Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 623, Allies

Chapter 623, Allies

"No matter what, it's not like a little monk like us can turn the sky with a useless origin of chaos."

Mr. Xiang: "We are not alone. There are many people who are dissatisfied with the current world."

Mrs. Xiang: "Today is different from the past. Ordinary people are far behind armed robots, let alone those strategic weapons.

"Not to mention those people in the sky, who are just about to buy people's hearts through unlimited consumption. For everyone, the real good days have just arrived."

Mr. Xiang: "It's not ordinary people, but some of the same meat-eaters. Some people get taller, while others are left behind, like martial saints, like burning lamps.

"Not to mention that there are so many people who don't have any other thoughts, they are so absolutely united.

"We can get to this point, and we can know this, which can already explain the problem. Many people are dissatisfied with the status quo, and we have potential."

Mrs. Xiang: "You can't have too much hope for these guys, although now they are in the same position as us and get along well.

"But the fundamental reason for their stance is that they are dissatisfied because they have lost their own interests and received too little.

"Support for us, hope that we can bring about change in a stable situation that is not good for them, and hope for more.

"Compared to those high-ranking guys, they are also carnivores. Logic is profit. If you really want to overthrow everything and lose everything, you may not be willing.

"The only one you can really rely on is yourself."

Mr. Xiang: "Don't be too pessimistic. Although these guys have their own thoughts, they are also strengths that can be borrowed. For now, they have already given us a lot of help, which is enough.

"In addition to these people, there are still people who really want to change the route. These guys can be regarded as firm enough friends."

Mrs. Xiang: "But the problem is that such a person is bound to be hidden in the current world situation. Where should I find it? How can I believe it?"

Xiang Jun: "A person with such a mind would not say that he just thinks in his heart and waits slowly, and he will definitely actively seek out variables."

Mrs. Xiang: Take the initiative to seek contact. Based on our experience at this want to say...Miss Suzi.

"Based on this person's performance since we met, especially after this trouble, it is indeed possible.

"But this is just a guess, how can you be sure?"

Xiang Jun: "Try it, if you are dissatisfied with the current society and want to find another way out.

"In the face of the tendency we have shown based on boarding logic, it must be repulsive, and there will be no friendly attitude.

"Conversely, if we show an inclination based on the logic of flipping the boat over, it's going to be supportive, or something that's going to show support."

Mrs. Xiang: "Testing is based on information and psychological advantages to make a judgment on the true reaction of the target, but we have no advantage.

"That is the founder of the original questioning chapter and one of the people with the highest practice. In terms of understanding of psychology, there are few people in the world who are better than her.

"Can't you see what we mean?
"How to ensure that she will give real feedback?
"And even if he really wants to find another way out, he still doubts whether we are fake."

Xiang Jun: "Yes, of course she will understand the meaning of our behavior, we also know that she will understand, and she also knows that we know that she understands...

"And this is what we want, so as not to cause misunderstandings and fall into a psychological game of distrust between each other, in order to get real results.

"You must know that this is not a temptation to strangers, but a tacit and tacit inquiry between familiar people who are already suspicious."

Mrs. Xiang: "In that case, let's try it first.

"Even in the end, we can't reach a consensus on this issue, but before we really decide, before everyone else wakes up, we can prepare for it..."

Mr. Xiang: "Let me run again."

After the thought was settled, he went out of his body again.

Instead of using the radio to contact, it might add some variables for no reason. Mr. Xiang directly went to the door in person through the address he wrote down when repairing the real body of Xianchan at the Bodhi Kurong Research Institute.

Bodhi Kurong Research Institute, Dean's Office.

In stark contrast to the unusually wide laboratory and all the furnishings in it, there is a petite figure sitting on the highest raised chair behind the desk.

She didn't have the childish suspenders before, but she was wearing mature and decent research work clothes, but it didn't give people a formal feeling at all.

Of course, the premise is that you don't look at the pair of extremely sharp eyes that are staring at the densely packed and fast-flowing digital reports in front of you.

The 3D projector in the laboratory suddenly started up, and a cloud of abstract colors emerged in mid-air, twisting and transforming into a feminine man in a suit.

"Zhang Baoren, what's the matter with you?"

Suzi slightly raised her head and glanced at him, "Aren't you investigating the root cause of your attack, have you got results?"

"Yes, there is already an answer."

Mr. Xiang stepped forward and came to the opposite side of the table in front of her, and kept saying: "I just learned from other places that Mr. Yellen and the Super Artificial Intelligence Editing and Design Institute and the cause and effect of all this ...bara...bara...bara...

"Ultimately, because of Yellen's fear that the gods will clear everything related to him, and I also suffer from it."

Ms. Suzi put away the digital projection page that was constantly flowing in front of her when she heard this, and said with emotion: "The design and editing institute of super artificial intelligence and Mr. Yellen have such a history.

"Those guys really hid it deep enough, and what you investigated was fast enough and deep enough."

Mr. Xiang shook his head and said, "It's just a coincidence."

Suzi said: "I've been looking for it for a long time, but I haven't found such a coincidence. You just met me in such a short time. It's because I don't have the ability, or you are lucky."

Jun Xiang said: "Of course it's my luck, I caught up with the time."

Miss Suzi shook her head: "You didn't come here just to tell me this, did you? What else..."

Mr. Xiang straightened his expression, and said seriously: "Now we just investigate the cause and effect, and then we need to face how to solve this problem.

"I thought about it, and if I want to completely solve these problems, I have to start with the taboo.

"And this taboo is the most troublesome, and there are two that have been hit and monitored most strictly. One is the source quality data that may contain the secret of Mr. Yellen's talent.

"This is the reason why I am in trouble now. I have a bit of talent for this, but a clever woman can't cook without rice. I really can't find new data. I can't be as desperate as 23.

(End of this chapter)

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