Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 616, abnormal development

Chapter 616, abnormal development

"Because the case is so special, it has great research value, and it has been paid special attention to. A whole top medical team has been doing its best to treat it with self-sustaining and life-sustaining treatment and training 24 hours a day.

"Just like this, this fragmented, absurd and eccentric person who can't be expressed in words, or the life of porcelain that exists, has been barely maintained until the age of 18.

"But it has finally reached the limit."

"Because it instinctively rejects, deletes and forgets, the brain memory on the physical level can no longer maintain the huge memory capacity, and the individual life can no longer sustain it.

"Professor Hanbari, after discussing with Yellen's family members who have no feelings or ties, decided to use the last method of life support for it, connecting it to Daluotian through a brain computer..."

Mr. Xiang couldn't help but said: "Daluotian? Such a convenient place to directly connect and interact with the spirit is full of too many pollution sources that can be directly perceived by it, which seems to be ignited for Yellen's illness. Matches are the same as a library of fireworks."

Burning Lamp Buddha said: "So in the past 18 years, it has been banned from entering Daluotian, and even the Internet and TV have been blocked.

"But it's really not working now.

"Its brain memory has reached its limit, not just the limit of the cerebral cortex, but the real limit after all feasible methods are implanted into the chip and connected to the external biological brain. If you don't want to be exhausted, you need to Cloud storage in Da Luo Tian Zhong to help relieve stress."

"I'm thirsty to the extreme, and drinking poison is also under consideration, even if it soaks my throat a little bit, it's good..."

Xiangjun said: "This is not drinking poison to quench thirst, this is malicious premeditation, such a special spiritual body that is constantly undergoing unknown changes, if it is directly thrown into the best petri dish like Da Luotian, I am afraid that nothing will happen. The thing is, I want to watch the fireworks..."

Burning Buddha said: "These are all promoted by Professor Hanbanni. At that time, everyone's understanding of psychology and spirit was far from what it is now, and they only thought it was simply to maintain life.

"Only Professor Hanbanni seems to have discovered something because of his keen insight into the spirit beyond the times, and because of his perverted mind, he wants to prove something and do something...

"When everyone discovered this, it was already a long time later. Professor Hanbanni's abnormal psychology was accidentally broken through, and the creepy thoughts revealed by the few words and fragments left by him that were not completely destroyed confirmed it. The problem.

"People started to reanalyze his previous behavior with a more mature psychological basis, and then finally determined the maliciousness in it.

"As for why, I still don't know.

"Even after being arrested, it still hasn't been revealed, and no one can pry open the mouth of such a perverted master of psychology."

Xiangjun said: "What happened after connecting to Da Luotian? This should be a key turning point in the next series of events."

Burning Buddha nodded and said: "After the connection, as expected, although the memory of the brain has been temporarily relieved, the rate of deterioration of the disease has begun to increase geometrically.

"The specific detailed data can no longer be effectively monitored, and I don't know what has changed.

"Just a month later.

"Through the monitoring of user background data, a number of communication groups have discovered that in rich areas in Asia, African slums, and Australian battlefields... a large-scale abnormal mental infection suddenly appeared in user groups of different ages and races in many regions.

"Everyone muttered 'God' in a strange tone without subjective consciousness.

"During the treatment of Yellen, Professor Hanbanni marked it with anchoring core training, a symbolic word belonging to Yellen."

"This shows that Yellen has undergone some kind of abnormal growth in a short period of time.

"The spirit has begun to touch the terminal variable individuals who support the lowest level of the Daluotian network.

"It has begun to rely on its own 'empathy' to distort the laws of the bottom of the sky and the judgment mechanism of the human brain, and start to invade in reverse.

"It's just incredible."

"We all know that the essence of Da Luotian is a relatively real group dream composed of a data programming engine that can be effectively combined with the brain and the light of the mind. The information transmission system is the center, and the sound, light, color and shadow provide itself. Dream bubbles.

"Ordinary people entering Daluotian do not have a direct connection with their spirits, but enter the illusion created by the brain, helmet chips, and system engines. The spirit in Daluotian is just a projection.

"In this system, users and Da Luotian have two absolute protections.

"One is that the helmet acts as a regulator to adjust the connection conversion system and assumes the role of a firewall.

"In addition to this, there is a more fundamental thing, the brain's judgment of its own mental fluctuations.

"Two layers of blocking, one internal and one external, turned the original interaction into a one-way feedback, providing good protection for all users connected to Daluotian.

"Even if the spirit comes into contact with the virtual world, it will not be disturbed by it.

"Even some illegal transformations, such as brain-computer interfaces, can destroy the first-layer firewall and have a more direct contact with the data world.

"This kind of thing can only be like raising ghosts, and it can only interfere with the spirit externally, in order to achieve its own goals.

"It can't break through the defenses of the brain."

"But now, this high wall that is absolutely impossible to break has been overcome by Yellen through her alienated talent.

"The user's brain can't distinguish his own soul, and the soul can't tell what is himself, and is mixed with some other things.

"Dreams began to invade reality, and normal Internet users began to invade in reverse..."

"After monitoring this point, the world's major crisis warning was triggered, and some higher-level forces and forces than the medical team that originally only conducted psychological research began to intervene in this treatment that has caused a great threat.

"And after further observations found that the situation was still deteriorating, they began to prepare to cut off the connection between Yellen and the Internet, so as to destroy this uncontrollable change."

Xiang Jun said: "Can this still be cut off?"

Burning Lamp Buddha shook his head: "Of course not.

"Yellen has already completed the monk's spiritual transformation. According to the current judgment, this time may be the moment it connects to the Internet, and she gets rid of the body that has been restraining it.

"But at that time, monk technology had just started, and they didn't have a comprehensive understanding of this basic knowledge, and they didn't know this situation."

"Then just as the armed teams and medical staff were getting ready to flip the switch on the internet connection, Yellen woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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