Chapter 625, clues

"At the same time, it wasn't already there.

"What kind of history is this?

"Could it be the Burning Lamp Buddha?"

"It's not 'Musk'. If he got it, it would definitely not be used like it is now."

Ms. Suzi, "I have always wondered about this issue. After giving up this set of designs at the earliest, the redundant gods were taken away by Mr. Yellen and have never been found.

"The only place where the suspicion might exist is the shadow Yellen, that is, the Yellen robot that I met on the smuggling road..."

"Shadow Yellen? That intelligent robot that was hunted down by Miss Suzi and Daojun Lu Ya, and seems to represent the continuation of Yellen's life."

Mr. Xiang thought, "This is the reason why he was being tracked? But what is the origin of this?

"Based on the appearance of Mr. Yellen described by the burning lamp ancient Buddha, it is unlikely that such a thing will be left behind normally. If it is someone else, who is this person?"

"At the same time, for those enemies, everything related to Mr. Yellen will inevitably be severely attacked. This is the case with source quality data, and the same is true for God's armed forces. It makes no sense to leave this more straightforward with robots."

Miss Suzi continued: "Shadow Yellen can be said to be a special phenomenon in the modern city, an urban ghost story.

"It first appeared after Mr. Yellen disappeared. Of course, we now know that He turned into the Heavenly Dao, became the Heavenly Dao, just after He himself disappeared.

"There are some abnormal awakening events of intelligent robots in various parts of the world without any regularity.

"Robots of various functional models suddenly abandoned the past, called themselves Yellen, and got rid of the original program-planned action trajectory. They seemed to be looking for something along certain specific paths."

"When dissecting this, only fragments of source quality data were found on it, so I don't know what happened.

"It is said that these robots are related arrangements left by Mr. Yellen, and are responsible for handing over some things to future people. Some interested people have been chasing this, hoping to get this secret."

"Then after gradually accumulating those source quality fragments over the years, and restoring a considerable amount of data, it was discovered that there were traces of the seal of authority.

"I suspect that this is what exists on it."

"If you want to say who can get Quan Xi, the only way is through this.

"But according to my knowledge of the recent appearances of Shadow Yellen and all the pursuits she has suffered, there is no trace of Lingshan."

Jun Xiang said: "Is it possible that what it got before, it just happened to meet at this moment?"

Suzi said: "If you got it before, it doesn't match the signs shown by Lingshan.

"Although these god-armed laboratories were established shortly after Lingshan AI took over the wo foundation, the research at that time was mainly based on the practice of Baidiwangtiancheng.

"Its more urgent collection of this is in the immediate period of time.

"To be more precise, it was after the shadow Yellen appeared this time."

Mr. Xiang asked, "Does that mean it has something to do with the shadow Yellen this time?"

"I remember that the appearance of the shadow Yellen this time is mainly due to the competition between you and Daoist Lu Ya. If there is a problem, don't you find anything abnormal?"

Miss Suzi shook her head: "Except for some routine fragments, there is nothing extra to gain."

Xiang Jun: "Could it be Lu Ya? He got something and secretly gave it to Lingshan. Before that, the video of the struggle between him and Lingshan was just a show, and he gave it to it on purpose."

Miss Suzi still vetoed, "Probably not, Lu Ya didn't have direct contact with Shadow Yellen at that time, and he couldn't hide anything from me.

"And even if he really got it, it is impossible to hand it over to Lingshan. This is not in line with Lu Ya's usual style. He must use it for himself, or use this thing to obtain greater profits."

Mr. Xiang was completely confused, "What's going on? It's not you, and it's not Lu Ya. Could there be someone else, um... It seems that there are others..."

Mr. Xiang suddenly thought of that smuggling trip. In addition to the main competitor like Suzi, there were also normal stowaways who passively participated in the chase, such as himself.

One of the most doubtful is himself.

Mr. Xiang recalled the smuggling time not long ago, which seemed to be a long time ago.

The intelligent robot who called himself Yellen was the first smuggling gang he encountered, and he was very proactive after meeting him.For himself and such a stranger, he showed an unusual communicative intimacy.

I had doubts about this before, and after I finally found out that Yellen was a robot, I thought it was the sympathy shown by him after he discovered that he was also an intelligent robot.

But now that he knows so much, he has to have doubts again?
Is it intentional?
If the appearance of the shadow Yellen is not random, whether it is not intentional to appear at the abnormal time node on the smuggling road, and that performance must imply thoughts.

But if it was me who had the problem, why didn't I find anything?
Such an intelligent core is no small thing.

Even if you don't put things directly on yourself, but use yourself as a medium, and only leave a mark, you can't say that you can't feel it at all now?

Now it’s not that I didn’t enter the Tao at the beginning, and I have too little control over myself. Now I am an archmage who is not bad among the monks, although he is dying...

But don't let people be fooled like this.

If it wasn't for me... then... I still have a mouthful.

Could it be that it is the problem?
The marking clues are on it?
Mr. Xiang was thinking a lot in his heart, and at the same time nodded to Miss Suzi in front of him and said: "Thanks to your clarification, I have some guesses about these, but I am not sure yet so I dare not speak nonsense."

Miss Suzi shook her head and said, "I don't even know what the specific situation is. It's your luck. If you want to thank you, you should also thank yourself."

Xiang Jundao: "Without the basis you told me, I can't make any guesses. As for luck, I really don't need to thank you. Even if I figured it all out, the thing I was looking for this time, the only thing that existed, has long since disappeared. , what kind of luck."

Suzi: "Information is also power, and sometimes it is even more useful. Remember to send me a copy of the answer when you have figured everything out."

Mr. Xiang nodded: "It's natural..."

A fast-flowing data panel appeared in front of Ms. Suzi again, she focused her attention on it, and said casually, "See you later."

Mr. Xiang nodded, and the 3D projection turned into a pool of color and disappeared into the office.



Mr. Xiang: "It can be basically confirmed now that Miss Suzi is indeed dissatisfied with reality and wants to go another way."

Mrs. Xiang: "This can be regarded as a piece of good news in the misfortune. For us to take this road, we have an extra strength that we can rely on. Is the next step going to be based on this to reach out to other people?"

(End of this chapter)

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