Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 583, Celebration

Chapter 583, Celebration

"The development prospects are good, and the business side heard that the Federation has plans for the space city.

"We may not be unable to take a share, and at the same time, this kind of research is also to contribute to the human star sea and supplement it."

"If you want to take a gamble and bet on a truly bright future, you can bet on the 'Infinity Cloud Nano-Swarm Research Center'. If it doesn't work, it's nothing. If you succeed, you may turn around and overtake to change the situation and become a giant..."

He Bo Zhang Baoren nodded and smiled and said, "Since each has its own merits and it's hard to give up, then we have both."

"All of them?"

He said seriously: "This is not the kind of rubbish live broadcasting company we started, but an excellent company in their respective industries that really has potential and is valued by us.

"Even if our harvest is more than expected, the most we can get is a wealthy family. It is really powerless to win them all."

He Bo Zhang Baoren shook his head and said: "You still haven't realized that you don't need your own money to do business, the leverage was so full before, how can you forget this in serious business now.

"If you don't have enough money, you can find a bank loan.

"In addition, the current company's price is just a normal estimate. Don't forget that at the moment, financial turmoil, chain reactions, and winter are approaching. With the connection between modern finance, no one can escape.

"The eventual impact will definitely spread, and will they be worth that much money by then?"

"Even if we can escape this catastrophe, it's good for us to help. Opportunities need to be created..."

He said: "Even if this is the case, the true value of such a high-quality company cannot be erased. There must be other people who are interested in it. If there is an opportunity, it may not be easy to start. Our advantages are not obvious."

He Bo Zhang Baoren said: "In terms of channels and technology, we really do not have an advantage except for 'Martial Arts Grandmaster Technology Company'.

"But there is one big difference between us and other people, or a large part of investors.

"That is, we are not purely investing. All operations are just to get returns. We don't even care about expectations, but simply value the value of the company itself and the technology in it.

"Maybe we can start from this aspect."

"Anyway, just do your best, do your best, and obey the destiny, and it will be fine in the end whether you succeed or fail.

"If it doesn't work, find another target."

Nodding in one bite: "Okay, then I will arrange it accordingly."

In this way, the next action is determined.

Of course it's just set.

The matter is simple to say, but it is not something that can be achieved by touching two mouths. Even if the stock market is a vegetable market, acquiring a company is not buying vegetables.

It is destined to take a relatively long time to operate, and requires detailed investigation, formulation of corresponding strategies, big data analysis, and psychological games.

It takes boldness and caution.

We also have to face the inevitable accidents that will continue to occur as the plan advances, and the solutions to them.

Decisiveness is needed, mediation is needed...

Of course, this is all for later, now... more importantly, I need to open a bottle of champagne and find someone to celebrate.


The 36th floor of the building is full of modern design, a noble yet elegant banquet hall that is spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

Piles of goblets are filled with wine, hanging in the mid-air above the head in a strange and regular overlapping shape like clouds, taking on the responsibility of crystal lamps to refract light and render the atmosphere, and at the same time, they can be taken by people at any time. using.

Under the gentle light like water waves, handsome and beautiful men and women dressed in dresses, drinking wine and talking in twos and threes, observing etiquette in every move, showing their demeanor in their conversations.

"How about our celebration reception?"

He Bo Zhang Baoren, who was wearing a high-end suit, stood on the railing on the second floor, drinking wine, and said to the robot next to him.

"Is this the champagne you want?"

The tone of the mouth was very distressed, "Just like this, millions of people can't beat it."

He Bo Zhang Baoren took a glass of wine from mid-air, smiled and gave a slight respect to all the participants of the banquet who nodded and greeted him.

Then he took a sip and let the alcohol explode in his mouth, "You always have to enjoy the money you earn, otherwise how would others know that we are rich?

"Money is not important, but it is very important to tell others that we have money, which will also help us in our next acquisition plan.

"Have you seen the old movie called Gatsby? That's probably what we want."

There was no answer, but two large characters appeared on the screen, "Hehe!"

"Hello, you are Mr. H."

A pleasant voice came from the side.

Hebo Zhang Baoren looked at it with a smile.

A slender woman with a perfect appearance is half leaning on the railing, wearing a long black dress hanging like a black night, the skirt is inlaid with fine diamonds, and her feet are matching crystal high-heeled shoes, elegant ,noble.

"If there's no other 'H' here, I'm sure you're looking for me."

Hebo Zhang Baoren stepped forward with a smile, took a glass of wine from the sky, and handed it over.

The woman took it unceremoniously, took a sip, and said: "It's really a good open reception. There is no threshold, and it is open to everyone regardless of class. Let everyone exist only as themselves, throwing away all restraints and appearances. , have fun and make friends..."

He Bo Zhang Baoren nodded reservedly, "I think so too, this is a good reception.

"But I really don't know exactly how it is good. What is open, open to everyone, breaking class barriers... I hope you can help explain these beautiful meanings."

The woman was amused, but seeing the seriousness and puzzlement on Hebo Zhang Baoren's face, she couldn't help laughing again.

"This is a party you held. As the owner of this place, don't you know anything?"

He Bo Zhang Baoren said: "To be honest, I really don't know, I don't even know who everyone is, where they came from, and how they got here.

"Or I knew a little bit at first, but I was a little confused after seeing you."

The woman took a sip of her wine and looked at him, "Hmm... Do I have such a charm?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's not because of your own charm. Of course, I'm sorry to say that you have no charm. You are very charming, but that's not what bothers me, but..."

He Bo Zhang Baoren removed the hand holding the wine glass in front of him, and looked up and down the beauty in front of him again.

It is not the superficial appearance, but the more essential information in it, which is well-proportioned and perfect, the distribution of muscles that can burst out the strongest strength, and the bone shape that can bring the best movement trajectory within the human body.

Even the healthy close connection between all organs and viscera forms a harmonious ecology.

This can no longer be said to be exercise, but an innate trace reshaped by outer martial arts.

It is not ordinary people who are so extravagant.

(End of this chapter)

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