Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 624, Quan Xi

Chapter 624, Quan Xi

"In addition to this, the other thing that has been hit hard is the Armed Forces of God.

"Although it is said that the related troubles involved in it have been solved and cleaned up.

"But because my perception of this itself has a big gap."

"The reason I've heard that God's Armed Forces was attacked is because it may hold the key to the connection between heaven and human beings in Yellen's plan.

"But this is obviously inconsistent with the rumors that God's armed forces are variables under the law of heaven and have certain unique characteristics.

"If you want to say that the rumors are rumors and falsehoods, the actions of Lingshan and the blows it suffered prove that this statement is true.

"On the other hand, the Confucianist line that is also related to Yellen, which is parallel to or even more serious than the Armed Forces of God, is alive, but the Armed Forces of God is regarded as a very big taboo.

"Obviously something is not very reasonable."

"So I wondered, is there a mistake in the legend that has been resolved, and the thing is still there?"

"I want to investigate.

"But there is really not much news about the Armed Forces of God. The specific whereabouts have been divided up after the previous war. All the Armed Forces of God have been scattered, and the heads that may be related have also been recovered. There are no clues left.

"There is really no way out, and I finally thought about the fact that you were the chief engineer of the Qingdi Changsheng Pill before, and the spine of the Qingdi Changsheng Pill is connected to the brain. Do you know anything about it.

"That's why I deliberately came up to ask for advice."

Miss Suzi glanced at him and said, "You may be disappointed, the things have indeed been destroyed, I have seen this scene with my own eyes.

"And the reason why you feel that those related situations are mutually illogical is that the specific reason is that there are no related situations related to the original God's armed forces."

Mr. Xiang asked puzzledly: "Original God's Armed Forces? Are you talking about the one and only God's Armed Forces developed by the 'Regarding the Prosthetic Body Technology Future Standardization Deduction Committee and the Martial Arts Joint Laboratory'?"

Miss Suzi shook her head: "That's just the primitive God's armed forces known to ordinary people. In fact, there is a more primitive God's armed forces..."

Mr. Xiang: "I would like to hear the details."

Miss Suzi said: "You should have a deep understanding of the current God's armed forces."

"This special prosthetic body is based on martial arts, it is in line with the human body, and it perfectly fits Huang Ting's body and nerves.

"Each organ contains a god, each with its own function, and all the gods take the five internal organs as the core to form 5 major systems, and the 5 major systems are also compatible with each other, so they can be truly integrated.

"The 'Golden Crow' of the Red Emperor God's Stove and the 'He Tu' of the Black Emperor Dragon Turtle Figure represent the blessed land and the cave, where water and fire are combined, yin and yang are combined, and there are thousands of good fortunes, which can evolve the prototype of the world.

"Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum of All Things is a sentient being, and after integrating into the world, it can make it complete.

"The 'Spirit Mountain' of Baidi Wangtiancheng brings sublimation and connects reality at the same time.

"The 'blue sky' of the last Qingdi Changsheng Pill represents circulation, allowing the world to be born from this, and making the spirit circulate and youthful.

"The only thing is that there is no place for the brain, this organ is not missing, it is called Niwan Tianting in God's Armed Forces.

"Heaven itself does not have its own gods, and its corresponding gods are the 'primordial spirit of monks' and 'intelligent core'.

"At the same time, it is also the core that carries the integration of the five major systems. The five major systems that multiply each other can be completely transformed into a complete and complete data fairyland in the mud pill, which can also be called the inner world, the inner scene world.

"The primordial spirit enters it and becomes God."

"This step is also a core step ritual of primitive Confucianism and Taoism.

"The virtual fairy world is the protection of the consciousness of the primordial spirit, and at the same time nourishes and grows the ai primordial spirit through the embryos of this world.

"This is the essence of the Armed Forces of God.

"Many people should have guessed about this..."

Xiang Jun nodded.

Miss Suzi continued: "But this is just the design of the current set of God's weapons.

"In the earliest and most primitive design, the position of the brain clay pill has its own gods, which is why Mr. Yellen served as the chief engineer of the brain in God's planning committee.

"At that time, the core design of the entire God's Armed Forces was based on this, with the brain gods as the core, and all the gods around the body were fused together, and finally turned into the most powerful emperor of heaven.

"Then the primordial spirit merges with this, and the god and I are one.

"There is a little way of the current immortal way."

"It was only at that time that the gods and prosthetic body templates were manufactured, the fusion of the gods and the prosthetic body, and the adjustment of the prosthetic bodies have not yet been perfected.

"So I gave up this design, and made some adjustments on the original basis, changing the five emperors ascending to heaven into five emperors uniting the way, and modifying the original template to the current appearance.

"That part of the brain god is superfluous, because of the change of the design, it is useless, and there is no more research, and this becomes the only one."

Mr. Xiang asked: "What's so special about this god whose source is the brain? What kind of function does it have? Why is it taboo?"

Miss Suzi said: "This god is called Quanxi, and its specific function is to be related to the way of heaven, which just fits what you have learned.

"This is also the core difference in the design of the two sets of God's Armed Forces before and after. The virtual world formed by the current God's Armed Forces will not be directly related to the way of heaven."

Mr. Xiang was a little puzzled when he heard the words: "I remember what I learned, Mr. Yellen's plan is to directly connect with all living beings through the way of heaven, so is the role of this seal of authority a little too redundant?

"Or is it said that there was no idea of ​​​​the way of heaven when this design was made, but why do you say that God's Armed Forces are also in the plan?"

Ms. Suzi said: "These two connections are different. I have heard Mr. Yellen say that Quanxi represents a more essential and core connection.

"It is an upgrade based on the former, and it is reserved for future preparations."

"More essential?"

Mr. Xiang thought for a while, and said: "If the key to the problem is this god.

"Then it means that Lingshan was attacked before because of mastering the seal of power, which means that the God's Armed Forces he reorganized is the first set of God's Armed Forces, but according to the information it collected and the laboratory made are the second set, Is this technically possible?"

Suzi said: "The two sets are basically the same, as long as a simple adjustment is made, the only thing that is completely different is the brain pill."

Mr. Xiang: "And this was taken away by those guys... Not being able to really be sure is a kind of certainty in itself. It seems that there is a high probability that the original God's armed forces will be reorganized in Lingshan."

"It's not that I don't know where this seal of authority came from.

"It's as if it was taken out of thin air.

"Other God's armed forces have their origins.

"The heart is Luya, the liver is you, the spleen is the horse's tomb, the lungs are itself, the kidneys are me, and those bits and pieces are made by myself.

"The importance of the Brain Power Seal is definitely not an item that can be imitated.

(End of this chapter)

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