Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 575, Confusion and Doubt

Chapter 575, Confusion and Doubt
According to the description of the experimental records, it is only necessary to send the Holy Infant into the Great Luotian, and its form will naturally change from a beam of pure colorless light to a genderless human baby under the observation of others look like.

Just like the laws of nature, there is generally no possibility of failure when it will happen.

The only strange thing is that the baby's eyes don't have the slightest immaturity of a normal baby.

Mature or vast, inclusive of everything, as if it contains everything in this world, full of divinity, as if it is related to an unknown and great existence.

The laboratory named this existence 'Holy Spirit'.

If we simply follow what '23' said, at this point, the experiment is over, and the next thing is to use the Holy Spirit to achieve our own goals.

The reason is that it has not yet reached consummation.

It is because Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren discovered through the experimental records that after the achievement of the 'Holy Spirit', the laboratory will make a strange choice to kill it.

The specific method is to use the method that first shaped the Holy Child, and use the strong connection of the spiritual light between the pregnant woman and the fetus, so that everything is damaged.

This is the reason why pregnant women will inevitably die after each experiment, not the worry that the mother's body will affect the purity of the fetus as Sister Wang said before.

This is also more logical.

After all, the fetus has just been transformed and sent to Daluotian for real shaping. In such a short period of time, whether the mother dies or not has little impact.

After the death of the Holy Spirit, the laboratory will collect the data remains of the Holy Spirit.

Then some special data fragments will be extracted from it, which is what Zhang Baoren understands as 'source quality data fragments'.

This is why laboratories need to continue to traffic teenage pregnant women.

Under the accumulation of countless lives, the sporadic data fragments gradually began to become complete, and began to form an irrational but self-consistent logic...

The laboratory has also begun to conduct systematic research and utilization through interpretation.


The biggest solution to Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren's confusion with these information is that he understands how '23' uses the source quality data.

You must know that the "source quality data" is only visible to the monks who practice the original question chapter, and seeing and contacting are the basis for using it.

It can be seen from the previous fights and the invitation of '23' that he is not in this way.

Then how did he collect and further utilize these things?
The answer is precisely through the data wreckage left after the death of the Holy Infant and the Holy Spirit.

Although the Holy Spirit has a different logical core, the light and soul of the basic essence of existence are no different from ordinary people.

Normal people cannot touch the essence, but the Holy Spirit can, and normal people can touch the Holy Spirit.

'23' is through this relationship, after killing the Holy Spirit, weaves and shapes these data wrecks that have become extremely special, and uses them as a medium and tool to display the source quality data.

Then, while obtaining new source quality data, new wreckage data was continuously refined, and thus piled up continuously, and finally a matrix system was formed with countless wreckage data.

This is the defense system on this ship.

In other words, it is precisely for this system that this large scientific research ship was built.

Within this range, the source quality can be truly manifested, and ordinary people can feel it and use it. This is also the reason why Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren was exposed after sneaking in before.

So far, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren has a clear understanding of the general issues related to this experiment.

Except for some sporadic, logical, but somewhat strange minor issues.

For example, when transforming the Holy Spirit, why does the Holy Spirit without an "I" become a human being?

Is it because of the influence of the soul foundation?

But why did the experiment kill the Holy Spirit?
Judging from the narration of the reason for the experiment in '23', because of the concern for the future of civilization, the civilization guessed, and then the experiment was designed, and finally the existence of the Holy Spirit was obtained.

This logic should not be killed.

This is against his original purpose.

Also, how did '23' discover the original data that he could not perceive normally, how did he know that through the wreckage of the Holy Spirit, this unknown thing can be manifested?

Is it a coincidence among coincidences?

After the first training of the Holy Spirit, the laboratory killed it due to some accident, carelessness or conflict, and discovered this data by accident while refining the corpse in the spirit of not wasting.

But this cannot reasonably explain why the subsequent experiments have become based on this data, with this data that does not know how to work as the core goal.

Unless the relevant data and the essence are known in advance.

If this is the case, it also fits with the fact that Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren also discovered the source quality data from the original God Armament developed many years ago.

In this way, it is even more reasonable to say that the entire experiment is fundamentally designed to obtain source quality data.

But if this is the case, are those '23' statements about civilization just traditional paintings?
I really do not understand.

To determine these issues, the identity of '23' and the relationship between him and the source quality data must be determined first, and the essential information and the role that the source quality data can play must also be obtained.

Otherwise, it is just fantasy and meaningless.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren shook his head, and temporarily left these behind, and began to study the visible results of real existence, the matrix system on the ship refined from the wreckage of the Holy Spirit.

The soul is uploaded to Daluotian, and the perspective is mainly based on the virtual information world connected by the spirit.

Suddenly, he came to a familiar, absurd and weird world of chaotic data composed of infinite light and countless strange fragments.

Under my feet is a gorgeous and vast ship that seems to carry the Nine Worlds. The big ship swims fast and unstoppable, and everything is crushed under its crush.

This is the projection of the big ship of the laboratory in the virtual information world. This perfect performance, which is the same as the virtual and the real, even has a sense of God's armed template.

When Zeng Zai first met, Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren expressed great emotion about this.

Now it seems that it may also be due to the system trained by the Holy Spirit.

Yun Zhongjun Zhang Baoren didn't care about the body of the big boat he was stepping on.

And put all your attention on the blossoming golden lotus around the big boat, only to see the flowers bloom and fall, keep blooming, and then wither again, such a reciprocating cycle, endless cycle.

Moreover, with the large ship as the core, it continuously splashed and scattered towards the surrounding chaos. Blossoming golden lotuses bloomed in the chaos, suppressing everything with a kind of purity beyond the world.

This is the real system - 'Chaos Lotus Blossom Special Formation System'.


(End of this chapter)

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