Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 609, without me

Chapter 609, without me

Miss Suzi said: "I just want to remind you, if you mess around with other people's corpses, you are afraid that someone will come to your door when the time comes. You must know that guy hasn't completely left the scene yet."

He said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if you come to the door, it's nothing more than another game of life and death, and once again there is a winner or loser.

"This is not important to me, the only thing I care about is this laboratory, this laboratory created by myself, such a life or death will not cause any damage to it.

"It's still here to stay.

"It's like my foundation paid for it, built it first, owns its ownership, Wu Sheng occupies it, the laboratory is owned by him, everyone in the laboratory has to leave, Dongjun is expected, Dongjun fails, I naturally want to cut her , Find a more suitable you.

"And Dong Jun came back one day and proved that he is more suitable. That's nothing more than another change of owner."

Speaking impassionedly here, he shrank himself more carefully into the Dao body.

And Mrs. Zhang Baoren, Mrs. Xiang, who was associated with the thought, started to act at the same time. She found a website with a lot of traffic and posted: "Hi Miss Suzi, are you there?"

The next moment, the question was deleted, and then a column of replies appeared on the blank post.

9 (Suzi): "Zhang Baoren, I seem to have told you last time that I don't want to be disturbed like this."

01: "Yes, but this is not an extraordinary time, and you know what happened to me at this time.

"There is really no other way. I have no choice but to disturb you in this way again."

9: "It is precisely because I know what happened to you that I am shocked that you did not find a place to recover, but appeared in front of my eyes with a fearless spirit."

01: "That's why I say I have to."

9: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

01: "That's right, I would like to ask you about the practice of the original questioning chapter. After forming all kinds of Dao fruits, what is the key to a new cycle of reincarnation and once again flowering and bearing fruit?
"How to enter the primitive realm?"

It's not that Zhang Baoren doesn't know anything about it.

He has done deep and thorough research on this issue, and has his own guesses.

Just based on his own theoretical research, it is not of great help to the current practice.

In the past, it was just a matter of cultivating slowly and grinding slowly, but now that most of the Taoist identities have been exposed and they are facing many dangers, there is really no such effort.

At present, there is an urgent need to increase strength and rejuvenate the world through replacement.

And the supernatural technology 'Origin of Chaos' created for this is obviously no longer usable.

So I had to find a way from other places, and just took this opportunity to find this strong man who was really successful in the original questioning chapter to gain some experience.

9: "There is nothing special about the practice here. No matter how others misunderstand the original question, we all know that this is a very simple mind analysis technique.

"As big as your heart is, you can go as far as you can, and there will never be an end until you touch the source.

"As a genius here, you should understand."

01: "Of course I understand. It's just that I encountered some bottlenecks. I don't know how to quickly find all the opportunities that China Unicom has visited."

9: "As long as this road can be understood and accepted, it can be accomplished overnight. There is no bottleneck. If you don't understand it, you don't have any fate."

01: "But if you don't understand thoroughly..."

9: "What is your situation?"

Zhang Baoren Balabala gave an overview of the state of his practice and his understanding of it.

9: "I fell into the obstacle of practice a little bit."

01: "Cultivation obstacle?"

9: "The first step on our road, what is the beginning of everything?"

01: "The first step in practice is to 'ask', that is, to ask the heart. You need to understand who I am, and you need to understand and understand that all living beings are me, and I am also all living beings... This simple truth can then be used as a basis And enter the next practice."

9: "Yes, ask the heart, the real core of this step is to ask yourself, to polish a heart of the supreme Tao, as the saying goes, there is no self in the world, and there is a self everywhere, which is also the root of this practice path.

"Your problem is that you are too compatible with this Tao. You have practiced directly to the present with a bit of instinct without any mistakes, but because of this, you have not really faced your own Tao heart scientifically."

01: "Didn't face Dao Xin directly?"

9: "Yes, Yunzhongjun Zhang Baoren, Dongjun Zhang Baoren, Hebo Zhang Baoren... Zhang Baoren, if you can't let go of the old, you can't embrace the real future."

01: "Give up, then who is 'I'?"

9: "It's everything, it's all beings, it's all people. Didn't the first practice tell you?"

I am all beings...

All beings are me...

I am all beings...

I don't know how many times I have heard, said, and thought about it, but suddenly I have a different feeling, like a lightning strike in my heart.

Xiangjun Zhang Baoren couldn't help but feel a wave of baptism from the inside out.

All beings are me...

Zhang Baoren is a sentient being...

I am Xiang Jun, we are Zhang Baoren...

Naturally, the most basic logic that constitutes the entire human existence has undergone some slight but far-reaching adjustments.

Thoughts also began to change.

It's just a moment of effort, and everything seems to be the same as before.

But I feel like I have left behind a burden, the whole person is lighter, and at the same time, the connection between different Dao fruits is more rounded and more harmonious, and I feel that I can catch that strand at any time and integrate myself into one. opportunity.

01: "Thank you for your advice."

9: "It seems that you have already figured it out. You are worthy of being the seed of cultivation. The talent for cultivation is really good."

01: "Where, I still need your guidance."

9: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

01: "I don't know what is the secret of the source quality data? Why is it so dangerous? What is the source?"

9: "Sure enough, this is what you really want to ask.

"Iron Fist this time should be uncomfortable. Last time I told you about the troubles of this thing, you didn't take it to heart, but this encounter should have told you through the facts that what I said was not exaggerated at all.

"You don't have a long memory yet, and you want to continue to pursue it."

01: "It's true that I was a little careless, but the reason for this is also because I didn't know the truth in advance.

"And it's the same because I realized the trouble this time, so I have to figure out what's going on, so that I can solve the problem properly.

"Otherwise it will always be a sword hanging in the sky, even if it escapes this time and refreshes the exposed Dao fruit to live another life, but who knows when an accident will happen again accidentally? I can't sleep well.

"I hope to get some clarification from you."

9: "It's a pity that I can't let you get what you want this time, and I also don't know much about it."

(End of this chapter)

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