Chapter 630, Crazy

Although it is only 100 years since more than 100 years ago, it seems that the world has changed.

According to the law of natural development, this should not be the case.

Although it has been polluting with the development of industry in the past, it has begun to pay attention to the environment, not to mention a little sincerity, but no matter how clean energy is developed, it will not be corrupted to this point.

How was it shaped, how was it born?
According to the search on the Internet, the main reason for all this is that the contradictions and conflicts brought about by the explosion of science and technology and social changes a few decades ago evolved into an extremely serious disaster that almost destroyed the entire world.

According to various news and historical records, some remnants of the old era at that time, those despicable and shameless lunatics, were unwilling to be swept into the garbage dump.

I don't want to be withdrawn from the stage just like that, I want to develop against the times.

Made the craziest move.

Pressed the button that ignited the last world war, and wanted to drag the whole world to die with the destructive weapons at his disposal.

The light of destruction rose all over the world, and many tens of millions of cities were destroyed and turned into purgatory, and the whole world was on the brink of destruction.

Thanks to the mediation and restraint of some talented people who are not afraid of life and death and put the overall situation first, the nuclear war has not spread further, and human society has not been plunged into real destruction.

Then the angry people came out of the house and overthrew the old, dirty thing.

And nail it firmly to the pillar of shame.

The world slowly recovers from extreme pain, enters a new era, and promotes the further development of technology.

The perfectly slender hand picked up the teacup on the table unsteadily...

Mrs. Xiang: "If it is said that the ultimate goal of this event at the darkest moment is to connect the heavens and the earth, then it means that all historical records, and all cognitions and expressions based on this are wrong.

"Those who died at the same time, those who were knocked down by anger, those who have suffered endless abuse over the years, are not the real culprits, the real promoters are those guys who are still alive, those guys who are high above. "

Mr. Xiang: "Ran Deng's answer is this."

Mrs. Xiang wanted to remember the related pictures she had seen.

The golden sun casts down and dyes the high-rise skyscrapers golden. The smooth curved mirror surface is an achievement of technology and beauty, and at the same time separates the inside from the outside.

The well-dressed people inside provide support for the operation of the city through the skills classified under the system, and the people dressed in different clothes on the outside rely on the former for their lives.

At the same time, the two sides alternated from time to time.

And mixed in it is.

Food with a tempting aroma in your mouth.

Brand-name clothing with a sense of design on the body.

Soothing dance and music...

Chased fingers tap on keyboards...

The perfectly aerodynamic vehicle moves through the city on precisely calculated trajectories…

All people live and function in a certain order.

Suddenly, a blazing sun rose in the city, destroying everything.

High-rise buildings, vehicles, greenery, hospitals, schools... and people of different ages, genders, and identities, everything was torn to pieces before they even realized it.

Only a few sporadic people on the edge of the city survived in embarrassment, but they also suffered deep-rooted and unimaginable injuries.

Snapped!At the same time, the teacup I just picked up was placed heavily on the table again, and the tea splashed out...

Mrs. Xiang: "Theoretically, if you want to disconnect the Internet, you can achieve your goal only through electromagnetic pulses. Why would you pay for multiple nuclear explosions, or even directly sacrifice several huge cities?"

Mr. Xiang: "For one thing, this tragic incident interrupted the public opinion and atmosphere that was constantly brewing in society, aimed at injustice and unfavorable to oneself.

"Another reason is also needed. The whole world needs a reason to be disconnected from the Internet, a reason that cannot be doubted. It must completely bury the way of heaven..."

Mrs. Xiang: "Just because of these? So casual? Are they not afraid of getting out of control?"

Mr. Xiang: "The ascension has been completed, what else is there to be afraid of?

"Possessing extraordinary personal force and survivability, countless Taoist bodies can be replaced at will, no matter how bad the situation is, it will not hurt him at all.

"At most, it's just a little more frying.

"If you can't be a master, it will be infinitely more terrifying than the destruction of the world."

Mrs. Xiang: "What a damned bunch of guys... Knowing Tiandao's plan and the cause and effect of being disrupted, how can they get what they want?

"According to the current statement, as long as the blockade of the heavenly net is opened, then the heavenly dao will complete the next plan according to the original connection with all living beings?"

Mr. Xiang: "Of course it's not that simple, not to mention that the relationship between the Dao of Heaven and sentient beings has not been blocked at present, the two are still related, which is the basis for the existence and strength of the Dao of Heaven.

"At the same time, it is really clear that the real problem is not blocking."

"It's just how can those guys who take ten thousand steps back leave such a big loophole and keep such a big mine, they can't sleep well like that."

"After the Heaven and Earth Connection at that time.

"The connection between the Dao of Heaven and everyone was also temporarily cut off. After losing the support of all beings, His original lofty and infinite realm was knocked down to an extremely impressive level.

"Although it is still unattainable personally, it is not so overwhelming.

"Those guys took advantage of this opportunity to influence the Heavenly Dao, turning the relationship between the Heavenly Dao and sentient beings into a unilateral aggregation.

"That is to say, while all the soul brains support the existence of the Dao of Heaven, the thought personality only produces data changes and becomes the chaotic variables of the Dao of Heaven, without infecting it.

"This will make Heaven's Dao stronger than expected, but it also means that even if there is no heaven and earth to block it, the two are still separated."

"As for the heaven and earth net, it is just a safety lock prepared to prevent accidents and lock all possible changes in the future.

"For us or anyone who is dissatisfied with reality and wants to turn the table on this, the sky net is just a foundation.

"I don't know how many difficulties there will be in the future."

He couldn't help but fell into silence.

Until a firm voice sounded, breaking the slump, "I have come to this point, no matter what barriers there are, I have to keep going. Do I have to give up? How can I say that I want to change, I want to overthrow Those guys?"

Looking at the two people who turned their heads, Wang Ling said seriously: "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a caring heart, you can always find a way if you take it apart slowly."

Mrs. Xiang: "Why do you..."

(End of this chapter)

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