Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 584, one step away

Chapter 584, one step away

"This reception is just because I, a nouveau riche who has just made a small fortune, want to experience the excitement of extravagance and waste.

"So I asked the company to hold such a celebration reception. The specific embodiment of the charm of money is a phone call, a message, and someone will help you realize your idea. I received the notice and went downstairs. That's it, everything is ready. .

"I don't know how it was done, they are all from somewhere, I thought all the people here were actors..."

The woman smiled when she heard the words, "There may be some actors, but many of them are not like this, but they are curious after receiving news that there is no threshold.

"It's like I was upstairs at home just now, and then..."

As he spoke, he was stopped by He Bo Zhang Baoren reaching out his hand.

"It doesn't matter how you came here, and what status you have before is not important. I have accepted your previous flattery, and now this place has indeed become what you imagined. There is no status class, only happiness..."

The woman covered her mouth and smiled, raised her wine glass, "You can call me 'S'."

"'S', such a good name, gentle and beautiful, elegant and refined, full of scholarly fragrance."

"It's just a pseudonym."

"It's more in line with your heart if you start by yourself..."

Hebo Zhang Baoren drank the remaining wine in the cup, put the cup back in the sky, then bent down and stretched out his hand in front of S to invite.

"I wonder if I might have the honor of asking you to dance?"

S looked at him, put the wine glass aside, then smiled and put his hand on it.


Immediately, the melodious sound of the violin and the mellow piano sounded out of thin air like an intricate and inseparable love.

Miss S said: "This is... one step away."

As they spoke, the two of them put on a dancing posture.

For an innate warrior who can perfectly control the body, all body language based on the human body is really instinctive, and it couldn't be easier.

No drills required, no threshold...

With the music, the body and the rhythm are perfectly integrated, and the lingering dance steps are not worse than the top professional dancers, even better.

Everyone in the banquet hall heard the music, stopped chatting with each other, turned their heads to look this way, smiled and moved around a dance floor.

The core of tango dance lies in the legs, which are complex and entangled. The cheerful gait implies uncertainty and entanglement, and the fitted body represents affection.

In the entanglement, the two chased after each other like swallows, and very naturally came to the dance floor downstairs.

The dance steps also changed from intense to soothing. Miss S smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to like this kind of classical dance."

He Bo Zhang Baoren said: "I listened to this music a few times at home when I was free. Of course, this is mainly to avoid wasting the purchased copyright, but after listening to it a lot, I feel good. It's just because it's a dance music. There is no way to truly experience it.

"This time just happened to meet this opportunity, so I have to give it a try."

Ms. S's face was slightly stiff when she heard this: "It turns out that I was just a tool delivered to my door to complete the task."

He Bo Zhang Baoren said: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I probably heard it a few times ago, and I didn't take it seriously at the time, but after seeing your beautiful lady, I couldn't help thinking of it and couldn't get rid of it, so Chose this dance song."

Ms. S said: "Do you know that the name of this song 'One Step Away' is not the earliest and most authentic original meaning, but a translation.

"At that time, Chinese had not yet become an official language, and multiple languages ​​existed at the same time, so this piece of music was born in a niche context at that time.

"Its original country slang meaning is one step short, one head short, one head short of the front in a horse race.

"It is used to express a kind of extreme desire, only a little bit but not available."

He Bo Zhang Baoren nodded slightly, and said: "Compared to 'One Step Away', although it is a bit less elegant, it is more straightforward to name the complex emotional entanglement that the dance music wants to express.

"But it would be more appropriate."

Ms. S said, "It is indeed appropriate from an artistic point of view. In reality, people sometimes have bad meanings. It is only one step away, and it stops abruptly..."

What do you mean?
He Bo Zhang Baoren thought, at this moment the song has come to an end.

The next action should be the change of the man holding hands to send people out, and then pulling them back, which implies thoughts and represents the end by the way.

But when it was realized, Miss S suddenly turned her waist like a fish swimming out of the rhythm of the original dance. He Bo Zhang Baoren reached out to fish with the standard dance rhythm, but his arms were empty.

Then he raised his head as if making an invitation and thank you gift, and looked at Miss S who was a step away, smiling and holding up her skirt to return the gift, and turned to leave, and the people around her laughed in good faith.

The song is over.

After the celebration, He Bo Zhang Baoren was ready to enter the next work plan.

Acquire those three fancy companies and lay the foundation for your future.

I also finished the series of busyness during this period of time.

Of course, before that, it is necessary to finish the party and settle the account of the service company.

Looking at the butler settlement robot in a tuxedo who came to check out, Hebo Zhang Baoren first expressed his satisfaction with the service, gave a good review, and said that he would cooperate in the future.

Then simply pay.


"Your account balance is insufficient…"

Hmm... Then the originally harmonious atmosphere became a little subtle at that time.

Billing robot: "Sir, this is..."

"Maybe the system is wrong, or there is something wrong with my linked account, don't worry..."

Hebo Zhang Baoren coughed dryly twice, and then opened the payment address on a whim. The large surplus that was just transferred to the account not long ago, and the long string of zeros lay there very clearly.

"Isn't this here?"

"what happened?"

"Is there really something wrong?"

He Bo Zhang Baoren just watched helplessly, and tried to make payment again, but in the end he still couldn't settle the payment, and the reminder was still insufficient balance.

The settlement robot's tone was a bit bad: "Sir...we provide the best service, and at the same time we must receive the real amount."

"I'm rich, but the system is wrong..."

He Bo Zhang Baoren showed the account to the other party, comforting it not to worry, but he had some bad feelings in his heart.

He hurriedly operated to transfer the money in his account to another platform account, and then the worst result occurred as expected. The system reported that the account was abnormal and had been locked and could not be transferred.

What the hell is this?
How can my normal money and normal account be locked in such an abnormal way?I didn't steal it, and I didn't rob it. It's pure money.

In this trading mechanism that promises absolute free flow, how can it be locked?
(End of this chapter)

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