Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 631 Concentric

Chapter 631 Concentric

Wang Lingdao: "What am I? Why have I suddenly become so active and determined?

"Because I found out it was the right thing to do.

"The support I gave you before was more about persistence and choice in the entanglement.

"But after learning about those things in the past, based on my own position, I feel from the bottom of my heart that what you did was correct and must be done.

"do you understand?"

Mrs. Xiang nodded: "Understood."

Wang Ling said complicatedly: "I don't have the kind of courage that even my own father would have to die compared to justice, but... mistakes are indeed mistakes, and they must be corrected.

"The world really needs to change..."

Xiang Jun smiled and said: "It's rare to be so concentric, let's start quickly and see what the trouble is."

The three sat down seriously.

Mrs. Xiang took the lead and said: "To achieve the ultimate goal, the first thing we have to face is the systematic system of the sky and the earth."

"After so many years of technological development and accumulation, this system already possesses extremely strong power, and can even affect the way of heaven.

"Based solely on the comparison of real strength, we, including Miss Suzi, and even more people, cannot have much influence on it."

Mr. Xiang: "We don't need to completely destroy it, we just need to open the shackles on the way of heaven. This most powerful vast torrent will naturally break through all troublesome obstacles with instinct."

Wang Ling: "It's not that easy, they must have countless backup methods for this, and we can only have one chance at most.

"If you want to really get what you want, you must start from the root of the soul and make it unstoppable."

Xiang Jun: "The reason why the Tianluodi network system is powerful is the Tianhe satellite cluster that relies on the foundation of the entire Daluotian.

"At the same time, this is where the flaw lies.

"If it was in the past, with its absolute control over the stars and satellites in the sky, it would naturally be a perfect integration of the inside and the outside, but not long ago.

"The ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp exposed the foundation of the future Constellation Buddha who almost proved his way. Zhou Tian Xingdou's authority has shifted, which makes many things variable and the future is uncertain."

Wang Ling: "The question is how to make Ran Deng willing to take action?"

Mr. Xiang: "Perhaps I don't need to trouble him. He who possesses this ability must be tabooed the same as us.

"This may be another reason why Ran Deng remains anonymous, and why we can get his honesty.

"He had to act."

Mrs. Xiang: "You can't be so optimistic, ordinary people might be like this, but Ran Deng is not an ordinary character, don't forget his identity.

"The future Buddha of Buddhism, who is old with the World Honored One, and has the support of most ancient gods, how can such a person be taboo."

"Incognito is more likely to want to leave a dark hand.

"And now that it is exposed, it may not be impossible to mediate.

"They are the same carnivores, they are of the same kind, they have the basis of cooperation and negotiation, don't think that they can become our people.

"If you want him to make a move and make a choice, the only possibility is to show enough benefits."

Wang Ling: "What benefit? Money? Can it offset the huge amount of money that would not hesitate to completely offend Zhoutian God and Buddha? Even if we sell us, we won't be able to get it together.

"Not to mention that for a top figure in the world like Ran Deng, the money that is crucial in the eyes of the world and enough to trigger madness is just one of the chips that affect power and influence.

"Although it is important, it is not absolutely important at certain times."

Mrs. Xiang: "Of course it can't be an equivalent exchange like money, but it can only be exchanged for priceless things that are priceless for what he cares about."

Wang Ling: "This is even more impossible. Since the old days, this person has been a big man standing at the top of the pyramid. After all these years, what has he not experienced and what has he not obtained?"

Mr. Xiang: "There is one, there is still one...and we happen to know that it is an obsession in his heart that he has always wanted to get rid of but has not."

Wang Ling: "You mean the ancient gods?"

Xiang Jun: "Yes, the identity of the ancient god, or this identity is the trace of the representative, because the mind is rigid and the body is decayed, and the past has been deeply integrated into the obsession.

"The disgusting stench of the soul and the profound effect on the spirit that should have been buried long ago.

"I remember burning the lamp in the last meeting and talking about it, but showing a deep hatred for it."

Mrs. Xiang: "I remember He said that he wanted to get rid of the imprint of deep-rooted obsession in the soul.

"Unless all the thoughts that make up the soul are atomized and reorganized with fantasy-level computing power, and reborn in this way for another life.

"There is also the transformation through the original question chapter, life and death."

"The former can only be achieved by the Zhoutian Xinghe satellite cluster in this world, and it is controlled by those gods and Buddhas that are born in sequence. We cannot give it, and those people cannot give up this authority.

"And the latter, the original question chapter.

"The practice of this route requires talent, and the lamp does not have such talent because it is restricted by the ancient gods."

Xiang Jun: "But we, or our plan, can give him talent.

"If Tiandao's plan can be successful, the final result will be that people will be bound by a clue and further connected.

"You can empathize with everyone, and you can also understand the truth that I am all living beings and all living beings are me through the absolute fact, and this is the basis of the practice in the original Taoism, so that the practice in the original Taoism becomes possible."

"Didn't the lamp say before: No matter what kind of power, no matter how huge the empire, even the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can't compare to its own eternal vigor, only this is the only way to live.

"Now we can see what his choice is? There are even other ancient gods..."

Wang Ling: "In this way, there is a way and a place for the network of heaven and earth, so let's assume that Ran Deng agrees, and this hurdle, this threshold has passed.

"The next step is not over yet, there are more important and troublesome issues to be solved, how can we continue to push forward Tiandao's plan?
"Reverse the connection between Heaven and sentient beings from a one-way feedback to become infectious?"

Mrs. Xiang: "First of all, where did we get the specific technical means, such an act of changing the logic of the Dao of Heaven is not just a wrench, it must have a deep understanding of the Dao of Heaven.

"This requires extremely advanced application programming methods based on source quality data."

Wang Ling: "With those people's strict defense of everything related to source quality data these years, it is normally impossible to obtain such a technology...

(End of this chapter)

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