Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 618, Cooperation

Chapter 618, Cooperation

"Only those who are shrouded in this twilight of the soul know that what kind of power, how huge an empire, even the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can't compare with their own eternal vigor, only this is living."

"Back when a group of old immortals had just completed their spiritual transformation and then had this indelible mark of the past, many people thought it was a curse.

"A curse against the laws of nature.

"But I know, we all know, the reality tells us that this world is materialistic, and all phenomena have laws, which can be solved by technical means, and the inability to solve it is nothing more than insufficient technology."

"I have conducted in-depth research on this, and learned that the reason for the appearance of the imprint of the old days is probably the long experience of a natural person's life, the aging of the physical body, mixed together and solidified into an obsession in the mind.

"And this is combined with the obsession to reinvent the self in the spiritual transformation technology, so that it basically becomes the person that existed in the past."

"According to this guess, in order to solve the problem, we need to adjust the logic of our own existence and reshape ourselves at the level of molecular thoughts.

"This is a huge project that requires fantasy-level computing support. In this world, only Zhou Tianxinghe, who is in charge of the future, can do it. But at that time, I was out of the game..."

"However, in addition to this fundamental solution to the problem, I believe there must be other feasible solutions.

"That's why I look for individuals with an extremely special spirit, hoping to find hope in them to improve their condition.

"After all sorts of searching.

"I found out that Yellen's special state of life can be said to be the best solution. Life and death, constant reincarnation, all kinds of old and dead spirits will be transformed.

"But... the practice of the original question chapter requires talent, and I don't have such a talent..."

"Know that I was arguably the first person to notice Yellen, and the one most eager to transform myself through this path.

"But without that talent..."

"It's like Zhou Tianxinghe, who obviously started the preparations first, got up early in the morning, but ended up with nothing..."

From the fluctuations in his tone, it can be heard that even now, the Burning Lamp Buddha is still not fair.

But it is also true that no one can be calm after letting anyone go through such a situation.

Mr. Xiang just listened and didn't talk too much. It's not good to say anything at this time.

After being so quiet for a while, the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng regained his composure and continued:
"After the real observation of Yellen's soul, we understand its absolute advantage in the field of information, and also understand the ridiculousness of those thoughts that were born before.

"We can't restrict it at all, so how can we talk about defensive restrictions? It's just a delusion born of ignorance."

"Through the open and in-depth communication with Yellen, we finally understood why it appeared through the original human body and communicated with us."

"It is the thinking training and personality imprinting of the medical team headed by Professor Hanbanni for many years.

"And more importantly, the information pollution it accepts, most of the data sources that can be infected in Daluotian are people, or are created with people as the core.

"As a result, there is recognition and recognition of 'people' in the macroscopic thinking and cognition."

"Of course, everyone doesn't believe it internally. Many people think that it appears only because it is too lonely as a natural and unique type of special intelligence.

"It's as if someone suddenly looks up and looks at the vast and endless universe and starry sky, feeling that everything is so small and lonely.

"Although human beings can communicate with each other, it can also do the same, and can even secretly interact with people through Daluotian, but this is not reciprocal and cannot produce satisfaction.

"It wants to communicate with the only civilization that exists on Earth in a dignified and normal way."

"No matter what everyone thinks, no matter what the facts are, but as far as it is concerned, there is really no way to refuse this kindness, and it is impossible to bear the consequences of it just leaving and doing what it wants to do.

"I don't want to disrupt the current stable relationship, and of course I have some expectations for the future.

"So we can only be friendly, according to Yellen's idea, with the original laboratory as the core, we start a more in-depth cooperation."

"Compared to before, Yellen's identity has changed from the original experiment volunteer to the real leader of the experiment.

"The laboratory's project has also changed from its own research to cooperation on this basis to conduct research on high-tech.

"Because it was in another round of rapid development of information technology at that time, a series of information experiment projects with extremely optimistic expectations were born.

"The laboratory has Yellen's advantages, so the research direction is based on this.

"In this regard, the name of the laboratory was changed from the original 'Institute of Super Artificial Intelligence' to 'Institute of Design and Weaving of Super Artificial Intelligence'."

Xiang Jun nodded, "So the real name of the laboratory is 'Institute of Super Artificial Intelligence, Design and Weaving'?"

Burning Lamp Buddha said: "Both meanings are the same, both are fine, that is, super artificial intelligence is researching, and at the same time it is researching super artificial intelligence."

"As the research lab began to operate and started on the right track, Yellen began to show a strong scientific research ability that is not inferior to the intelligent core.

"In other words, it is precisely because of the unique soul core and logic different from that of ordinary people that it has a great talent advantage in research.

"For many established issues, it has constructive opinions from strange perspectives that ordinary people can hardly think of.

"Many unsolvable passes can come up with weird but natural solutions.

"Gives a lot of inspiration to everyone, and finally gave birth to a lot of results, many of which you should know or even use, such as:

""Basic Practice - Special Programming Language and Symbols 'Cloud Talisman'"

""Logic and Anti-Logic Mystery Ideas?"

"How to Build Your Own Exclusive Core?"

"Variables in the Black Box...

"There are also some formulas and papers that are extremely important in the development of information technology, all of which were born."

"Of course, excellent researchers under normal logic also gave Yellen a great influence.

"Based on the data information and more essential mathematical cognitive logic of normal monks, it has created a unique perspective and logic based on its own.

"The mathematical language 'source quality' of the cognitive world that is difficult for normal people to understand, and the programming language 'source quality data' designed based on it..."

(End of this chapter)

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