Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 611, sorting out

Chapter 611, sorting out

I have never known what kind of secret it has. If it has a relationship with this Mr. Yellen, it can be explained.

It's just that Mr. Yellen on the road appears as an ordinary intelligent robot.

And at that time, his own position was in a passive position where the two of them were allowed to compete, obviously he couldn't bear the incomparable genius that Ms. Suzi had praised so much before... Inhuman God and other titles.

Unless what appeared at that time was not a real person, but a double like Lingshan, or a continuation of Yellen's existence.

But this contradicts and repels the logic of the previous competition.

What's the point of a stand-in?
Is it because there is something valuable in this person, or a relevant clue?

And this stand-in was blocked by these two, which shows that he has been being tracked and searched for. Miss Suzi caught Mrs. Xiang just at a whim. Why has she not been found before? Is the time blocked?
Is it just a coincidence?
Thoughts swirled in my mind thinking about this, but at the same time I didn't forget to ask: "Does this prove that Mr. Yellen's whereabouts are also bad?
"And as you said before, the source quality data has a deep connection with the way of heaven, and at the same time, the source quality data was created by Mr. is there a direct causal relationship between them?"

Suzi said: "The specifics are the same as the source quality data, I don't know too much, but I think there should be some.

"Yellen didn't stay long in the 'Deduction Committee on the Future Standardization of Prosthetic Body Technology and the Budo Joint Laboratory' before, after giving the core design of God's Armed Forces.

"So he left the laboratory and went to another 'Super Artificial Intelligence Design and Weaving Research Institute', and this is his final whereabouts.

"Then disappeared.

"Whether the person is alive or dead, and what happened, those who know about it have been silent about it."

Xiang Jun nodded.

"Finally, I would also like to ask, why did you treat me so much more kindly than normal communication, such as answering my questions in such detail?"

Miss Suzi looked at him and said with a smile, "Because you are a real seed of cultivation."

Xiang Jun was speechless: "What is the reason?"

Suzi said: "You can take it as a little bit of my personal interest."

Jun Xiang said: "Well, no matter how I explain to you, I am very grateful."

"I accepted it thanks to my gratitude, and now that the problem is over, I have to enter the warning link..."

Miss Suzi's tone was casual, but people didn't dare to be careless, "Forget about this time, but I don't want my name to appear again through this dishonorable method.

"Otherwise, I'm sure you don't want to get into more trouble."

Mr. Xiang nodded hurriedly, "Definitely...definitely..."

After confirming the identity of Mr. Xiang, there is no need to say more about what 'R' invited before.

Then Miss Suzi's projection nodded slightly, then turned around and walked towards the unknown place step by step, disappearing from the office.

Mr. Liuxiang was alone thinking about the harvest he had gained this time.

Although Suzi said that he didn't know a lot about source quality data, and he didn't know much about it, but it was already of great help to him.

At least through this news, we have a preliminary understanding of the background cause and effect of the entire incident.

At the heart of the whole thing is Yellen.

First of all, this inhuman genius created the primordial data.

Then, the five major martial arts companies wanted to carry out a new round of upgrades to the martial arts body. Because of this talent, he was also invited to join as the core designer.

But obviously, the epoch-making work in the eyes of others is not so difficult and not a big challenge for this one.

Without much effort, he came up with the core design of Armed with God.

Then Suzi and other core personnel of the laboratory of the God Planning Committee took over, and began to improve the design based on this core idea, and practice it, creating from scratch.

After giving the core design, Mr. Yellen didn't want to waste time on the side details. It may also be because the super artificial intelligence design and weaving research institute he joined at the same time is more interesting.

The main energy comes here.

The researcher of the God Armed Forces is only in contact with the God Planning Committee and Miss Suzi who is in charge of the Qingdi Changsheng Pill. As a result, the ordinary researchers of the researcher don't even know him, which creates a mysterious result.

Here, the Design and Weaving Research Institute of Super Artificial Intelligence has finally conceived its own results after a long time of hard work. An extremely powerful and great artificial intelligence that can be called the fruit of civilization has been created.

Forces such as the Federation began to gradually apply it to various systems of society, constantly increasing its importance in human society, and named it—"The Way of Heaven".

Mr Yellen just disappeared.

Then, for some unknown reason, the God Armed Research Institute, which finally realized the achievement of the God Armed Prosthesis through the efforts of Ms. Suzi and others, was completely disbanded.

It is said that God's armed forces contain some kind of variable under the law of heaven, which has been taboo.

It is also said that the variable is related to the heaven of the brain Niwan and has uniqueness.

With the disbandment of the laboratory, researchers scattered with their research results, triggering a series of scrambles, 'Mr. A', 'Ma Huayunteng', 'Ling', 'Foneng Sabra', 'Suzi'... Each of them had their own encounters, which brought the next story.

At the same time, the source data created by Yellen also began to be regulated, becoming a taboo recognized by mainstream forces.

As for the monitoring system for this, according to Zhang Baoren's personal experience and guesses, according to different severity levels, it can be roughly divided into three levels, and each level has a different way to deal with it.

The first is ordinary, which probably means that ordinary people and monks have come into contact with source quality data through various methods, whether research or accident.

The way to deal with this is to monitor this and deal with it freely as appropriate.

The second level is serious contact, which means that the successful monks in the original question have contact with a certain amount of source quality data, or the source quality data has the expectation of dangerous applications.

The way to deal with it is that it must be warned, including armed strikes.

The third layer is the dangerous contact, which means that the gifted person conducts deeper research on the source quality data, or the related contact, or the source quality data encounters a dangerous application.

This requires an absolute blow, there is no room for it.


(End of this chapter)

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