Chapter 610, God

01: "You don't know either?"

9: "I only know that the source quality data has a deep connection with the Dao of Heaven, but I don't know much about what you want to know, what kind of applications it has, and the reasons behind the troubles.

"It's not that I'm pretending to hide it, but I really don't understand it, it's not that I don't want to understand, it's that I don't have talent.

"Source quality data, data that does not conform to the logic of ordinary people, although the monks of the original question chapter can see it, but not every monk of the original question chapter can understand and master it with ease.

"It is a special subject, and it also has certain 'talent' limitations, just like mathematics in reality, some people find it simple and exciting, while others find it a headache and ghosts.

"Unfortunately, I am the latter."

01: "I didn't expect 'source quality data' to have talent. I saw that thing, not to mention inspiration, it just drilled into my brain, and it came out by itself. I thought everyone would be like this."

9: "So I say you are a true cultivation seed..."

01: "Is this one of the reasons why I haven't been hit by the chain of supernatural powers related to this before? In addition to fear, there is also a threshold. Is this one of the reasons why I was punished by heaven?"

9: "What do you think?"

Of course there is no need to answer.

Then Mrs. Xiang continued to ask: "I don't know the specific function and secret, but what about the source of the source quality data? Are you clear about this?
"Does this have something to do with the 'Deduction Committee on the Future Standardization of Prosthetic Body Technology and the Joint Martial Arts Laboratory' that was born in the original God Armed Forces?

"Is there an inevitable connection between the person in charge of Brain Niwan Tianting and the chief intelligent designer?
"Is it the source of source quality data?"

9: "Hmm... Has your investigation into this been so deep? I remember that just a few days ago, when we communicated, your understanding of the information related to the original armed forces of God was far from here.

"Is it a secret investigation during this period, or according to what you said, an investigation after the accident?

"No matter when it is, it doesn't take long. You must know that there are not many people in this world who know that the person in charge of the Brain Pill Heavenly Court is related to the chief intelligent designer.

"And the only one you can come into contact with in such a short period of time is... the old man, and the old man's words..."

With the pause of the information, in the Bird's Nest laboratory, the Suzi projection in front of Dong Jundao, who was still discussing cooperation matters, suddenly stopped.

Wei Wei froze for a moment, as if she was disconnected or her consciousness wandered elsewhere, performing other operations.

It returned to normal after the projection was in poor contact and flickered twice.

I saw that her face remained unchanged, but the sword light in her eyes became a little uncertain, and at the same time the electronic voice was emotionless, "'R', do you know what your real name is?"

Seeing this, the Hunan Army took control of the Dao body, and swallowed weakly, "Then what... I said it happened by chance, you should be able to understand..."

Who the hell knows that the person in charge of the Brain Niwan Heavenly Court is related to the chief intelligent designer, and it is still a secret.

He just guessed it from the old man's reaction, and wanted to verify it, who would have hit it by mistake.

I really don't know whether to say lucky or unlucky.

But if it's a big secret, how can the old man know?Although he has worked in the lab before, he is not an important person. His status is just an ordinary researcher. He is not considered a genius, nor is he a monk with a strong AI realm. He shouldn't be.

Hmm... I remember that the old man is Miss Suzi's licking dog.

The Qingdi Changsheng Pill led by Ms. Suzi is connected to the Heavenly Court of the Brain Niwan, because of the insights generated by re-discussion?
No wonder I had such a ferocious look when I asked before, it was really bloody...

Miss Suzi's projection looked at Dongjun's Dao body in front of him: "You should be glad that I only came here this time..."

As he said that, the background data of the posts that the two parties had just chatted on the Internet began to undergo weird and subtle changes, and Hao Da's will followed impossible clues to lock and blow up Mrs. Xiang who didn't know where she was.

Feeling that Mrs. Xiang, who was slowly recovering, was fleeing in panic, Mr. Xiang nodded: "Yes."

Next, although Miss Suzi was still angry, she did not leave in anger, and still gave an answer to his question.

"The person in charge and the chief intelligent designer of the Brain Niwan Tianting you are asking about are actually the same person."

Mr. Xiang said cautiously, "Alone?"

Miss Suzi said with a bit of memory and emotion on her face, "That is a very smart, very genius, creative person, or inhuman... Anyway, it is difficult to describe in words.

"Many people who know him think he is a god-like existence, and because his catchphrase often says 'God', many people also call him ai God."

Lord Xiang said: "God is armed?"

Suzi said: "Yes...Actually, God's Armed Forces was originally called a standard template, and it was manufactured according to the upgraded standard of martial arts technology.

"Because of his strong personal style, this name was put among the insiders, and as it spread, it finally became a public name."

"As for the source quality data you want to ask, it was originally from him. It was created by him... or discovered. He prefers to use this term. This is one of his greatest discoveries."

"It was really created by one person."

Although there have been expectations and speculations about this for a long time, but when the real thing is confirmed, I still can't help feeling extremely emotional.

Mr. Xiang subconsciously thought about the challenging people's cognition contained behind the source quality data, and the mathematical logic system that was also frighteningly different from reality.

Thinking it was done by one person...

Sure enough, he is a god-like figure.

"Such a person really wants to get to know each other..."

Miss Suzi laughed and said, "That's unnecessary, you already know him."

Mr. Xiang was puzzled and said, "I still have such an honor? I don't know who it is?"

Suzi spat out two words: "His name is Yellen!"


Xiang Jun was taken aback for a moment, then remembered.

This is the robot that was first encountered on the way of smuggling out of District 3, and then a series of unexpected events occurred around it.

It turned out to be this old acquaintance.

If it's this one... Dong Jun's Dao Ti's eyes couldn't help but darken, as if he had discovered something interesting.

A fragment emerged in a critical place in his mind, and the question that had troubled him for a long time was combined with the answer he just got.

On the way to stowaway.

The one who can track God's arm for a long time, Lu Yadao temporarily put down the God's arm in front of him——Zhang Baoren's kidney, and attracted Miss Suzi to come, and let the two strong men fight. According to the later information, they all caused damage to the Dharma. .

(End of this chapter)

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