Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 619, Way of Heaven

Chapter 619, Way of Heaven

"The two sides are like yin and yang, chaos and order, colliding with each other to create a Tai Chi-like chemical reaction, and with the real results, all bystanders can't help but look sideways.

"Everyone began to pay more attention to Yellen, began to increase investment, and the cooperation between them was further deepened.

"The Federal Academy of Higher Information Sciences invited Yellen to join the 'Experimental Center on the Connection and Transformation Methods between the Human Soul and Special Artificial Intelligence'.

"At the same time, with its help, we have jointly researched a set of human AI ascension methods called the monk's standard level template.

"This is the embryonic form of the cultivation path of scholars and Confucian scholars in the three major cultivation systems.

"Afterwards, this laboratory was called the 'Jixia Academy' by the major academies among the scholars."

"And that's what you know.

"The five top martial arts prosthetic groups, in order to seize the times, cooperated with Yellen to establish the 'Deduction Committee on the Future Standardization of Prosthetic Technology and the Martial Arts Joint Laboratory'.

"A set of martial arts upgrade templates has been developed, or the 'standard template for future prosthetic bodies'."

"And these successes have continued to attract more people's hearts and pursuits.

"Various project invitation emails are flying in like snowflakes, and everyone hopes to succeed because of it, as if this previous monster has become a god in a sense that can turn decay into magic."

"But Yellen didn't agree to any of the invitations, she turned them all down.

"Because it has more important things at this time, it launched a super artificial intelligence project that is almost impossible to complete in the Institute of Super Artificial Intelligence Weaving and Design.

"This is also the final result of the laboratory."

Lord Xiang said: "The way of heaven."

Burning Lamp Buddha said: "According to what Yellen said, it was discovered after a long period of systematic observation of human civilization from another unknown angle.

"Human civilization is on the brink of a derailment caused by imbalance.

"It's constantly falling."

"As we all know, a healthy and powerful civilization is mainly composed of a mathematical system that goes deeper into the essence of the world, and theoretical science based on this to understand the world, and a stronger energy utilization rate and material science and engineering capabilities.

"And the eco-social organization among the individuals that make up civilizations, each mutually reinforcing.

"One is indispensable.

"Human civilization is now, first of all, in terms of theoretical science, based on the scientific progress brought about by the blessing of the brain as a fruit of wisdom such as Taoism, the cognition of the world has penetrated to a certain essential level, very deep.

"And relying on the advanced application of cutting-edge physics, Lei Chi's infinite energy ignited a fire in the cold and dark universe.

"And that led to a rapid development of materials science and engineering capabilities, which spread to other sciences.

"Let the flower of technology bloom completely."

"But then the chain got stuck. It was supposed to be passed to the end, and then returned to the human beings who are the core. The step of making society change has not been completed.

"On the contrary, the original society has been plunged into a greater division, or even tearing.

"The fair but abnormal distribution/distribution system allows some people to claim that they have worked hard while plundering the fruits that should belong to everyone.

"Poverty and wealth are more absolute than ever, making the contradictions more acute than ever.

"But the cheap and absolute violence brought about by the development of science and technology suppresses everything, and also locks up all changes, making everything gradually wither."

"Why did this happen?"

"What is the root cause of all this?"

"Social system?"

"No, it has nothing to do with these things, even if we overturn everything and replace it with some other shit, so what?

"The situation has changed for hundreds of thousands of years, and I don't know how many times the banner has been changed.

"Facts tell us that no matter how perfect the system is, it will be full of holes in the end, and no matter how proud and well-designed it is, it will look so stupid in the future and will be ridiculed by others.

"Because no matter what kind of system, what kind of system, it will ultimately fall on people.

"And some kind of bad root in people, or some kind of root substance."

"Deceit, vanity, greed, laziness, arrogance, oppression, persecution of the same kind...

"Love, devotion, adoration, pity, alienation and distortion of oneself...

"These substances that make up the human soul can almost represent a person's own things.

"It will distort all rational rules."

"This is not a simple criticism. These complex emotions were once advanced, and they were also advanced manifestations. They were the greatest driving force for thinking and uniting everyone. progress.

"But at the same time, times have changed and times have changed. In the new era, these bad roots have also become obstacles to new progress.

"That's the root of it.

"Humanity's current backward social ecology, which has become the truth for thousands of years, is no longer suitable for the future world with more and more technological development.

"The entire human civilization is gradually being pulled by the old things, falling into the abyss little by little."

"I want to get rid of all this, I want to make up for this last shortcoming.

"To achieve real progress, human beings need a huge system that transcends all human nature, and integrates and connects everyone with the absolute rationality brought by the greatest sensibility.

"This is the original intention of the way of heaven."

Xiang Jundao: "But judging from the current results, although the Dao of Heaven is closely related to human society, it is the last reliance of the Federation on the bottom people.

"But it didn't play the expected role and effect, integrating and linking everyone."

Burning Buddha said: "That's because the current Tiandao is just a very powerful, extremely powerful, Tao-like artificial intelligence called 'Tiandao'.

"It's still just AI.

"It's not Dao, it's not the real 'Day of Heaven' as imagined."

"Tao is formless, and it is made by people's force, but heaven is rooted in people's hearts, and there is heaven because of people.

"If there is to be a true 'Day of Heaven', this thing must be the natural result of the harmony between man and nature.

"No matter how powerful an artificial intelligence is, it's just illusory, superficially powerful.

"Only when it becomes truly non-existent and ubiquitous, rooted in people's hearts, and turned into an invisible bridge connecting all people, this is the real 'Day of Heaven', the 'Way of Heaven' in people's hearts."

Mr. Xiang couldn't help but frowned and said: "Is this a bit too fantasy? Compared with today's heaven, it can be said that there is still a huge difference."

(End of this chapter)

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