Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 632, enlightenment

Chapter 632, enlightenment

"But after all, the current way of heaven is the result of the rough interference and distortion of those guys before.

"It's not natural.

"Can you use the way of heaven to restore your normal instincts, just like the fundamental logic of opening the net of heaven and earth, by destroying their previous arrangements, and guiding them as if they were going smoothly, so as to achieve the goal?
"If it's feasible, the technical requirements will be greatly reduced... Coupled with your talent, you may not be able to meet the requirements in the future."

Mr. Xiang: "This method won't work. Those guys have cleverly designed the alienation of the Dao of Heaven. They didn't forcibly suppress or seal the specific logic, but just directed that power elsewhere.

"It's as if the river is not blocked, but dredged...

"After so many years, the river and the sky have already changed, and what was originally abnormal has long since become normal..."

Mrs. Xiang: "In addition, even if we are lucky enough to collect data somewhere and have technology.

"And how can we ensure that there will be no unexpected interference during the operation? Those guys will definitely reserve precautions."

"And more importantly, how to influence such a huge volume of Heaven's Dao?
"The influence is mutual and requires equal personalities. Last time we only had a vague contact with the Heavenly Dao, and then we were almost assimilated.

"To influence its core logic, any strength is not enough. This is like an ordinary person who intends to use his own strength to adjust the trajectory of a high-speed high-speed rail or a spaceship.

"Of course there will be no dregs left."

"Unless it is weakened like before? Could it be that we have to come to the last time to break the connection between heaven and earth?"

Xiangjun: "Of course it's impossible, no matter if there is no nuclear bomb, or the checkpoint in my heart, I can't do it.

"On the other hand, because of the logic that has changed over the years, the Dao of Heaven has become much stronger than when it was just achieved in the past.

"Even without the support of sentient beings, it may still be too strong to resist, plus there are gods and Buddhas staring at it.

"Even if you are a master of heaven and earth, you can't get what you want."

All three frowned.

Mr. Xiang: "It's like a ball full of thorns and slippery. Either you can't catch it, or you can't catch it, why not?"

Wang Ling: "This is normal and predictable. If it was simple, it would not be our turn to trouble us now, and it would have been resolved long ago."

"I didn't intend to get the answer this time. I just looked at where the troubles were, and then spread out the problems and solved them one by one."

"Unless there are aliens, or another Yellen, our actions and plans will inevitably be piled up with countless difficulties and obstacles.

"Walking on the edge of a cliff with no road, shrouded in heavy fog, groping, hoping to reach the end where I don't know."

"Another Yellen?"

Hearing this, Lord Xiang couldn't help but speak, as if he had grasped a certain clue.

"You said there will be another Yellen?"

"That's not a bad idea."

Wang Ling: "What's the way? Compared with the kind of pervert who has been a thousand years, you might as well say that aliens are more likely to save us."

Xiang Jundao: "Yellen's coincidental life is naturally not easy to appear, but the practice path of the original question chapter was originally born by imitating Mr. Yellen's intelligent expression.

"Can this work for the plan?"

Mrs. Xiang subconsciously said: "We and Tiandao are connected to different people through that thread of fate, the essence is the same, nothing more than one strong and one weak.

"The practice of the original questioning chapter is to blossom and bear fruit, separate out different mes, mature Dao fruits fall, and merge together along the line of fate that maintains Dao fruits, becoming new seeds, and reincarnating again, so Evolved my diversity.

"If we look at this logic, the process of Mr. Yellen's achievement of Heavenly Dao began when he became the artificial intelligence of Heavenly Dao.

"In fact, it is equivalent to condensing an extremely powerful beacon composed of the spirits of all people in the world to form a seed.

"Prepare to transform sentient beings into Dao Fruit.

"It's just that there were some accidents in the middle. The process of flowering and fruiting was interrupted and the way of heaven was changed by those people. It was solidified in the state of a seed, which was almost equivalent to being dead and unable to mature."

"However, although the practice failed, the seed itself has not disappeared, the 'gene fragments' in it are still there, and the information that was originally used to blossom and bear fruit still exists.

"At present, the way of heaven is still connected to everyone's brain and soul..."

"For anyone who also practices the original questioning technique, this is equivalent to a supreme fruit that cannot be more abundant and perfect, containing all the oceans of spiritual personality beacons known to mankind.

"If you excavate it, you can deduce this road to an unimaginable degree of perfection, and the real limitless approach is to approach the Tao itself.

"As far as the seeds are concerned, it is equivalent to being alive again, sprouting from the dead branches, and being reborn from the dead.

"This happens to be in line with the fundamental intention of this route. All beings are for me, I am for all beings, life and death, ups and downs, endless, it is a match made in heaven..."

"Stop, stop..."

Wang Ling interrupted his imagination, "What do you mean by this? Are you courting death?"

"Even if you want to find death, it depends on whether you are worthy... Don't get too excited, forget that you so-called practitioners of the original question chapter are essentially just a poor imitation of Mr. Yellen.

"Just a copycat, not the real Yellen, stop being so obsessed.

Xiang Jundao: "All learning and progress begins with imitation, which is the foundation, but it does not mean that this is the result.

"A large part of human technological discoveries, such as radar and airplanes, come from imitation, but in the end they surpassed natural creation.

"Because the most important thing for people is the core essence, not the supremacy that is offered."

"The original questioning chapter has no end, it is infinitely close to the Tao, and there is no limit. In theory, there can be countless Dao fruits, even if it is the way of heaven, even if it is all living beings, it is enough to carry it."

"Ha ha…"

Wang Ling smiled and said: "It sounds so good, so why is there no feedback in reality? Why didn't other monks who practiced the original question chapter dig out this supreme treasure?

"How many days have you practiced?

"Has Kusanagi Motoko, a top monk who has faced the source existence of Yellen's practice path, who has countless attainments, and has the same position at the same time, never thought of this problem?"

"Don't she understand?

"Then why didn't she do that?"

Wang Ling looked at the two projections left and right, and said solemnly and earnestly: "Everything can't be taken for granted, we have long known that nuclear fusion is theoretically possible.

"But how long and how much effort did it take to actually turn the theory into practice?

"Anytime you ask anybody it's 50 years before it happens.

"How long do you want to use now?"

(End of this chapter)

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