End

Chapter 573, The End

Under the control of a special intelligent program, hundreds of flying discs gathered in midair to form a cloud, and steel nails like raindrops fell towards Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren on the deck below.

This is the Heavenly Bee Xuanyun Sword Formation.

The sword light is like the wind and rain, making people have nowhere to hide...

At the same time, there was another group of white afterimages, and Xingchi Dianzhuo rushed out of the cabin.

The high-definition camera can capture that it is a human figure with a simple shape, round joints, and a completely white body. The specific appearance is the same as the robot that appeared in the slaughterhouse, but it is an omnipotent soldier holding a samurai sword of the same color that vibrates slightly. .

White Night 3 armed robot.

The Taoist soldiers' movements are simple and murderous...

Seeing this, Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren's face didn't change at all, he was just pinching the sword formula with his hands, and with a clear electronic sword sound, Huigen came out of the sheath again.

The white sword light revealing the boundless chill is circling and jumping around the body under the control of the special intelligent program Sword Soul.

Hooking, peeling, smearing, stabbing... It seems to be the skills of a highly skilled dancer showing off there, jingling... Like a coincidence, it accurately blocked all the steel nails coming towards him.

Then, with Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren's sword pointing lightly in front of him, the sword light forced towards the drone.

I saw a flickering silver dragon circling in the sky, changing wantonly according to his will, tearing apart, chopping and smashing the black clouds.

At this moment, on the other side, a group of white night robots with light bodies and movements like rabbits have come to him in this moment.

Straightforwardly slashing, picking, or stabbing... Gao Zhenbo's samurai sword was held flat with both hands under the control of extremely exquisite and profound sword techniques.

At the moment of life and death, the wanton sword light in the sky was due to an unexpected collision, perhaps the result of careful calculation.

It fell from the sky like a frightened bird, piercing a Baiye robot from the top of its head, and there was a loophole in the perfectly calculated joint strangulation.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren dodges, and bullies the Baiye robot beside him.

The strength was generated from the feet, spread along the joints of the whole body, and spread from the hands, as if a big steel seal hit the Bai Ye robot's chin, uncovering the bones of the cheeks, revealing the electric sparks inside.

Then a scorching claw grabbed at it, paralyzing it in the real firelight.

The next moment, a chill was felt behind his back, and Gao Zhenbo's blade was already close to his body at this moment. Without any hesitation, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren grabbed the knife-holding hand of the Baiye robot in his arms with his backhand, twisted his waist and tilted it, facing backward Lean on.

With a pop, the slight resistance was pierced.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren turned around and sent the long knife towards the body of the Baiye robot in front of him.

At the same time, the silver sword light flew up from under the feet, and jumped towards the many robots. For a while, the sword light crisscrossed, the sword air flowed, and everything was cut...

Waiting for Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren to pull out the front of the long knife in his hand from the body of the Baiye robot in his arms, looking around for four weeks, there is only mess left on the deck.

And in the vast ocean behind him, there suddenly sounded an electronic sound that was extremely painful and desolate like a dragon, a snake, and a wind and thunder.

With the sound of white waves being blasted, a thick and thick truck, perhaps as long as hundreds of meters or hundreds of meters, endlessly, the shadow of a ferocious monster dragon soared into the sky from the sea.

The body of the monster dragon is covered with a faint blue steel phosphorus armor, with a transparent texture like water waves. There are gaps in the gaps in the phosphorus armor, and water flows continuously. This is its water circulation power system, which allows it to hide while hiding. Turn the sea into an absolute realm.

But at this moment, the king of the sea is wrapped around his body by a crimson endless and long magnetic fluid Huntian silk. There is always no escape.

The demon dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a howl, and a single horn on top of its head that was extremely sharp like a sharp spear piercing the sky became brighter, as if it was gathering energy.

The next moment, a silver-white mechanical ring flew over it and broke the joint.

Then a goddess of war with three heads and six arms stepped on a hot wheel and held a rocket gun full of futuristic design, stabbing at the demon...

Under such a background, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren walked towards the cabin where the master was, step by step, holding the white Gao Zhenbo samurai sword.

And following his will, the silver sword light circled in mid-air, and with a scream, it slashed towards the target first.

inside the laboratory.

Master just bullied himself in front of the beetle micro-robot entrusted by Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren, stretched out his hand and pressed his index finger on it, locked it along the address... and began the battle of souls.

Feeling the movement outside, he turned his head to look, and saw a sword light, like lightning, passing through the barrier of the gate in the blink of an eye.

And by the coincidence of the precisely calculated orbit, it generally slashed on the beetle in his hand.

The beetle micro-robot was cut open without any hindrance, and then the sword light fell on the finger.

The next moment, the material on the fingertips that looked like bionic flesh-colored, but was actually some kind of special steel shattered like crumbling porcelain, and splashed around.

Then Master's hand moved forward instead of retreating, taking advantage of the fact that the flying sword was cushioned after this impact, he squeezed his thumb and middle finger towards the blade.

The silver-white shuttle-shaped sword blade seemed to be held three inches, but it was still unable to break free with great strength.

Immediately afterwards, another gust of knife wind hit.

The pure white Gao Zhenbo samurai sword was held in both hands of Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren who had already arrived, and with the simplest sword technique, he slashed over with the decisiveness of cutting everything with a knife.

Seeing the unhurried flash of this foot, the master dodged the blade, held the blade with one hand, and pressed the chest of Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren with the other.

In an instant, his chest collapsed inward, creating a big hole, and he flew backwards.

Then the master stepped on his feet, leaned forward again, and pressed down on the head of Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren with his big hand.

But before it finally touched the body, it was blocked by a looming crimson extremely hot energy shield, and the high-temperature backlash that fused with the mechanical Tianlong projection licked the palm of his hand.

The palm couldn't help moving away, and then saw a square gold brick smashed towards him with the weight of a hill.

With both hands interlaced in front of him, the two collided, and there was only a loud roar, and in an instant, the arms were smashed with electric sparks, and the joints were splashed.

The golden brick flew back and was caught by a three-headed and six-armed Valkyrie. When the head turned around, an electronic voice that looked a little coquettish and full of boundless magic was said: supernatural power 'reversing yin and yang'.

In an instant, the master felt that the yin and yang of the world had become disordered and chaotic, and the connection between himself and the Taoist body was inexplicably blocked.

At the same time, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren, who stopped the backward flight, grabbed a yin-yang sword with a yin-yang flow in the hilt, held it with both hands, and bullied him again.

With a flick upward, the Taoist body of the Master will be divided into two from the middle.

Reality is reflected in the virtual world.

Among the big Luotian.

Without the support of hardware, the spirit of 'King of Yama' could not help but decline. Zhang Baoren and 'King of the Wheel' Wang Ling, who were ebb and flow, seized the opportunity and chased after them fiercely.

No matter how hard they struggle, they will still be completely torn apart in the end...

(End of this chapter)

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