Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 615, Mental Illness

Chapter 615, Mental Illness
"I checked your causal experience in the internal database of Buddhism.

"A primordial questioning chapter practitioner with extraordinary talent like you has been rare in the past, present and future..."

As he said that, he looked at Mr. Xiang with some complexities in his eyes, which seemed to be longing, longing, and wanting to swallow him in one gulp.

It made Mr. Xiang inexplicably feel a little chilly.

But looking at the celestial maidens and the bright blond hair beside the Buddha, he felt relieved again.

This Zen mind is firm and will not be abnormal.

Shaking his head secretly, coughing, and then without any entanglement, he said directly: "Lan Deng my Buddha, I think you already understand the purpose of my visit this time, and please advise, what is the trouble I got into? cause and effect?

"Why did you receive such a huge blow?
"What does it have to do with Mr. Yellen, and Tiandao? What happened in the laboratory that gave birth to super artificial intelligence?"

The Buddha couldn't help but shook his head with a half-smile, "Yelun... Tiandao... really are some old and familiar words.

"Don't worry...Since I'm here, I will naturally explain to you, after all, there is no one in this world who knows these secrets better than me.

"Even anyone else in the Design and Weaving Institute of Super Artificial Intelligence can't tell you too much useful information and answer your doubts.

"Because Yellen was discovered by me in the first place."


Mr. Xiang felt that he was going to hear an extremely important secret next.

Burning Buddha asked: "If you want to understand everything, you must start with Yellen. Do you know what kind of person Yellen is?"

Mr. Xiang said according to the evaluation he learned from Ms. Suzi before: "Inhuman, a genius beyond ordinary people, a god-like existence."

The Buddha shook his head: "That is the identity that is finally recognized and endowed by people after it matures. How did it become such a person in the first place?"

Before Xiang Jun answered, the Buddha continued: "Because of birth, because of a natural mental illness."

Mr. Xiang: "Psycho?"

The Buddha said: "Don't be surprised. The so-called disease is actually a state of unhealthy human body, a phenomenon of abnormal operation of the human body system. You don't need to think of this word to subconsciously produce a series of bad thoughts."

Mr. Xiang asked curiously, "I don't know what disease Mr. Yellen has?"

The Buddha said: "He suffered from 'Congenital Transcendental Perception Yellen Syndrome', a mental disease so rare that it is named after the discoverer.

"The essence of this disease is the out-of-control phenomenon of the individual patient's perception boundary, and 'super' represents the severity of his abnormal situation."

"This perception is not a physiological perception system such as vision, smell, taste, hearing, etc., but a psychological perception spectrum.

“Plainly speaking, it is empathy.

"Seeing others and thinking of my own situation in the same situation, as if experiencing it personally, I can't help but resonate with it."

"As the saying goes: A gentleman stays away from the kitchen, seeing his life, he cannot bear his death.

"The so-called thing hurts its kind."

"This is a primitive emotion that is more basic than love, family affection, devotion, hatred, and all emotions, and exists among most intelligent creatures.

"It has a deep connection with human wisdom, soul, and all ecology based on it.

"It is very important and indispensable to people, and if it is missing, it will be a disaster for both individuals and collectives.

"But everything is too much, if it is too strong, it will also be an unspeakable disaster.

"It's like Yellen."

"From what I've seen, the doctor's description of his case, Patient Yellen, has transboundary, catastrophic, emotional cognitions of anything that contaminates rationality.

"During the examination of his condition, when he heard the sound of a male dog in heat, his heartbeat began to accelerate abnormally.

"When seeing the picture of the animal being shot, its pupils contracted and relaxed violently, and its body experienced brief convulsions and cardiac arrest.

"Facing the robot, its mental fluctuations began to become abnormally calm...

"All the joys and sorrows in the whole world, love and hate, all fall on it doubly.

"Its strength of this perception was spectroscopically measured by Dr. 'Hanbany Arthur', a world-renowned professor of psychology.

"It was found that this had reached a point where it could distort a normally sound personality.

"And Yellen's condition is a congenital, congenital mental illness."

"That is to say, from the time he started to perceive the outside world.

"The blank personality without any ego begins to be forcibly distorted by the outside world.

"All the time, different things are constantly stuffed into the head, and its spirit and soul are shaped into the same appearance as this.

"One hand is normal, but countless hands piled together is indescribably weird.

“And we live in a world of art that entertains to death and is full of cheap stimulation of the human spirit.

"It's hard for a barren imagination to even imagine what kind of base material could have been crammed into that mind.

"Countless hands, countless eyes, countless people, countless robots, flowers and trees, fish, insects, birds and animals, countless strange things, mixed together, no one knows what will be born?
"Or no one knows what kind of existence this is? What kind of thing?"

"It is simply a perfect experimental sample for in-depth analysis of the human spiritual world."

"Professor Hanbanni said so secretly."

"Although he immediately deleted and edited this sentence, it was still restored by me through information technology monitoring software.

"This kind of extraordinary pursuit of truth is admirable, but in terms of performance, his spirit is also somewhat abnormal, which is somewhat similar to some abnormalities in the conventional sense.

"Such an attending doctor undoubtedly made things more unpredictable and worse.

"But it doesn't seem too bad."

"Under normal circumstances, or at any time in the past, someone like Yellen would not live long, and the greatest possibility would be stillbirth.

"Or die suddenly not long after birth due to drastic mental and physical changes.

"Even if such a level is passed with a small probability like a miracle, a mental breakdown is inevitable, and the next collision with the real society will also be cleaned up."

"That is to say, luck is born in the present, when psychological research and technology are highly developed.

"I discovered the specific symptoms not long after I was born, and I was in the hospital, and I dealt with it in a timely manner, and then I was transferred to another hospital...

"Before it completely deteriorated, it was taken over by the world's top psychology experts who already have a very deep understanding of the essence of the human spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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