Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 574, follow-up

Chapter 574, follow-up

Since then, the source of many causal sins, the creator and sole owner of the "Institute of Reconstruction of Raw Data and Future Deduction", a fanatical monk scientist with the future of the world in mind, has brought all his delusions to an end.

But his impact on the world did not stop there.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren will face even more troublesome finishing work.

For example, the group of targets of this trip, many young pregnant women who were rescued.

You can't just send people back like this.

Not to mention the psychological damage caused by this experience, and the further impact that environmental public opinion may have on the victim if the relevant matter is known.

Physiologically, students in middle school are obviously unable to assume the role of mother.

His family conditions did not allow it.

must be properly considered.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren first comforted the spirits of the students who were instinctively terrified after waking up.

Under the effect of superb psychological methods, and more importantly, with the help of 'Wang Eke', one of them, as a bridge, it was difficult for everyone to calm down.

Then, through the same method, he slowly persuaded everyone to deal with what happened to him rationally.

The embryos in the body, if they have not yet formed, will be treated as abortion, as if nothing happened.

If it is already too late, if you already have life, then strip off the connection with the mother.

By using the glass balls that originally transformed many pregnant women into external incubating devices, the pregnant women were replaced to complete the conception of these fetuses.

Let these girls be completely relaxed.

After these most urgent problems are solved.

There is also a more troublesome problem, that is, the pregnant women and those fetuses, after the pre-experimental modification of the drug-stimulated primitive spiritual transformation technology, are contaminated with the physiological dependence on many series of lsp drugs, that is to say, the drug addiction.

This kind of drug, which is highly stimulating to the spirit, is irreversible to the alienation of the nerves and part of the brain.

To be cured, surgery is necessary.

It's also thanks to the fact that everyone is in this era, and at the same time, they happen to be in laboratories that have all kinds of instruments that can be used for human body modification.

Otherwise, based on this item alone, even if a person is rescued, he will eventually be useless.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren replaced part of the alienated nerves with bionic prosthetic nerves through a plan that he had already thought up in advance.

And more importantly, it has the deepest impact, and it is impossible to remove the replacement brain.

Then choose to use inhibitors to directly inject high-strength anti-drug inhibitors into the brain to maximize the elimination of dependence on drug stimulation.

Of course, this is only a certain degree of weakening of the human body's dependence on "drug addiction" that cannot be controlled by itself, not to say that it is over.

Next, we need to cooperate to plant spiritual hints in everyone's heart.

Subtly confuse the psychological memory of the stimulation brought about by the use of various drugs by everyone.

Overwhelm the negative emotions brought by many medicines such as LSP406 and 407 in the heart, and overwhelm the positive stimulation brought by many medicines such as 404 and 403.

Then associate negative emotions with the pain of the trip.

The positive one is associated with yearning for a better life in the hope of escaping ascension.

In this way, as long as there is a desire, there will be memories that are more painful than good, but the reality has already escaped the result of ascension, which makes the good continue to strengthen, making a cycle of reality and memory, and the final result is to keep the two away.

In this way, as normal life goes on, the subconscious will seal up the bad memories of the past, and the distance between the two will become farther and farther away.

It will really gradually "forget".

Let me say that spiritual hypnosis is not about unscrupulous distortion and manipulation of the spirit and psychology, and one cannot do whatever one wants.

This is just an induction of psychology based on the existing foundation under the norms of science.

It must be guided according to the real memory and the master's subconscious real psychological tendency, just like digging a canal to divert water, so that it can last for a long time.

In addition, these methods are not meant to be done once and for all, absolutely safe.

If there is any strong stimulus brought by an accident, it is still possible to break through Zhang Baoren's block.

But as long as he takes care of it carefully, spends the first time, even if he completely breaks through the means he has arranged at this time, because of the previous grinding, the spirit will be reborn from the ashes.

It can also be used to get rid of physical interference.

Maybe a few primitive monks will be born.

After completing the placement of many students, Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren began to screen and clean the relevant experimental personnel on board.

Through rigorous interrogation, monitoring on the ship, and related records of the experiment, many experimenters were dealt with separately.

Some people were executed on the spot, following the '23' who was already one step ahead.

After some people separated it from the experimental project and the laboratory, they promised not to disclose the relevant situation.

Then transfer the crime and himself to the federal officials through the channel of heaven to accept the severe punishment of the law.

At the same time, these people will also be responsible for the disappearance of those pregnant women and classmates, and bring this matter to an end in the real world.

In the end, there are still some people, the newcomers and those who are in less serious situations, stay on the ship after being punished, and use it as a shelf for the new laboratory to sort out the previous experimental data and conduct more legal and ethical experiments. Research.

These judgments of Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren are not absolutely fair and legal, nor are they maximizing his own interests, but this is what he must do, and he must use this to make a break with the previous ones.

After finishing these things, the last thing is the harvest, that is, the research results of the laboratory.

According to the review of the experimental records and internal papers in the laboratory, there is also the help of the remaining researchers.

Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren has a deeper understanding of laboratory-related research.

The specific research content of the laboratory is actually the realization of what '23' said before.

It's just that the specific operation was not as easy as his tone.

The possibility of the original monk's success is very low, even now that the monk's transformation technology is very mature, it is still the case.

Coupled with the fact that the experimental subjects themselves are relatively young and pregnant girls, not one out of 10 will succeed.

After all the hard work and hard work, the pure "holy baby" was obtained through the pregnant woman, but it still does not mean that everything is over and complete.

It doesn't mean that in the next step, sending the pure white holy baby into Da Luotian through a unique ceremony, and using chaos to create a soul for it, there are still some troubles and obstacles in this step.

This step is surprisingly easy.

(End of this chapter)

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